Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Train harder
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Cats, dogs and geese

At the end of the rainbow is a...
For "pot of gold" read "port-a-potty"
It rained all night and it is still raining. Good weather for geese.
Last night we trained north of Parliament House, down by the lake at Reconciliation Place. I said sorry to all those with beards. There is a pair of grassy slopes that looks like it is modelled on a skate board rink, that's where we trained. By the end of the session we would have run up thirty times and down thirty times. It was fun, and it was steep but probably an easier session than we usually do.

1. This week I am the proud owner of a 150 Vets Handicaps t-shirt
2. Charmaine the person behind our new ACTVAC membership cards was at training last night. Everyone says the cards look fantastic! Shisei turned up late and couldn't find us; probably a good thing as he is recovering from calf injuries brought on by doing too much too soon. James turned up on time but couldn't find any running shoes in his bag, so missed out.
3. My friend Bill Egan (ten Thredbo marathons) is 70 today. Happy Birthday Bill! I see that everyone's friend Rob de Castella is fifty today. That means Deek was born on Bill's twentieth birthday. Another friend Scott McTaggart (Mountain Running champion) turned thirty yesterday. He asks "what's a spiral"? I had to tell him there were no official records for our spiral runs. If he does join us, and there is every indication he will, there go all the M30 records. It will be great to see.

Monday, 26 February 2007
No goslings were harmed in the making of this post
My training progress
last week's target: 80k
achieved: 80k
year total to date: 841k in 8 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 64kg - too high! But it will come back down as longer distances resume.
song of the week: “How to save a life” The Fray. The video clip of this song is among the best I have seen. Rather appropriate at the moment, I know that there are readers who sadly have lost loved ones recently; my condolences to you. All the more reason to invest in and support those around you.
In Sunday's Vets handicap, Cathy Newman was outstanding, her secret? A 16km warmup run. And in the 3k, Gary Bowen is back in form.
The 6.3k (hilly)
11 Cathy Newman W45 27:00
13 Rod Lynch M45 23:30
25 Amanda Walker W35 28:27
27 Roger Pilkington M45 25:48
32 Charmaine Knobel W50 30:54
34 Ruth Baussmann W55 33:14
36 Maria O'Reilly W50 27:12
44 Colin Farlow M45 24:03
46 Richard Faulks M45 25:09
56 Alan Duus M60 29:48
57 Mick Charlton M55 33:10
66 Barbara Tucker W55 34:24
69 Helen Larmour W45 27:53
71 Tony Booth M65 34:02
88 Michael Freer M75 35:33
90 David Baussman M45 30:07
99 Peter McDonald M50 31:41
109 Kathy Sims W55 32:30
111 Christopher Lang M55 32:01
The 3k (flat)
11 Ken White M50 11:31
12 Neil Boden M55 12:58
19 Gary Bowen M45 11:37
24 Geoff Moore M55 11:29
25 Katie Forestier W40 11:59
51 Maureen Rossiter W55 16:18
Thursday night's track times
M50 Ken White 2:22.59
M55 Neil Boden 2:55.98
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 2:28.50
W40 Katie Forestier 2:44.98
W55 Kathy Sims 3:04.22
W55 Maureen Rossiter 3:27.48
M45 Colin Farlow 6:32.12
M55 Neil Boden 8:24.02
10,000m championships
M45 gold Richard Faulks 39:04.51
M45 bronze Mick Horan 40:00.98
M45 4th Roger Pilkington 40:28.05
M55 silver Geoff Moore 41:19.04
W30 gold Jeni Greenland 43:55.14
W35 gold Amanda Walker 44:52.87
W60 gold Margaret McSpadden 55:41.74
1. I will race BBQ Stakes this week. They have put me a long way back, I will see if I can catch anyone! Otherwise I won't race, I will come out and watch the Vets 800m and 1500m championships on the weekend.
2. It is only two weeks to the Weston Creek Half Marathon. That's my first important race of the year.
3. Yesterday's quote WAS from "Throw Momma from the Train". A great little movie. I enjoyed it. Somewhat under-rated by the critics, I thought. Anyway, we don't need critics. The main theme of the movie is "writer's block". To which I can relate! It took me ten minutes to think up a catchy title for this post!
Will we still be running if we make it to 100 years?
Sunday, 25 February 2007
The night was sultry
ACTA 1500m from Saturday
Aki 6:00.12
Colin 4:34.69

