Hill work is great for strength

#6 Hill Sprints
We sometimes just do hill reps - sprinting up, jogging back down, and repeat - but more usually we incorporate hill running into longer sessions on Mondays at Parliament House. Shortish loops for sprinters, longer for distance runners.
One of the loops we use takes about three minutes to complete and has two short sharp hills, and some easier downhill for faster striding out, and a session may consist of six reps on 5 minutes, rest, stretch, suck water, and talk in between.
These are great for strength and coordination. Good for the soul, too. And good ego-boosting for the "sprinters" when they challenge us distance runners up the steep bits.
Hot Friday
Ran my usual customs run today, a bit slower because of the heat, then took aki and flashduck around the lake on a cool down. Hmm, I wonder what compliments will apear on their respective blogs? Anyway, had to pretend when I got home that all was hunky dorey, that I wasn't the least bit stressed from doing 16k in the middle of the day. Still got lots of flak. Don't know if I can keep this pretense up, but if I don't I won't be allowed out!
Actually, no worries really. (Lot's of sweat, but no worries.)