quote of the week: "No doubt a brain and some shoes are essential for marathon success, although if it comes down to a choice, pick the shoes. More people finish marathons with no brains than with no shoes." - Don KardongUrambi Hills 7.0k result from yesterday
Geoff Barker M60 37:49
Kathy Sims W55 35:14
Helen Larmour W45 33:21
Colin Farlow M40 28:15
Margaret McSpadden W55 41:38
Neville Madden M50 33:39
Amanda Walker W35 37:00
John Kennedy M55 30:36
Maria O'Reilly W50 32:50
David Webster M50 31:13
Rod Lynch M45 28:57
Barbara Tucker W55 39:47
Amanda Chew W45 46:00
Charmaine Knobel W50 38:03
David Baussmann M45 35:37
Alan Green M55 34:12
Jill Brown W55 44:15
Roger Pilkington M45 32:40
Barbara Williams W60 41:33
Roy Jones M60 44:40
Tony Booth M65 41:45
Peter McDonald M50 40:37
Urambi Hills 3.5k
Michael Roche M65 21:53
Ken Gordon M40 14:12
Katie Forestier W40 15:45
Gary Bowen M45 15:14
Carol Baird W55 17:59
Graeme Small M65 23:43
Ken White M50 18:26
Sarah Pau W30 17:35
My training progress
last week's target: 100k
actual 83k
this week’s target: 80k, fast half marathon
weight: 62.5kg and steady
song of the week: Say I – Creed
The dust has finally settled on the field of Human Clay
Just enough light has shown through
To tell the night from the day...
Despite feeling a bit tired and having a few niggles, as a final test to see if I really am ready to attack the half marathon next Sunday, I ran a Customs 5k pb on Friday – 19:35 which was 9 seconds faster than the previous week and 8 seconds faster than my previous Customs pb which dates back to March. So I passed the test! I will throw caution to the winds and try for a fast time in the half, niggles or no niggles. In good weather, anything is possible!
speedyJenny, speedyMon and I took two grandchildren (speedyJosiah and speedyLiana) to the Geoscience open day yesterday and they had a ball. It was fascinating stuff. Despite that, when I joined the guided tour and listened to the explanations of the how the air conditioning system worked, and what was in their library, etc, I found myself yawning and nearly asleep. I really am not very good at standing still and just listening, I have to be doing something!
4x400 result
Lauren did run in the Australian team which contested the heats of the 4 x 400, but their team failed to qualify for the final; just. As I predicted, 3 teams from the first heat and five from the second got through. If Australia had been in the first heat, they may have got through.
Coming EventsMon 21 August 20065:30 pm Parliament House Team Moore weekly training, or 4:30 pm for early starters who would like a longer run. Meet at the underground car park; no cost. A new training program starts today.
Tue 22 August 20069:00 am Veterans weekly Tuesday group, Black Mountain Peninsula. Most participants walk, jog or run for about an hour. Morning tea, and celebrations of any birthdays, follow. A friendly and informal group.
Wed 23 August 200612:15 pm weekly BBQ Stakes 6k, Woden (park at Chappell Street Lyons). One of many good lunch time runs. Bring $1 entry and enjoy a hilly handicap race.
Thu 24 August 20065:30 pm Dickson Oval Team Moore weekly training, or 4:30 pm for early starters who would like a longer run. Training is under lights, on a fully marked 400m grass track; no cost.
Fri 25 August 200612:10 pm weekly Customs 5k, Stage 88. A $1 entry fee, handicapped start, flat and fast 5km course.
Sat 26 August 20061:00 pm ACTCCC Pinnacle 8k
Sun 27 August 2006ACTVAC Half Marathon at Commonwealth Park
8:00 am half marathon start for people slower than 2 hours
8:30 am half marathon start for people between 1:40 and 2 hours
9:00 am half marathon start for people faster than 1:40.
Yes I know the start times make no sense at all, but such is life I am afraid.
This event is open to all "people" of age 30 years or more.
I am always annoyed when I see anyone starting in an earlier group than they reasonably should.Wanted Wanted WantedTWO PEOPLE TO ASSIST WITH THE PRODUCTION THE VETRUNNER! THEY WILL JOIN JOHN KENNEDY (photographer), JOHN STONEY (Running/Walking Handicap report writer) and BRYAN THOMAS (Throwing Handicap report writer and other items). The first position will involve sourcing stories other than the handicap reports. The second will involve the placing of stories and pictures on the pages. Both positions will require some computer experience; more so the placing of material on to the pages. Some desktop publishing experience would be an advantage. BOTH OF THESE POSITIONS ARE NEEDED NOW because Jim O'Donnell has resigned. Contact Geoff Moore 62544753 (h) or the club Secretary Rod Lynch 62420701 (h)
WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD?Ludwig Wittgenstein: The possibility of "crossing" was encoded into the objects "chicken" and "road", and circumstances came into being which caused the actualisation of this potential occurrence.
Apparently this is my beer personality.You Are Bud Light |
 You're not fussy when it comes to beer. If someone hands it to you, you'll drink it. In fact, you don't understand beer snobbery at all. It all tastes the same once you're drunk! You're an enthusiastic drinker, and you can often be found at your neighborhood bar. You're pretty good at holding your liquor too - you've had lots of experience. |
A long post happens when you prepare it on Sunday and add to it on Monday ...