"Endurance also fades if you skip exercising for too many days in a row. The same is true, sadly, with motivation. In study after study, researchers have found that one of the primary reasons people continue exercising is that they enjoyed yesterday’s exercise or the exertions of the day before; they felt healthier and more physically masterful afterward and wish to relive that sensation. Longer periods between exercise sessions potentially could dull that enthusiasm." - http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/06/14/ask-well-how-often-to-exercise/
How to get fit? What is the MOST IMPORTANT factor? My answer is CONSISTENCY. So just before I do what my program says and head off to the gym before doing some sprints on an oval, here is an interesting article which talks about CONSISTENCY and REST.

"It's common wisdom that missing a day or two of exercise makes it harder to get back to it the next day, but The New York Times points out that it's not as cut and dried as simple motivation. A number of other factors show how important consistency is when sticking to a workout..."
... continued at http://lifehacker.com/why-consistency-matters-with-exercise-513762748
And it references the New York Times article which concludes...
“The key is probably to not miss more than two days in a row,” Dr. Joyner says, “and skipping only one day is even better.”
But the greatest of these is CONSISTENCY.
How to get fit? What is the MOST IMPORTANT factor? My answer is CONSISTENCY. So just before I do what my program says and head off to the gym before doing some sprints on an oval, here is an interesting article which talks about CONSISTENCY and REST.

"It's common wisdom that missing a day or two of exercise makes it harder to get back to it the next day, but The New York Times points out that it's not as cut and dried as simple motivation. A number of other factors show how important consistency is when sticking to a workout..."
... continued at http://lifehacker.com/why-consistency-matters-with-exercise-513762748
And it references the New York Times article which concludes...
“The key is probably to not miss more than two days in a row,” Dr. Joyner says, “and skipping only one day is even better.”
But the greatest of these is CONSISTENCY.