This holiday season I am delighting and/or annoying friends as I seize the moment and take as many photos as I can at our various celebrations. Well, if only one in a hundred photos I take comes out OK, I have to keep snapping (or whatever the digital equivalent of "snapping" is) to have a chance of getting a good one, worth publishing here. The following are as good as it gets.
Speedygeese dinner

Margaret and Ruth

Ken, Helen, Maria, Cathy and others in the background
Roger turns 50.

Roger making sure he blows all the candles out. Eventually.
The world record holders

Charlie, Helen, me, Katie, Kelley at Roger's birthday party. It is a privilege to train with these very talented runners.
DVDs I am watching: Jenny and I watch an episode of the great British comedy series set in France during German occupation, 'Allo 'Allo, most evenings. We are up to series seven. I have all the DVDs except series nine, which hasn't come out yet. Listen very carefully, I will say this only once. Every nationality gets satirised, so funny.
Speedygeese dinner

Margaret and Ruth

Ken, Helen, Maria, Cathy and others in the background
Roger turns 50.

Roger making sure he blows all the candles out. Eventually.
The world record holders

Charlie, Helen, me, Katie, Kelley at Roger's birthday party. It is a privilege to train with these very talented runners.
DVDs I am watching: Jenny and I watch an episode of the great British comedy series set in France during German occupation, 'Allo 'Allo, most evenings. We are up to series seven. I have all the DVDs except series nine, which hasn't come out yet. Listen very carefully, I will say this only once. Every nationality gets satirised, so funny.