Handicap today at Curtin
In the 3k I ran about 11:28, Ken something similar, Gary not much slower, Katie under 12 minutes as well. We all four blitzed "that M55" we were targeting, well done!
In the 6.3k, Maria and Helen had strong runs, others did too, results will appear here soon. Charmaine was awarded her 50 run t-shirt, and a nice new look it is too with slightly new colours. I received my 150 run t-shirt.
It was unusual to get cooler weather, I ran 6k this afternoon to top up the week's distance. Someone said, "winter is early". Huh! Sultry, for winter!
Coaching is an art... a science.. a project..

What movie is this post's title from?
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
I am still pondering, in April's Canberra marathon, will I offer to pace the 3:30 group? For - it would slow me down to a reasonable pace and give me more chance of finishing. Against - I might want to run faster than that on the day, especially if I see an M55 ahead. (Aargh, who cares!) For - I am not really taking the marathon seriously, the halves are more important this year. Against - I did it last year, time for something new. For - I do like helping others, there is a lot of satisfaction seeing others achieve their goals. Against - by running the marathon I only want to see how I am progressing so I might know if my attempt on sub 3 hours in 2009 is still a possibility. For - a 3:30 would still be on track for 2009. Against - pacing is a big responsibility and I am inconsistent and injury prone, letting the side down should my normal calf or ankle niggles occur would be devastating.
I think that last is the killer, let's not do the pacing job. I will still run though, and just see how I do.

1. It's a clock! Do you like it? Can you see how it works? It's quite simple.
2. No Thursday results out yet..
3. But I can't think, my brain is addled, from watching the movie "eXistenZ"; enough to confound and confuse anyone. Don't think I will ever eat amphibian again!

Friday, 23 February 2007
fearful symmetry

From the Canberra Marathon newsletter: "We are asked regularly if it is OK to run with headsets. The answer is yes. The only thing we do ask is that you are cognizant of the fact you are running under the care of marshals who may need to provide instructions to you during the race. You need to be able to hear any instructions and also pay attention to the marshals on the course. Also be aware of other runners and the need to be courteous. Of course, this does not apply just to those runners wearing headsets but to all runners on the course." Phew, CJ, you don't have to have the operation to surgically remove your ipod.

1. Last night, trying to break 40mins for the 10k for the first time in about 12 years, I ran 39 minutes and 138 seconds. Close!
2. In the Canberra marathon in April, should I run as a pacer? Pat Carroll would like me to, I haven't replied yet. But if I do run as a pacer, what group? 3:30? 3:15? 3:00? Other? A possible reason to be a pacer is, the marathon is not my main target this year; the half marathons are. On the other hand, it is tempting to think I could run a reasonable time if I feel OK on the day. And I have entered the M55s, with an outside chance of a place. So, what should I do? Advice please!
3. Check out a REAL speedy goose - from Joan Nesbit Mabe's website/blog - This is a site I will be reading regularly! We are not alone.

Ewen is the one standing.
Well that's what they looked like in my delirium
after a few laps!
Thursday, 22 February 2007
A likely story

A man is dining in a fancy restaurant, and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He had been checking her out since he sat down, but lacked the nerve to talk with her.
Suddenly she sneezes and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket towards the man. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back.
"Oh my, I am so sorry," the woman says as she pops her eye back in place. "Let me buy you dessert to make it up to you."
They enjoy a wonderful dessert together, and afterwards, the woman invites him to the theatre followed by drinks. After paying for everything, she asks him if he would like to come to her place and stay for breakfast the next morning.
The next morning, she cooks a gourmet meal with all the trimmings. The guy is amazed! Everything has been incredible! "You know," he said, "you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?" "No," she replies, "you just happened to catch my eye."
Geese Fly North

