By no means speechless, but amazed, aghast, stunned, and gob-smacked are words to describe the reaction of the speedygeese last night at our Christmas dinner when we learned that an awesome Australian Record set by four speedygeese 12 months ago had been confirmed as a World Record!
I still cannot believe it, it has yet to sink in.
I wonder if the four members of our brilliant, amazing, awesome 4 x 1500m W40 relay team feel the same way. You bet they do!
So hard to believe, so unexpected, that our little happy training group would have world record holders. Four of them, indeed!
I mean, it is significant that, for the race itself which was held on 29 November last year, the girls got a team together of friends who knew each other and got on well with each other and trained together, just for the purpose of establishing an ACT record. They didn't try for the best possible team by inviting "faster" and better known runners from outside the group, members of ACTVAC in the W40 age group but who make rare appearances at track, just for the sake of fast times. Let alone going outside the ACT to other Australian athletes for the sake of establishing a world class time. No, the team was made up of four speedygeese who then went for it and excelled themselves.
The world records are in ten year age groups, and this world record is in the W40-49 age group.
I remember having said to the speedygeese, "you don't realise how good you are". Now I think we do.
Charlie, Kelley, Helen, and Katie. World record holders.
Shared I think with all the speedygeese. Not just my input and encouragement; special mention should go to others who are best friends, advisers, helpers, training partners, inspirers in the group for one or more of these four. I think of Maria, Ken, Roger, Mick more recently! Who have stood out, and others like ... no, you have all played your part, it is hard to list names in case I leave someone out unintentionally. We can all share the joy of this world record.
I reproduce in full my excited post from back when I knew this was an Australian record. But it is now a world record! I was as happy as Larry (who is a very happy bloke, I am told) when reporting the Australian record. Now I am just stunned!
"Australia's Best"
"Highlight of Vets track last night was the W40 Australian record set by four of our bestest speediest geese in the 4 x 1500m relay. Charlie and Helen were awesome, each running 4 or 5 second pbs, Kelley did brilliantly in her first track run with us, within a few seconds of her pb, and Katie brought the team home with an improving time this season and was the fastest of the four. The record was by just three seconds!"
"Gorgeous Geese and Speedy too."

"Charlie, Kelley, Helen, Katie after theirAustralian WORLD Record run. Click to enlarge."
I still cannot believe it, it has yet to sink in.
I wonder if the four members of our brilliant, amazing, awesome 4 x 1500m W40 relay team feel the same way. You bet they do!
So hard to believe, so unexpected, that our little happy training group would have world record holders. Four of them, indeed!
I mean, it is significant that, for the race itself which was held on 29 November last year, the girls got a team together of friends who knew each other and got on well with each other and trained together, just for the purpose of establishing an ACT record. They didn't try for the best possible team by inviting "faster" and better known runners from outside the group, members of ACTVAC in the W40 age group but who make rare appearances at track, just for the sake of fast times. Let alone going outside the ACT to other Australian athletes for the sake of establishing a world class time. No, the team was made up of four speedygeese who then went for it and excelled themselves.
The world records are in ten year age groups, and this world record is in the W40-49 age group.
I remember having said to the speedygeese, "you don't realise how good you are". Now I think we do.
Charlie, Kelley, Helen, and Katie. World record holders.
Shared I think with all the speedygeese. Not just my input and encouragement; special mention should go to others who are best friends, advisers, helpers, training partners, inspirers in the group for one or more of these four. I think of Maria, Ken, Roger, Mick more recently! Who have stood out, and others like ... no, you have all played your part, it is hard to list names in case I leave someone out unintentionally. We can all share the joy of this world record.
I reproduce in full my excited post from back when I knew this was an Australian record. But it is now a world record! I was as happy as Larry (who is a very happy bloke, I am told) when reporting the Australian record. Now I am just stunned!
"Australia's Best"
"Highlight of Vets track last night was the W40 Australian record set by four of our bestest speediest geese in the 4 x 1500m relay. Charlie and Helen were awesome, each running 4 or 5 second pbs, Kelley did brilliantly in her first track run with us, within a few seconds of her pb, and Katie brought the team home with an improving time this season and was the fastest of the four. The record was by just three seconds!"
"Gorgeous Geese and Speedy too."

"Charlie, Kelley, Helen, Katie after their