Training Thursday - Bronwyn, Christine G, Colin, Geoff B, me, Jacqui, Jodie, Margaret, Matthew, Mick H, Miranda, Neil, Rachelle, Rod, Ruth, Tony tried very hard to do our 12 200s in a continuous relay but it didn't really work as some were running much faster than others. And until we worked out what we were doing, chaos reigned. For another description see allrounder's blog!
I was pleased to run freely for 25k yesterday, only four days after the marathon.
Griffin became Griffin

Major Celebrations Imminent
I have booked at the Thai Chiang Rai restaurant (Emu Bank, Belconnen) for our training group dinner, 7pm Thursday 22 May. I will start taking names now, and as soon as I can acquire the banquet menu/s I will send them around. I booked for thirty but will need names, please.
Retirement? Ptui. I worked for 16 hours yesterday including running and I am still falling behind! And as everyone knows, just when you start getting a few things "completed" the demands increase. But, ha-ha-ha, now I drop everything and go on leave. I am away (on and off) until 11 May (Mothers Day Fun Run day - open to all!) and the days I am here will simply be catch-up, I will not have time to start any new projects or progress current ones!
A Beach Holiday, yay!

The itinerary at this stage is
Leave Monday 21 April for beach holiday, return Monday 28 April
Leave Thursday 1 May for Adelaide, return late Tuesday 6 May
Leave Thursday 8 May for Shellharbour, return late Saturday 10 May.
I was pleased to run freely for 25k yesterday, only four days after the marathon.
Griffin became Griffin

Major Celebrations Imminent
I have booked at the Thai Chiang Rai restaurant (Emu Bank, Belconnen) for our training group dinner, 7pm Thursday 22 May. I will start taking names now, and as soon as I can acquire the banquet menu/s I will send them around. I booked for thirty but will need names, please.
Retirement? Ptui. I worked for 16 hours yesterday including running and I am still falling behind! And as everyone knows, just when you start getting a few things "completed" the demands increase. But, ha-ha-ha, now I drop everything and go on leave. I am away (on and off) until 11 May (Mothers Day Fun Run day - open to all!) and the days I am here will simply be catch-up, I will not have time to start any new projects or progress current ones!
A Beach Holiday, yay!

The itinerary at this stage is
Leave Monday 21 April for beach holiday, return Monday 28 April
Leave Thursday 1 May for Adelaide, return late Tuesday 6 May
Leave Thursday 8 May for Shellharbour, return late Saturday 10 May.