1. Reminder - Sunday's run, 8:30am, the new start location is off the Cotter Road, opposite the equestrian park entry, near Bowser Place Curtin.
2. At track tonight we need your ACTVAC championship entries. The 10k is tonight, the 1500m is Saturday 3 March. The 800m, Sunday 4 March.
3. Charmaine is to be thanked for her part in getting the ACTVAC membership cards out.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Much less here than meets the eye
Speedygeese in the summer series race 3 Lake Ginninderra 7.1k
7. Cathy Newman W45 31:40
24. Margaret McSpadden W60 39:41
18. Richard Faulks M45 28:01
27. Mick Horan M45 29:26
31. David Webster M55 29:49
41. Roger Pilkington M45 31:29
58. Neil Boden M55 37:27
61. Mick Charlton M55 38:11
background blur

From "Canberra Marathon news"
We have never succumbed to the well worn euphemism of "international" but each year we attract a growing number of runners from around the world. Not only do these runners enter the race, they become friends over the email and part of the Canberra Marathon group of friendly runners. 2007 is no different and we welcome runners from many countries.... USA (hi Lenny!), Canada, Estonia (g'day Eero!), Indonesia, Germany (welcome Monika & friends), Poland (cheers Tomasz), Singapore, UK and a big welcome to our group of 16 athletes travelling from Taiwan (good on'ya Dale). We welcome you all to Canberra and wish you well for safe travel to Australia in April.
1. I had a day off yesterday because I realised that I had not had a day off running this year and it used to be my practice to have a day off most weeks. The only other reason was to rest up for Thursday's 10k, but I will do yesterday's run today and today's tomorrow morning. Then attempt 95s. Even in the 7:30pm heat.
2. ACTVAC track events this Thursday include
6:00pm 2000m
7:00pm 800m
7:30pm 10000m CHAMPIONSHIPS
7:45pm 300m
8:00pm 4 x 100m relay
3. I had a massage on Monday. My worst fears were realised when the masseur said I was OK to continue to train for the marathon.

click to see detail.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
sisters celebrate sixtieth
A twin sister sixtieth birthday party

Photo by Strewth

1. Monday night training saw Alan, Amanda, Christopher, David, Emma, Ewen, me, Helen, Joel, Ken, Maria, Mick C, Mick H, Neil, Ruth & Yelena suffer eight intervals of 80 seconds on gravel paths in the shade at East Parliament House. Several had "wins", even I took out one of the intervals. Emma I believe set the distance record in one of her "wins".
2. Ah the World Wide Web! Check out Estonian fan Kati and her cool links!
3. Those running the Summer Series at Lake Ginninderra today, enjoy. I will give it a miss, I am resting up, or trying to.

Monday, 19 February 2007
wild geese travel long distances
My training progress
last week's target: 100k
achieved: 100k
year total to date: 761k in 7 weeks
this week’s target: 80k including a 10k race
weight: around 63kg
song of the week: … "Where I End and You Begin", from "Hail to the Thief" by Radiohead... "i am up in the clouds, i am up in the clouds..."

Because I am running longer distances this year, running in the heat is now much less a problem than it used to be. Long distance training results in heat adaptation!
Long distance running also brings improvement to every distance from 1500m and up. And it makes longer distance races feel easy, too. When I moved up from 14k to 18k for my regular long run, the 14k became much easier (but not the 18k). Then when I moved up from 18k to 24k, the 24k initially felt tough, but made the 18k a cinch.
I think I will start promoting over-distance training more vigorously than I do even now.

