Monday was a public holiday, i.e. Canberra Day. Giles and I had an early run; then I organised our second set of "Rose Garden 200s". James S and Brownie ran 13 on 2:20; Paul, Giles and Jacob M ran 12 on 2:30; Peter, James O', Craig, Sandeep and Clare ran 11 on 2:40; Lisa and Celina 10 on 2:50; Tiffany, Abby, Deb (new) and Vanessa 10 on 3:00, and Ruth, Yelena, Deborah D, Rae, Jennie and George 9 on 3:30. I had a new system for calling starts for each group, the system worked well. Afterwards Clare brought pikelets and her New York Marathon trophy from 2019 (first W65). Paul's wife and son visited at the end, plus Dave randomly appearing makes a total of 26. Good turn-out for a long weekend.

Gwen celebrating turning 32 at 32 weeks.

Gwen celebrating turning 32 at 32 weeks.