See you all at Parliament House this Monday night!
The forecast is for "Fine and Sunny". No, that cannot be correct. For a start the sun sets well before we are finished; bring a torch! Secondly, I am typing this on Sunday the 20th and releasing it as a scheduled post out of "Blogger in Draft", just as I have for all posts which have (hopefully) appeared in the past week, so I have no idea what the weather has been like or is slated to become.
It's hard to be nice
... when some well meaning friend is so concerned that you are under-nourished and damaging your knees with all your running. And you look at their massive pot belly and you bite your tongue and try to say something positive in return.
... when for the second time in three days some idiot driver sporting both a cap and a P-plate passes you on the wrong side of double lines, when you are doing the speed limit. Non-runners just don't know how to set out early or how to pace themselves, do they?
... in addition to all TV programs being mind-bogglingly stupid, including the so-called news, the stations keep running ads for disgusting looking food. Thank goodness the smell doesn't reach us too!
... when a colleague enters into a serious discussion with you about eating only good food, disclosing they have shopped almost exclusively at health food stores for years in order to stay healthy, and it turns out they smoke. Makes you wonder how evolved we humans really are?
Well, that was last week. There are more of course, but I can stay in glass-half-empty mode only for a few minutes at a time. I am sure I can leave it to the reader to provide their unique contribution to this topic!
Pirate Encyclopedia
The forecast is for "Fine and Sunny". No, that cannot be correct. For a start the sun sets well before we are finished; bring a torch! Secondly, I am typing this on Sunday the 20th and releasing it as a scheduled post out of "Blogger in Draft", just as I have for all posts which have (hopefully) appeared in the past week, so I have no idea what the weather has been like or is slated to become.
It's hard to be nice
... when some well meaning friend is so concerned that you are under-nourished and damaging your knees with all your running. And you look at their massive pot belly and you bite your tongue and try to say something positive in return.
... when for the second time in three days some idiot driver sporting both a cap and a P-plate passes you on the wrong side of double lines, when you are doing the speed limit. Non-runners just don't know how to set out early or how to pace themselves, do they?
... in addition to all TV programs being mind-bogglingly stupid, including the so-called news, the stations keep running ads for disgusting looking food. Thank goodness the smell doesn't reach us too!
... when a colleague enters into a serious discussion with you about eating only good food, disclosing they have shopped almost exclusively at health food stores for years in order to stay healthy, and it turns out they smoke. Makes you wonder how evolved we humans really are?
Well, that was last week. There are more of course, but I can stay in glass-half-empty mode only for a few minutes at a time. I am sure I can leave it to the reader to provide their unique contribution to this topic!
Pirate Encyclopedia