For information of the training group, here is the venue of our next speedygeese dinner.
Thai Chiang Rai
102 Emu Bank Belconnen
7pm Thursday 22 May
Fully Licensed/BYO

I believe the ABS Fun Run is on earlier that day, which can be a replacement training session instead of Dickson.
I will be wanting names for the dinner by the previous Monday, which just happens to be a normal training night at Parliament House, as well as being the ACTVAC AGM night. So our dinner may well be celebrating the AGM outcomes as well as our performances and birthdays.
Thai Chiang Rai
102 Emu Bank Belconnen
7pm Thursday 22 May
Fully Licensed/BYO

I believe the ABS Fun Run is on earlier that day, which can be a replacement training session instead of Dickson.
I will be wanting names for the dinner by the previous Monday, which just happens to be a normal training night at Parliament House, as well as being the ACTVAC AGM night. So our dinner may well be celebrating the AGM outcomes as well as our performances and birthdays.