Veterans Half Marathon. Entries close soon. I planned to pace 100 minute runners, but I have had only one taker, and unfortunately the organisers didn't promote this offer, so I think I will just start in group three now and run as fast as I can. Unless I get more takers; deadline this Sunday because that's when my entry form goes in.
There are three starts, the first at 8am for runners who will take more than 120 minutes for the 21.1km, second at 8.30am for runners who will take over 100 minutes, and third at 9am for all runners who will finish the course in under 100 minutes. By the way I regard this start system as silly and illogical; firstly a twenty minute gap for people thirty minutes apart makes no sense, compounded secondly by the fact that many runners "cheat" by entering a slower group than they should, compounded thirdly by the fact that honest runners realise their rivals are in the wrong group so they start in the wrong group as well to make a race of it. I am sure that a forty minute gap for people thirty minutes apart would be more logical, but still unfair. And fourthly whatever system you use, the contenders for many of the age groups will be split between different starts. The only fair system is to split on age groups, e.g. have men 60+ and all women start 30 minutes earlier than the rest. This would also help the results processing quite a bit!
Canberra Times Fun Run - a reminder that this race starts at 9:45am this year. I am collecting team entries, up to half marathon day only. The Moore the Merrier. So far I only have three, that's not enough!
The Australian Masters Championships are in Canberra, Easter 2006. Organisers are urgently required!
The IT needs survey invites your input. Details were in the last Vetrunner. Only a week or so to respond.
I am still adding names to the C2S results (below) as times become known. So please continue to pass on to me any that are missing. Thank you to those who have done that already.
That should be enough reminders for now. Here's a drawing of a Team Moore member - I think. Which one?

Go Go Warrior Girl
There are three starts, the first at 8am for runners who will take more than 120 minutes for the 21.1km, second at 8.30am for runners who will take over 100 minutes, and third at 9am for all runners who will finish the course in under 100 minutes. By the way I regard this start system as silly and illogical; firstly a twenty minute gap for people thirty minutes apart makes no sense, compounded secondly by the fact that many runners "cheat" by entering a slower group than they should, compounded thirdly by the fact that honest runners realise their rivals are in the wrong group so they start in the wrong group as well to make a race of it. I am sure that a forty minute gap for people thirty minutes apart would be more logical, but still unfair. And fourthly whatever system you use, the contenders for many of the age groups will be split between different starts. The only fair system is to split on age groups, e.g. have men 60+ and all women start 30 minutes earlier than the rest. This would also help the results processing quite a bit!
Canberra Times Fun Run - a reminder that this race starts at 9:45am this year. I am collecting team entries, up to half marathon day only. The Moore the Merrier. So far I only have three, that's not enough!
The Australian Masters Championships are in Canberra, Easter 2006. Organisers are urgently required!
The IT needs survey invites your input. Details were in the last Vetrunner. Only a week or so to respond.
I am still adding names to the C2S results (below) as times become known. So please continue to pass on to me any that are missing. Thank you to those who have done that already.
That should be enough reminders for now. Here's a drawing of a Team Moore member - I think. Which one?

Go Go Warrior Girl