quote of the day: "I'm wasted on cross-country! We dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!" – Gimli, movie version of Lord of the Rings (as spoken by John Rhys-Davies, who was brilliant in the first series of “Sliders”, you will remember! Who’s with me here?)

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Dr Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told.

Coming Events
Mon 4 September 2006
5:30 pm Parliament House Team Moore weekly training, or 4:30 pm for early starters who would like a longer run. Meet at the underground car park; no cost.
Tue 5 September 2006
9:00 am Veterans weekly Tuesday group, Black Mountain Peninsula. Most participants walk, jog or run for about an hour. Morning tea, and celebrations of any birthdays, follow. A friendly and informal group.
Wed 6 September 2006
12:15 pm weekly BBQ Stakes 6k, Woden (park at Chappell Street Lyons). One of many good lunch time runs. Bring $1 entry and enjoy a hilly handicap race. It's reverse direction day!
Thu 7 September 2006
5:30 pm Dickson Oval Team Moore weekly training, or 4:30 pm for early starters who would like a longer run. Training is under lights, on a fully marked 400m grass track; no cost.
Fri 8 September 2006
12:10 pm weekly Customs 5k, Stage 88. A $1 entry fee, handicapped start, flat and fast 5km course.
Sun 10 September 2006
10:00 am MS 6.5k Fun Run, Lake Tuggeranong College

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?
Dr Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told.

Coming Events
Mon 4 September 2006
5:30 pm Parliament House Team Moore weekly training, or 4:30 pm for early starters who would like a longer run. Meet at the underground car park; no cost.
Tue 5 September 2006
9:00 am Veterans weekly Tuesday group, Black Mountain Peninsula. Most participants walk, jog or run for about an hour. Morning tea, and celebrations of any birthdays, follow. A friendly and informal group.
Wed 6 September 2006
12:15 pm weekly BBQ Stakes 6k, Woden (park at Chappell Street Lyons). One of many good lunch time runs. Bring $1 entry and enjoy a hilly handicap race. It's reverse direction day!
Thu 7 September 2006
5:30 pm Dickson Oval Team Moore weekly training, or 4:30 pm for early starters who would like a longer run. Training is under lights, on a fully marked 400m grass track; no cost.
Fri 8 September 2006
12:10 pm weekly Customs 5k, Stage 88. A $1 entry fee, handicapped start, flat and fast 5km course.
Sun 10 September 2006
10:00 am MS 6.5k Fun Run, Lake Tuggeranong College