1. The wait is over! Online registrations for the Australasian Masters Games (Adelaide, 5-14 October) will be open from 9am today. Participants are encouraged to register online at And the next edition of the Games Newsletter is available here.
2. The official Games Registration Booklet will be accessible for download via the Games website and also available in hardcopy from the week commencing 19 March 2007. If you would like to receive a hardcopy of the Games Registration Booklet in the post click here to complete an Expression of Interest form.
3. Local athletes, don't forget, this Sunday's monthly handicap is early, an 8:30am start. And the location is North Curtin, although the start area has been changed to the opposite end of the playing fields from usual.
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Friends of the Geese
Congratulations to two Friends of the Geese, Martin Dent, and Sarah Salmon, on making the Australian Cross Country team for the World Championships to be held in Kenya. Martin is a “Customs Jogger”; Sarah has run with Vets and was the first Fun Run winner in “green shoes”, as well, she sold me my first pair of green shoes when she worked in the runner’s shop. Go Go (friends of the) Speedy Geese!
Australian team:
Men: Martin Dent, Michael Shelley, Collis Birmingham, Andrew Letherby, Liam Adams, David McNeil.
Women: Lisa-Jane Weightman, Kristy Villis, Anna Thompson, Victoria Mitchell (subject to fitness), Eloise Wellings (subject to fitness), Sarah Salmon (subject to eligibility status)
Junior Men: Ben Guest, Chris Hamer, Ben Ashkettle, Sam Crowther.
Junior Women: Lexy Gilmore, Rachel Green, Lara Tamsett, Lucy Starratt.

1. More race results: the official times for the Pennington 1500m last Thursday:
1 Colin Farlow M45 4:40 - wins the series with maximum points.
2 Kevin Chamberlain M60 5:12
4 Rod Lynch M45 4:58
5 Ken White M50 5:08
14 Katie Forestier W40 5:37
15 Helen Larmour W45 5:51
18 Neil Boden M55 6:08
19 Alan Duus M60 6:20
22 Amanda Walker W35 5:55
24 Ruth Baussmann W55 7:09
25 Margaret McSpadden W55 7:11
2. Saturday Track: Aki went in just about every event. The ones of interest are, 800m 2:53.1, and 5000m championships, first, 23:26.65. Southy ran 2:30.7 in the 800m, I think approximately equal to her W50 record.
3. Sat training “was fun”. We ran five of the following, on 5 minutes, of a 900m run consisting of: 50m sprint 50m jog + 100m sprint 50m jog + 150m sprint 50m jog, turning around & continuing with 150m sprint 50m jog + 100m sprint 50m jog + 50m sprint 50m jog.
Saturday, 17 February 2007
You knooooow, what I liiike!
I feel real loose, like a "red faced" goose .. because, oops I won the Adler handicap this week. And in the 3000m I ran 11:23, not 11:25.. my priority being to sprint through the finish line, rather than hitting the stop watch.
Watching the BBQ Stakes (as timer) on Wednesday was interesting, every single finisher (except speedyHelen) slowed up before they reached the line. Some were even walking as they crossed the line. And it's a downhill finish! So now I know why the person handing out place cards always stands so close to the line. I always miss him/her and have to backtrack to get my place card.
Runners: finish strong! Run PAST the finish line before you even THINK about decelerating!
Unless of course, you are deliberately slowing, as some might in a handicap race. Colin in Thursday's spiral did an "un-lunge" so he would finish behind Dale. It would have looked even funnier if Dale had tried to finish behind Colin at the same time!
Vets track results, Thursday 15 Feb
M45 Rod Lynch 10:45.92
M55 Geoff Moore 11:23.91
M55 Geoff Sims 13:03.36
M60 Alan Duus 13:16.36
W45 Helen Larmour 12:03.40 pb
W55 Kathy Sims 13:19.89
Spiral 6
5 Geoff Moore M55 10:06 – first on handicap!! oops.
6 Kathy Sims W55 11:25
9 Neil Boden M55 10:44
11 Roger Pilkington M45 09:27
13 Colin Farlow M45 09:55 - complete with un-lunge
14 Ewen Thompson M45 14:40
15 Ken White M50 10:16
19 Katie Forestier W40 10:04
20 Amanda Walker W35 10:21
23 Ruth Baussmann W55 12:28
24 Margaret McSpadden W55 12:43
30 Tony Booth M65 11:32
32 Kevin Chamberlain M60 10:21
35 Gary Bowen M45 10:45
Friday, 16 February 2007
The irreverant "uncyclopedia" has a variant on "Health" which begins:
"Health is a generic term used in video games and RPGs to describe the amount of vitality left in a certain unit. Various equivalent terms are in use, such as hit points (HPs), cohesion, energy level, etc., but they all refer to the same basic concept of health. Generally, higher health is regarded as better, as it makes a unit more difficult to terminate. However, due to the inability of game creators to keep anything simple, various complicating factors enter the mix. Such things as shields, or other bonuses and forms of defense, can increase a unit's resilience, and make it even more difficult to terminate."
The article continues in the same vein. You can read it here.

