quote of the week: " Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."
My training progress
last week's target: 120k
achieved: 117k
year total to date: 661k in 6 weeks
this week’s target: 100k
weight: 62.5kg and falling
song of the week: - "Run", by Snow Patrol, from "Final Straw". This song and the album could be dedicated to CJ - as the track before "Run" is "Chocolate", and the track following is "Grazed Knees"!

1. I enjoyed the Sprint Marathon Relay on Sunday. I wasn't in a team, but totalled 29km running with the participants, who in turn didn't quite run a marathon but each team did complete 36k. There were ten teams, an excellent turn-out.
2. Tomorrow the Summer Series has a 5km run at the National library.
3. Some of the Mountain Running events coming up. As I know there is interest out there. Somewhere.
18 February: MAROONDAH DAM TRAIL RUN 50KM & 30KM (VIC). The 50km event starts at 8am at Fernshaw Reserve and the 30km event starts at 9:30am at Dom Dom Saddle. Both events finish below Maroondah Dam. email: mark_mex@bigpond.com.au. Web site: http://www.coolrunning.com.au/ultra/auradam/
18 February: Mt Tennent King and Queen of the Mountain, ACT. 6.5kms uphill, 13kms return, Bushfold Flats 19kms. See entry form and race details at www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au Contact John Harding (02) 6248 6905.
20 February: Black Mountain Run Up, Canberra, 2.6kms, 12.45pm, Clunies Ross Street, Acton (100m east of Botanic Gardens entrance). Free. Contact John Harding (02) 6248 6905 jgharding@bigpond.com
25 February: NSW Mountain Running Championships, Mt Burelli, Wollongong. Organised by Kembla Joggers Athletics Club. Contact Geoff Stalker (02) 4627 1246. Web site: http://www.kemblajoggers.org.au/
6 March: Mt Ainslie Run Up, Canberra, 2.3kms, 12.45pm, Treloar Cres, Campbell. Free. Contact John Harding (02) 6248 6905 jgharding@bigpond.com
10 March: Six Foot Track 45kms Ultra Mountain Run, Australian Long Distance Trail Running Championship, 8am, Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. Web-site www.sixfoot.com
But as for me: