"Great is the victory, but the friendship is all the greater." - Emil Zatopek
Two friends are walking in the jungle. Suddenly a tiger appears in the distance running towards them. One friend pulls a pair of Nikes out of his bag and quickly puts them on. With a surprised look, the other friend says, "you don’t really think you can out run that tiger with those?" I don’t need to out run the tiger”, his friend replies, "I just need to run faster than you”.
.. this week is at Parliament House on Monday for hill sprints - I may not get there, especially if I am told I still should not be running - and at Dickson on Thursday, where I will be timing a 2k time trial.
And this coming Sunday is the women's jogalong. I should be able to get there this month to cheer you on.
If you are running the Googong Dam Half Marathon this Saturday, best wishes. I hope the weather is great, 'cause the course sure 'aint!
Two friends are walking in the jungle. Suddenly a tiger appears in the distance running towards them. One friend pulls a pair of Nikes out of his bag and quickly puts them on. With a surprised look, the other friend says, "you don’t really think you can out run that tiger with those?" I don’t need to out run the tiger”, his friend replies, "I just need to run faster than you”.

And this coming Sunday is the women's jogalong. I should be able to get there this month to cheer you on.
If you are running the Googong Dam Half Marathon this Saturday, best wishes. I hope the weather is great, 'cause the course sure 'aint!