1. Great turnout at Vets last night. It was good to see Gwen and Julie there; also a group of supporters there to see Luckylegs run the 1500m.
2. My 3000m time was a season's best by 13 seconds. I felt much stronger than I have for a long time. An 11:25 at last. The first lap was 95; the kms were 3:51, 3:49 and 3:45. Negative splits. And it was hot and windy!
3. Helen, after a great BBQ Stakes on Wednesday where she ran a near pb, did achieve her best 3000m time, running 12:05, then equalled her 1500m best of 5:49. Others to run well included Kevin in the 1500m, 5:10, Ken, 5:06, and Colin 4:39 just pipping Kevin and taking out the Pennington series. Katie's 5:35 is a pb too. All times in the Pennington are approximate (expect Norma's when I get the official times, as she started with the gun).
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Twenty year old sets half marathon record

Half Marathon World Record Progression
61:21 Alex Hagelsteens Belgium 23.09.1984 Remich-Grevenmacher
61:14 Steve Jones United Kingdom 11.08.1985 Birmingham
60:57 Michael Musyoki Kenya 15.09.1985 Philadelphia
60:56 Xolile Yawa South Africa 25.07.1987 East London
60:46 Dionicio Cerón Mexico 16.09.1990 Philadelphia
59:47 Moses Tanui Kenya 03.04.1993 Milan
59:17 Paul Tergat Kenya 04.04.1998 Milan
59:16 Samuel Wanjiru Kenya 11.09.2005 Rotterdam
58:55 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia 15.01.2006 Phoenix
58:53 Samuel Wanjiru Kenya 09.02.2007 Ras al Khaimah
58:53 Half Marathon World Record by Wanjiru in Ras al Khaimah
Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates - Sammy Wanjiru of Kenya broke the World Half Marathon record with a scintillating display of front-running in the Ras Al Khaimah International Half Marathon in the United Arab Emirates early this morning (9 February).
Wanjiru, just 20 years old, clocked 58:53, and in fact retrieved the World Record, taken from him by Ethiopian ‘great’ Haile Gebrselassie, who ran 58:55 in Phoenix, Arizona on 15 January 2006. Then officially a junior, Wanjiru had set the previous record one year earlier, with 59:16 in Rotterdam.
When ‘Geb’ set his World Record, he was paced in what became a solo run, whereas Wanjiru today dismantled one of the best fields ever assembled, thanks to the record overall prize money of $155,000 on offer in Ras Al Khaimah.
The youngest man in the field, Wanjiru was up against the former World champion at the distance, Fabiano Joseph of Tanzania, who eventually finished seventh; winner of the Boston and Chicago Marathons, Robert Cheruyiot, who finished fifth; and a host of other top east and north Africans, the acknowledged masters of modern distance running.
More at
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
It's Time for Something Great
Speedy geese in the Summer Series:
Race 2 Reconciliation Place 5k, 13 February
8. Maria O'Reilly W50 21:40
14. Thea Zimpel 23:30
39. Carolyne Kramar W40 28:43
56 finishers
30. Richard Faulks M45 19:35
41. David Webster M55 20:26
43. Bob Harlow M55 20:32
70. Mick Horan M45 23:27
76. David Baussmann M55 24:44
92 finishers

