The CANADA FUN RUN FOR CHARITY, the Fun-Run-formerly-known-as-Terry-Fox, was held yesterday morning. The top 25 runners in the 5k and 10k are timed and recorded. We were well represented in these results, although not in the 10k men with its 39:30 cut off. Well done to all who ran, I am sure there were some good times back in the field.
Female 5km
5 Katie Forestier 20.27
Female 10 km
1 Kathy Southgate 38.42
7 Emma Adams 43.07
8 Helen Larmour 43.10
14 Amanda Walker 44.36
15 Sonia Verdhofen 44.37
17 Thea Zimpel 46.41
Male 5km
20 Ken White 20.04
It appears certain people ran together, or else are very close rivals.
My training progress
last week achieved: 8k
year total to date: 2,207k in 24 weeks
this week’s target: ?
weight: 67kg ▲
I have a serious hamstring injury. Should I resume running despite the fact that the hamstring is no better? We will see. I might be able to get away with jogging each day.
After the long trip to Brisbane, we walked into our son's house where we were greeted by the daughter-in-law. "So," she begins, "how long do you want to stay for this visit?"
"However long you want us," I responded.
What!" she exclaims, "You don't even want to stay for a coffee?"
By the way Scotty, the above is totally untrue, we had a wonderful time in Brisbane and our host and hostess were just perfect. And those two little grandsons were delightful.

Edit: Another 10k time, Mick Horan ~40.40. You cannot miss him in the photo, four across from Don, next to someone who looks suspiciously like Helen. Isn't it amazing how you can recognise someone with just a few pixels as clues?
Female 5km
5 Katie Forestier 20.27
Female 10 km
1 Kathy Southgate 38.42
7 Emma Adams 43.07
8 Helen Larmour 43.10
14 Amanda Walker 44.36
15 Sonia Verdhofen 44.37
17 Thea Zimpel 46.41
Male 5km
20 Ken White 20.04
It appears certain people ran together, or else are very close rivals.
My training progress
last week achieved: 8k
year total to date: 2,207k in 24 weeks
this week’s target: ?
weight: 67kg ▲
I have a serious hamstring injury. Should I resume running despite the fact that the hamstring is no better? We will see. I might be able to get away with jogging each day.
After the long trip to Brisbane, we walked into our son's house where we were greeted by the daughter-in-law. "So," she begins, "how long do you want to stay for this visit?"
"However long you want us," I responded.
What!" she exclaims, "You don't even want to stay for a coffee?"
By the way Scotty, the above is totally untrue, we had a wonderful time in Brisbane and our host and hostess were just perfect. And those two little grandsons were delightful.

Do I spy Tuggeranong Don or a very close likeness (blue t-shirt, sunnies) and many other familiar faces all around... click to enlarge.
Edit: Another 10k time, Mick Horan ~40.40. You cannot miss him in the photo, four across from Don, next to someone who looks suspiciously like Helen. Isn't it amazing how you can recognise someone with just a few pixels as clues?