Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Unforgetful Whatsisname

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 with
Joel and Yelena are on holidays until January. Yelena said to say goodbye to the training group. Just so you don't forget them, here is a recent photo.

Spring Series #4 – Boathouse 5k, Tuesday 25th.
29. Mick Horan 20:14
44. Geoff Moore 21:26
71. Neil Boden 24:16
76. Roger Pilkington 24:47
85. Mick Charlton 26:06
86. Cathy Montalto 26:12
87. Adam Robinson 26:19
93. Caroline Campbell 27:20
94. Geoff Barker 27:37
109 finishers. I ran towards the back for the first 500m and felt OK so I picked up the pace and enjoyed passing other runners.

DVDs I am watching: This week it is one of my old favourites, "Run Lola Run". A must see for runners who like quality movies!

Vetrunner December edition is out now. Read the highly exciting feedback we the Member Services Sub-Committee reported on the “Masters” issue! Read the controversial discussion recommending LSD to new runners! If the style of writing in both articles looks familiar?.... Hem hem.

When it comes to the Veterans v Masters debate, I have after all lived on both sides of that coin, and I should be able to present a balanced, rational, cool-headed summary of everyone's responses. Which is what I, I and the sub-committee, have done, so I am not sure what my reaction would be should anyone respond unfavourably to the report. But next year you cannot have your cake on both sides of the fence as is happening this year: we will either stay as "Veterans" or we will change to "Masters", and people should express their views now if they haven't done so already.

Also on the website, there is the track program for January to April 2009. Some significant dates I notice in the program include another 4x1500m relay on 29 January, our main track championships on 12 and 14 February (Thursday night and Saturday morning, and including a 3000m), and the 5000m club championship on 12 March, well before the season end. It continues to be a very good program.

Political bit