1. Long time ACTVAC club member Jack Perry died at Clare Holland House yesterday after a long illness.
2. The ACTVAC 5000m championships have moved to 29 March at 7:30pm. All the more time to get fit then. Southy will be pleased.
3. Track events this Thursday include:
6.00 3000m
6.15 10,000m walk
7:00 1500m Pennington
7.30 400m
8.00 4 x 200m relay
8.15 spiral 6
I cannot see the 10k walk being finished by 7:00pm.
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
Geese among the Griffins
Saturday training at Aranda oval on the grass was sets of 50s and 100s in a session of 10 x 450 on 2 1/2 minutes;
Monday training at Parliament House was three easy runs over 900m on 8 minutes with a stand-around-and-chat recovery.
What was I thinking? Easier training sessions because peoples' races are becoming more important. The much cooler weather made the training very pleasant.
A gaggle of griffins

Spot the geese. For non-Canberrans, a Griffin is someone who has completed ten Canberra Marathons. A Griffin is a mythological creature, with the body of a lion and head and wings of an eagle. A Griffin belongs in heraldry. The Canberra Marathon runs alongside Lake Burley Griffin. The lake is named after Walter Burley Griffin, the architect of Canberra. (Yes Canberra was made, not born). Finally, one of this blog's contributors is cool-runner Griffin. Curiously, Griffin has not yet completed ten Canberra marathons, so he is not in the photo, taken at the 2006 marathon. But he is very close. (to running ten).
What is the collective noun for Griffins? Anyone?
Monday, 12 February 2007
Back On Line
quote of the week: " Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."
My training progress
last week's target: 120k
achieved: 117k
year total to date: 661k in 6 weeks
this week’s target: 100k
weight: 62.5kg and falling
song of the week: - "Run", by Snow Patrol, from "Final Straw". This song and the album could be dedicated to CJ - as the track before "Run" is "Chocolate", and the track following is "Grazed Knees"!

1. I enjoyed the Sprint Marathon Relay on Sunday. I wasn't in a team, but totalled 29km running with the participants, who in turn didn't quite run a marathon but each team did complete 36k. There were ten teams, an excellent turn-out.
2. Tomorrow the Summer Series has a 5km run at the National library.
3. Some of the Mountain Running events coming up. As I know there is interest out there. Somewhere.
18 February: MAROONDAH DAM TRAIL RUN 50KM & 30KM (VIC). The 50km event starts at 8am at Fernshaw Reserve and the 30km event starts at 9:30am at Dom Dom Saddle. Both events finish below Maroondah Dam. email: Web site:
18 February: Mt Tennent King and Queen of the Mountain, ACT. 6.5kms uphill, 13kms return, Bushfold Flats 19kms. See entry form and race details at Contact John Harding (02) 6248 6905.
20 February: Black Mountain Run Up, Canberra, 2.6kms, 12.45pm, Clunies Ross Street, Acton (100m east of Botanic Gardens entrance). Free. Contact John Harding (02) 6248 6905
25 February: NSW Mountain Running Championships, Mt Burelli, Wollongong. Organised by Kembla Joggers Athletics Club. Contact Geoff Stalker (02) 4627 1246. Web site:
6 March: Mt Ainslie Run Up, Canberra, 2.3kms, 12.45pm, Treloar Cres, Campbell. Free. Contact John Harding (02) 6248 6905
10 March: Six Foot Track 45kms Ultra Mountain Run, Australian Long Distance Trail Running Championship, 8am, Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. Web-site
But as for me:
Saturday, 10 February 2007
falling cows
M45 Colin Farlow 10:32
M45 Rod Lynch 10:55
M45 Roger Pilkington 11:25
M50 Ken White 11:35
M55 Neil Boden 13:34
M60 Alan Duus 13:47
W40 Katie Forestier 12:12
W55 Kathy Sims 13:41
M45 Rod Lynch 2:29.50
M55 Neil Boden 3:03.76
M55 Shisei Oya 3:18.26
M60 Kevin Chamberlain 2:25.90
M60 Alan Duus 3:13.24
W40 Gabrielle Brown 3:05.32
W45 Helen Larmour 2:55.94
One Hour
M45 Richard Faulks 14.690
M60 Alan Duus 12.037
M75 Michael Freer 11.058
W35 Amanda Walker 12.668
W55 Ruth Baussmann 10.793
W55 Margaret McSpadden 10.747

Friday, 9 February 2007
Evermore Forever!
Those who watch Spicks and Specks (and if not, why not????) know their guests don't just perform, they participate in the whole program, which takes the form of a music-oriented quiz show. All forms of music, Aki. It's brilliant! Not to be missed.
And with Dann Hume on the show, what a fantastic start to the year.

