quote of the week: "It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad." - C. S. Lewis
My training progress
last week's target: 85k
achieved: 83k
year total to date: 1,046k in 10 weeks
this week’s target: 100k
weight: 62kg
song of the week: Run by Snow Patrol (again)
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
Is it a birthday? Is it an ultra? Is it the average runner's IQ? Whatever it is, 50 is an important number.
I thought Tesso might be a good person to run with in the Canberra marathon, but she has entered the 50k ultra.
Griffin might be a good person to advise to run with me. He will be 50 by then, and if older equates to wiser, he won't want to start so fast this year.
You know, it is amazing that it is always the same runners you see coming backwards fast in every race you run. When you experience life; make sure you are learning from it as well!
The great majority of the speedygeese are now excellent at judging pace. Sure, every now and then pick a race where you intentionally start out "too fast". Sometimes it works! Most times it is a learning opportunity; you experience the monkey jumping on your back, and discover that even pace works better.
But a 50k run? I don't know how you people handle that. Whether or not you set off too fast, exhaustion will happen anyway.
Ultra talk
Supporter to runner: “Are you tired?”
Runner: “Yes”
Supporter: “Do you want to stop?”
Runner: “Yes”
Supporter: “Are you going to?”
Runner: “No”
Footnote: Griffin will be 50 on 14 March.
My training progress
last week's target: 85k
achieved: 83k
year total to date: 1,046k in 10 weeks
this week’s target: 100k
weight: 62kg
song of the week: Run by Snow Patrol (again)
I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
Is it a birthday? Is it an ultra? Is it the average runner's IQ? Whatever it is, 50 is an important number.
I thought Tesso might be a good person to run with in the Canberra marathon, but she has entered the 50k ultra.
Griffin might be a good person to advise to run with me. He will be 50 by then, and if older equates to wiser, he won't want to start so fast this year.
You know, it is amazing that it is always the same runners you see coming backwards fast in every race you run. When you experience life; make sure you are learning from it as well!
The great majority of the speedygeese are now excellent at judging pace. Sure, every now and then pick a race where you intentionally start out "too fast". Sometimes it works! Most times it is a learning opportunity; you experience the monkey jumping on your back, and discover that even pace works better.
But a 50k run? I don't know how you people handle that. Whether or not you set off too fast, exhaustion will happen anyway.
Ultra talk
Supporter to runner: “Are you tired?”
Runner: “Yes”
Supporter: “Do you want to stop?”
Runner: “Yes”
Supporter: “Are you going to?”
Runner: “No”

"Maybe this will help with your morning run."
Footnote: Griffin will be 50 on 14 March.