metre reader
Wearing my *very bright* orange and black shirt today, I glanced out the window to see a young man on my front deck with the exact identical shirt except for the words "meter reader" in bold on the back, doing his thing. My first thought was that he had misspelt "metre". I must be writing too much about running.
bolt from the blue
from the Canberra Times: "An elderly man with a heart condition was shocked when a bolt from a Boeing jet flying overhead plunged through the roof of his Sydney home..."
I thought the story might have been about Carlton supporters deserting the club...

no NO, not the doll, the quarter pounder. Symbol of all things fat. The obese species is taking over the world. Fortunately we can out-run them.
2 degrees
That's the latest minimum forecast for Sunday morning. It will be colder than that at the start of the Brindabella run. Good luck.
See you at the track today.
Wearing my *very bright* orange and black shirt today, I glanced out the window to see a young man on my front deck with the exact identical shirt except for the words "meter reader" in bold on the back, doing his thing. My first thought was that he had misspelt "metre". I must be writing too much about running.
bolt from the blue
from the Canberra Times: "An elderly man with a heart condition was shocked when a bolt from a Boeing jet flying overhead plunged through the roof of his Sydney home..."
I thought the story might have been about Carlton supporters deserting the club...

no NO, not the doll, the quarter pounder. Symbol of all things fat. The obese species is taking over the world. Fortunately we can out-run them.
2 degrees
That's the latest minimum forecast for Sunday morning. It will be colder than that at the start of the Brindabella run. Good luck.
See you at the track today.