Thursday, 8 February 2007
When you rearrange the letters:
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When you rearrange the letters:
16 second pb
Weston Creek Half Marathon (website here)
The next Weston Creek Half Marathon is to to be held at 7:30am Sunday 11 March, 2007. The 21.1km Athletics Australia Certified Accurate course starts at the Canberra Irish Club, Parkinson Street, Weston and follows bike paths along the Molonglo River, across Scrivener Dam and around Lake Burley Griffin to Black Mountain Peninsula.

Runners can enter by mailing in an entry form, they can register online, or enter on the day.
The Weston Creek Half Marathon is a great dress rehearsal for the Canberra Marathon. I plan to run as hard as possible in the Half, to try out my race preparation, wear the shoes I will be wearing in the marathon, and from my final time, determine what sort of pace I should set out at in the marathon.
speedygeese in the Summer Series
Race 2, Tuesday 6 Feb,Edison Park 5.3k
6. Cathy Newman W45 22:57
22. Annette Sugden W40 25:44
34. Ruth Baussmann W55 29:26
52 finishers
20. Richard Faulks M45 20:35
30. David Webster M55 21:30
38. Bob Harlow M55 22:07
40. Roger Pilkington M45 22:22
60. David Baussmann M55 24:56
62. Neil Boden M55 25:32
71. Mick Charlton M55 27:02
80 finishers
BBQ Stakes
I ran 24.47 yesterday, which is a 16 second pb despite the heat, my first time under 25 minutes for the hilly 6k, and I won the handicap for the first time. Mission accomplished! The much longer training regime is actually working.

Wednesday, 7 February 2007
Kids Marathon

From the website:
The 2007 Canberra Kids Marathon is on SUNDAY 15 April at 8.00am, at the Telopea Park School. Kids begin their final 2.195km from the Marathon Start/Finish line.
The Canberra Kids Marathon has a unique format that allows kids kindergarten through high school to run a kilometre at a time. The Canberra Marathon feels strongly that exercise should be a healthy part of every child's life, however we also think it should be fun!
Every child leaves the event feeling like a winner and sporting a gold medal. We do not award prizes to the fastest children overall nor is the event timed, but rather reward and acknowledge each and every child that comes out and participates.
The goal of the Kids Marathon is to give participants the opportunity to increase their level of physical activity while focusing on reaching a goal. We hope to motivate children and their families to commit to a healthy lifestyle and develop a daily fitness routine, which will ultimately give the child and their family the positive effects of better health and self confidence through achieving goals, not only in crossing the finish line but in life.Links
The KidsMarathon
Canberra Marathon website
Marathon Photos
AIS Connect
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
everything paraging
I am terribly sorry if I cause offence with anything I say and do as a running adviser and motivator. Sometimes, just sometimes, I am dealing with so many people at once that I overlook the sensitivities of one or two. So if that is happening, I apologise, I mean only to assist and instruct.
And if I seem to favour one over another, it is not my intention, I have no favourites, "everyone is my favourite".
No one need feel they are less worthy of advice and encouragement and support than any other. So once again, sorry, I will from now on determine to make only paraging remarks.
nothing disparaging here
Monday night's training was a great session of 2 x 5 x 350m on 2:15 on 15. That is, we did some quick little circuits near the eastern rose gardens (which are now dug up) with only a short break, in two sets of five. I enjoyed actually finishing in front in three of the ten circuits! Running were Amanda, Christopher, Emma, Ewen, Helen, James, Joel, Ken, Maria, Michael, Neil, Peter, Ruth, Shisei, Yelena, David W and I. Welcome back David; welcome new starter Shisei! And Michael Freer at 77 continues to amaze; he backed up at the Tuesday group this morning!

