"What has passed is already finished with. What I find more interesting is what is still to come." - Emil Zatopek
While for some teachers in Canberra it has been Marking time, I have been marking Time: just icing the leg and waiting for the rain to stop out there. We had six degrees maximum yesterday, but that was achieved at 9am after which it dropped to four degrees for the rest of the day. It rained here and produced snow down south. The leg icing might have been a pain in the cold weather, except we have a nice warm house so it is all good. And who wants to go anywhere in these conditions, let alone run outdoors?
It is the third of our 2k time trials tomorrow. And last week I forecast a water logged track, remember? It should be fun. If the track is not closed. The rain is forecast to intensify today and tomorrow.
Report on Monday night training:
Emma, Helen, Katie, Yelena, Caroline, Kathy, GeoffB, Neil, Ewen, Joel, Adam, and Ken ran 20 hill sprints on 90 seconds - I am so sorry I missed it!
Song of the Week. Hallelujah was sung by Rufus Wainwright in the movie Shrek. The original version was by Leonard Cohen. Here is a live version by Bon Jovi. With songs like this to listen to, who cares if I am not outside, running?
Record Holders

While for some teachers in Canberra it has been Marking time, I have been marking Time: just icing the leg and waiting for the rain to stop out there. We had six degrees maximum yesterday, but that was achieved at 9am after which it dropped to four degrees for the rest of the day. It rained here and produced snow down south. The leg icing might have been a pain in the cold weather, except we have a nice warm house so it is all good. And who wants to go anywhere in these conditions, let alone run outdoors?
It is the third of our 2k time trials tomorrow. And last week I forecast a water logged track, remember? It should be fun. If the track is not closed. The rain is forecast to intensify today and tomorrow.
Report on Monday night training:
Emma, Helen, Katie, Yelena, Caroline, Kathy, GeoffB, Neil, Ewen, Joel, Adam, and Ken ran 20 hill sprints on 90 seconds - I am so sorry I missed it!
Song of the Week. Hallelujah was sung by Rufus Wainwright in the movie Shrek. The original version was by Leonard Cohen. Here is a live version by Bon Jovi. With songs like this to listen to, who cares if I am not outside, running?
Record Holders

Debbie, Maria, Helen & Kerry with their W45 4 x 1500m Australian record certificates