On Thursday 29 September there was much wind and rain but
Giles, Lauren and myself ran 4 mins fast/3 mins slow by 4;
Peter ran two of them,
Ruth, Sandeep, Jen and
Isaac ran 10 x Rose Garden loops on 3 minutes, and
Dave ran 400s and 200s. It was that sort of day where you just did what you could.
Monday 03 October saw much better conditions – dry underfoot, no rain squalls, and sheltered from the wind.
Dave jogged around,
Ewen ran early, three teams of three ran 300m intervals with 200m jog on a 400m circuit; balanced teams today,
Bron, Damian, Ewen, Me, Giles, Isaac, Jen, Ruth and
Sandeep participating.
In May 1964 just before my 16th birthday I raced, and just lost, the under 16 combined sports 800m, to David Looker of St Peters college. David has kindly sent me his photos; the first appeared in the Adelaide Advertiser newspaper. That day I improved my PB to 2:05, but the pained look is loss of consciousness after a 90 second first 600m; a tad fast when my previous PB was 2:08 and I was running with a cold. His was a massive PB too.
The following year in the open mile I managed to reverse the result pipping him by 0.02 and having to run a 62 second 4th lap to achieve that. His 4th lap was under 60 seconds that day and we both smashed our PBs (I ran 4:32 and my best had been 4:39)
The Combined Sports day was held once a year at the Adelaide Oval with boys from my school (Adelaide Boys High School) and six colleges having one representative in each race (4 in the 4x100m relays) in the U14, U15, U16 and open divisions. Competition was intense and the mile was the feature event.

If you find my year 11 physique too shocking, for balance here is someone who is much better built. It's our
Kym! who starred this year when she competed in her first body building contest.