1.T&F this Thursday
6.00 3000m
6.15 60m
7.00 800m
7.30 hour
7.45 200m
8.00 4 x 100m relay
2. ACTA relays this Saturday
On Saturday 10 February 5:35pm 4 x 400, 6:15pm 4 x 1500m, 7:20pm 4 x 100. Entries close 15mins before start time; cost $5, additional gate fee not required.
3. Tomorrow I am running the BBQ Stakes; I probably survived today's long run OK. Then I am busy and will next attend the Sprint-Marathon relay, 8am Sunday, Dunrossil Drive (as well as training Saturday).
Monday, 5 February 2007
The correlation between the price of petrol and the 400m
My training progress
last week's target: 120k
achieved: 126k
year total to date: 544k in 5 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 63kg -ish
song of the week: My American Dream
When success is equated with excess
The ambition for excess wrecks us
As top of the mind becomes the bottom line
When success is equated with excess
If your time ain’t been nothing for money
I start to feel really bad for you, honey
Maybe honey, put your money where your mouth’s been running
If your time ain’t been nothing but money
I want out of this machine
It doesn’t feel like freedom
This ain’t my American dream
I want to live and die for bigger things
I’m tired of fighting for just me
This ain't my American dream
When success is equated with excess
When we’re fighting for the Beamer, the Lexus
As the heart and soul breath in the company goals
Where success is equated with excess
‘Cause baby’s always talkin’ ‘bout a ring
And talk has always been the cheapest thing
Is it true would you do what I want you to
If I show up with the right amount of bling?
Like a puppet on a monetary string
Maybe we’ve been caught singing
Red, white, blue, and green
But that ain’t my America,
That ain’t my American dream
A new and scary conspiracy theory: the possibility of a correlation between the price of petrol and the 400m. Did prices creep up to $1:24, even $1:30, as my 400m times deteriorated in parallel? If true, I missed a big window of opportunity when the price mysteriously dropped to $1:04 the other week. But normalcy resumes, it was back to $1:17 when I bought petrol yesterday. Must run a 400m before the price goes up again.
A new tip for improving your time over 400m: spend more than $30 at Woolworths and you will take 4 seconds off!
Now I can see you all checking your local Caltex Service Station on the way into the track, to see what your 400m goal is each week.

1. It will be hot at Parliament House again today, with 37 degrees forecast, and sunny. I will devise a cool shady session close to water. I wish they would turn their sprinklers on! Please hydrate.
2. I will run early Tuesday, Thursday & Friday this week to avoid the heat. The "afternoon storms" foreshadowed for Tuesday on, will probably only mean humidity added to the searing heat.
3. I won't run Thursday night; sounds like the worse conditions one could race the "one hour run" in. But I will have a go Wednesday lunchtime at a BBQ Stakes win. Marathon training develops heat tolerance, marathon trained runners should excel this week! However, one 6k race will be enough.

Sunday, 4 February 2007
Ten Tips
1. Wash your running gear as infrequently as possible. And only wimps wear deodorant.
2. No matter how slow you are, put yourself at the front of the start line at races.
3. Guys: Run up behind female runners and then stay there (they love it … really they do).
4. Gals: Treat all male runners who smile or say “hi” to you while running with disdain because of your suspicion they’re like the guys in #3.
5. Run on the road whenever possible; ignore traffic lights; cross streets in heavy traffic because it "toughens you up".
6. Don’t thank cyclists coming from behind so they know that you heard their bell, ignore them.
7. Be very quiet when passing other runners or walkers and then scare the heck out of them by brushing quickly past their shoulders.
8. At the gym, leave your gear in a pile at the bottom of your locker for several days so it ripens for everyone’s enjoyment.
9. When running in a group, make sure you use the width of the path, to show any other users who's boss.
10. Handkerchiefs are extra weight; blow your nose on your t-shirt, or better still, aim at a passing cyclist.