"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby
It rained all night and it is still raining. Good weather for geese.
Last night we trained north of Parliament House, down by the lake at Reconciliation Place. I said sorry to all those with beards. There is a pair of grassy slopes that looks like it is modelled on a skate board rink, that's where we trained. By the end of the session we would have run up thirty times and down thirty times. It was fun, and it was steep but probably an easier session than we usually do.

1. This week I am the proud owner of a 150 Vets Handicaps t-shirt
2. Charmaine the person behind our new ACTVAC membership cards was at training last night. Everyone says the cards look fantastic! Shisei turned up late and couldn't find us; probably a good thing as he is recovering from calf injuries brought on by doing too much too soon. James turned up on time but couldn't find any running shoes in his bag, so missed out.
3. My friend Bill Egan (ten Thredbo marathons) is 70 today. Happy Birthday Bill! I see that everyone's friend Rob de Castella is fifty today. That means Deek was born on Bill's twentieth birthday. Another friend Scott McTaggart (Mountain Running champion) turned thirty yesterday. He asks "what's a spiral"? I had to tell him there were no official records for our spiral runs. If he does join us, and there is every indication he will, there go all the M30 records. It will be great to see.

With rain comes the rainbow.
At the end of the rainbow is a...
For "pot of gold" read "port-a-potty"
At the end of the rainbow is a...
For "pot of gold" read "port-a-potty"
It rained all night and it is still raining. Good weather for geese.
Last night we trained north of Parliament House, down by the lake at Reconciliation Place. I said sorry to all those with beards. There is a pair of grassy slopes that looks like it is modelled on a skate board rink, that's where we trained. By the end of the session we would have run up thirty times and down thirty times. It was fun, and it was steep but probably an easier session than we usually do.

1. This week I am the proud owner of a 150 Vets Handicaps t-shirt
2. Charmaine the person behind our new ACTVAC membership cards was at training last night. Everyone says the cards look fantastic! Shisei turned up late and couldn't find us; probably a good thing as he is recovering from calf injuries brought on by doing too much too soon. James turned up on time but couldn't find any running shoes in his bag, so missed out.
3. My friend Bill Egan (ten Thredbo marathons) is 70 today. Happy Birthday Bill! I see that everyone's friend Rob de Castella is fifty today. That means Deek was born on Bill's twentieth birthday. Another friend Scott McTaggart (Mountain Running champion) turned thirty yesterday. He asks "what's a spiral"? I had to tell him there were no official records for our spiral runs. If he does join us, and there is every indication he will, there go all the M30 records. It will be great to see.