YCRC Newsletter Wednesday 27th July 2016
1. YCRC Winter Series – Iconic Dunrossil Drive 2.1k.4.2k – 1245pm
2. Jogalong – Sunday 7th August – 9am Weston Park
3. Canberra Times Fun Run 10k/14k Training Group
4. Canberra Times Fun Run Pacers and Volunteer coordinator required.
5. TTS Training Group – Information
6. First Aid - Training
7. Canberra Southern Cross Club – Community Rewards Program – Join now
8. Volunteers.
9. Other Events
YCRC Winter Series 2016 – Dunrossil Drive 2.1k/4.2k The 2.1k will start at 1245pm and the 4.2k at 1pm or thereabouts. These events will be conducted by YCRC and Athletics ACT combined. The 4.2k is both a junior and senior pointscore event. The winning male and female having their names engraved on the John Harding Trophy and Fiona Jorgensen perpetual trophies. These trophies are engraved with the names of some of Austrlias best known distance runners. These shorter events normally attract good fields and once again we are hoping to see a bit turn up of athletes from the local athletic clubs. It is hoped that the recent wet weather has passed and the course dries up a bit before Saturday.
Jogalong – Sunday 7th August – 9am - Yes ladies just over one week until the next Jogalong.
Canberra Times 10k/14k Training Group – These events will be held in Canberra on Sunday 4th September. Jo Legge-Wilkinson has kindly offered to organise a training group for novices interested in running in these events. The training group has been underway just over a week but it is still not too late to join. Join our training group and get access to advice from experienced runners while you train - as well as a heap of other benefits. For more info check out the training group Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/YCRC10km or the club website Join our training group and get access to advice from experienced runners while you train - as well as a heap of other benefits. For more info check out the training group Facebook https://www.facebook.com/YCRC10km or the Club website athttp://canberra.ymca.org.au/runnersclub/…/Pages/default.aspx Please encourage any would be runners and joggers to join this group.
Canberra Times Fun Run pacers and volunteer coordinator required - The YCRC has agreed to provide pacers for the 10 and 14 km events at this year’s CT Fun Run on Sunday 4 September. For the 10 km event we need two people for each of the following times - 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 minutes, and for the 14 km we need two people for each of 60, 70, 80 and 90 minutes. Pacers receive a free entry and possibly also a free singlet to run in. This might be a good opportunity for those looking at practicing their pacing for a marathon or half marathon in Melbourne in October, or if you are looking at pacing a friend anyway. If you are interested in taking up one of these spots please contact Margot McGinness at margot.shoesforplanetearth@gmail.com .
The Club will also be providing some volunteers to assist at the event (for which we get paid) and we are looking for someone to take on the role of volunteer coordinator. At this stage we don't know exactly what positions will be required, but we expect to need around 20 people. If you would be able to take on the coordinator role, please contact Geoff Sims at Geoff.Sims@bigpond.com. A call for volunteers will be put out once we have confirmed what positions are required.
TTS Training Group - The Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Training Group – The TTS Group meets each Tuesday and Thursday at 6.30am near the Toilet Block, Lennox Gardens on Flynn Drive, Yarralumla. On Saturdays they meet at 7am at various locations around the city for long runs or 14km or a bit more.
30 July – John Cardiff Close, Black Mountain Peninsula, Lake Burley Griffin – Run through Arboretum and Zoo lop
First Aid Training - You will remember some months back we talked about First Aid Training. A qualification that will allow you to have the ability to be a first aid attendant at our events and very helpful in your everyday life. Courses for YCRC members will be paid for by YMCA Canberra. Ablaze Training provide a full day course each Thursday at the old Hackett Primary School in Maitland Street, Hackett. We can also arrange for Ablaze Training to put on an evening course at the YMCA Canberra, Aquatic and Recreational Centre at 35 Alexandrina Drive, Yarralumla. Arrangements being made for course dates. More information hopefully next week.
Canberra Southern Cross Club (CSCC) – Community Rewards Program. Many of our club members are members of the CSCC. The club is offering a rewards program whereby ten cents from every dollars spent by members of our club on food and drinks will be donate back to the YCRC. Go to this link and put in your CSCC membership information https://csccmarketing.wufoo.com/forms/p1lsv5k01j9ld8/
Volunteers - As you will have noticed the club is run on the good will of our volunteers with help and guidance from the YMCA Canberra staff. We always need volunteers to assist with our events on Saturday during winter and Tuesday during spring and summer. If you can help please email David Osmond @ dosmond@gmail.com
Other events
ACT Veterans Athletics Club 35th Annual Half Marathon – Sunday 21st August - This event will be held at Lake Ginninderra with the normal 3 start times. You must be over 30 years to run. Start times are based on abilities, so you will run over 100 minutes start at 8am. If you will finish in under 100 minutes start at 8.30am and if you will finish in under 90 minutes start at 9am. First three placegetters in each division/category receive a medal. E.G. Women 30 to 34 are in category W30, women age 35 to 39 are in category W35 and so on. Male categories are similar but denote my prefix ‘M’ Online entries can now be made at Register Now https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=21287
The course at Lake Ginninderra is flat and fast course and offers you your best chance to run a half marathon Pb.
Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival, Campbell High School, 6 & 7 August
SATURDAY 6 August 2016: 9am 16km bush run and 16km bush walk; 11am 10km run and walk; 11.10am Under 13 2km children's run; 11.40am 5km run and walk.
SUNDAY 7 August 2016: 8am 42.2 km bush marathon run and half marathon walk; 9am 21.1 km half marathon run
Event information and online entry at https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=21520
If you are intending to have a run or walk, please enter online as soon as possible so your bib number can be mailed out on time. If you are competing on Saturday and can help out on Sunday, or vice versa, please register as a volunteer on the Australian Mountain Running Association website (choice of free T shirt, wine or chocolate to helpers) at http://www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au/index.php?module=Home&action=volunteer
The Bush Marathon Festival raises funds to assist the Australian mountain running team and this year's team for the World Championships in Bulgaria includes 4 ACT runners: Elizabeth Humphries, Mark Bourne, Alan Craigie and Michael Chapman. Race Director - John Harding - 0490048031 (note new mobile number)