Sunday 18 March long run report [Jen]: On the official speedygeese long run today we ran the bush capital half marathon course at Ainslie.
We started from Edgar's at Ainslie Shops instead of the War Memorial, so that the run ended at a cafe that could meet our high standards (on the coffee front). Ewen and Dave were absent today so the distance from the nearest McDonalds did not need to be considered.
Fifteen of us set off on a pretty much perfect morning - a sunny and still morning.
Perfect contrast to the strong winds that came in the afternoon.
Welcome to new comer Vanessa H! (surprise guest star) who joined us for the first time with her trusty companion Eric.
Also welcome back Sarah Johnson!!! Who has informed me she will be living back in Canberra for another 6 months very soon.
Now for the stats:
Giles ran 28k (which included his run to and from home)
Narelle ran 22k
21k: Graeme, William and Jen
20k: Sandeep, James
15k: Isaac and I (well 14.95 to be precise).
I was staying with him after losing him recently on a run! - he was very relaxed about being lost...I almost had a melt down!
12k:Sarah, Dave, Ruth, Bron (another rebellious 11.95k), Paul and Vanessa (and her very good looking companion Eric)
Helen was NOT at the run - nor was she at the coffee catch up at the end. No note was provided regarding her absence!
By joining forces and looking out for each other we managed to cross over a little water crossing with no muddied shoes - god forbid we get our trail runners dirty!
Thanks front runners for putting out a little log for us to straddle the crossing - well the smart ones did utilize it - well me to be specific ;)
And Isaac left out arrows made from sticks for the back runners to follow. As a result NO ONE got lost - probably helped that David Clarke was interstate and not there to confidently lead anyone astray!
That’s all for this weekend - See you all at the Cotter next weekend. 😀

Monday 19 March at Parliament House: A session of laps of the Rose Garden.
Starting on 2:30 and running 12 reps were Colin, Jen, Isaac, Giles, Sandeep until he dropped back a group, Dave until he swung off for a longer jog.
Starting on 2:45 and running 11 reps were Kelley, Pieta, Warrick. And Craig, arriving late.
Starting on 3:00 and running 10 laps were Jennie, Ruth, Tori, Alex, Mick H.
Thomas ran a few laps …
Brownie jogged around…
Christopher walked nearby..
Jessica honed her photography skills..
I watched and timed.
Afterwards we had fish and chips at Snapper ….. Jen, Isaac, Dave, Sandeep, Jennie, George, Rae, Vanessa, Warrick, Jessica, Thomas, Ruth, Caroline, me, and Brownie. Christopher came and went as he often does, nobody knows where. (Drain the lake!!)

Thursday 22 March at Stromlo Forest Park I trotted around the course early; then watched with Laura and Daniel the session of 3x1k, attended by Jacob, Colin, Janene, Brendan, Jen and Isaac. Thach and Ryan also joined us for the warmup, as is their custom.
Only one more Thursday at Stromlo, then we head back to Parliament House.
We started from Edgar's at Ainslie Shops instead of the War Memorial, so that the run ended at a cafe that could meet our high standards (on the coffee front). Ewen and Dave were absent today so the distance from the nearest McDonalds did not need to be considered.
Fifteen of us set off on a pretty much perfect morning - a sunny and still morning.
Perfect contrast to the strong winds that came in the afternoon.
Welcome to new comer Vanessa H! (surprise guest star) who joined us for the first time with her trusty companion Eric.
Also welcome back Sarah Johnson!!! Who has informed me she will be living back in Canberra for another 6 months very soon.
Now for the stats:
Giles ran 28k (which included his run to and from home)
Narelle ran 22k
21k: Graeme, William and Jen
20k: Sandeep, James
15k: Isaac and I (well 14.95 to be precise).
I was staying with him after losing him recently on a run! - he was very relaxed about being lost...I almost had a melt down!
12k:Sarah, Dave, Ruth, Bron (another rebellious 11.95k), Paul and Vanessa (and her very good looking companion Eric)
Helen was NOT at the run - nor was she at the coffee catch up at the end. No note was provided regarding her absence!
By joining forces and looking out for each other we managed to cross over a little water crossing with no muddied shoes - god forbid we get our trail runners dirty!
Thanks front runners for putting out a little log for us to straddle the crossing - well the smart ones did utilize it - well me to be specific ;)
And Isaac left out arrows made from sticks for the back runners to follow. As a result NO ONE got lost - probably helped that David Clarke was interstate and not there to confidently lead anyone astray!
That’s all for this weekend - See you all at the Cotter next weekend. 😀

Monday 19 March at Parliament House: A session of laps of the Rose Garden.
Starting on 2:30 and running 12 reps were Colin, Jen, Isaac, Giles, Sandeep until he dropped back a group, Dave until he swung off for a longer jog.
Starting on 2:45 and running 11 reps were Kelley, Pieta, Warrick. And Craig, arriving late.
Starting on 3:00 and running 10 laps were Jennie, Ruth, Tori, Alex, Mick H.
Thomas ran a few laps …
Brownie jogged around…
Christopher walked nearby..
Jessica honed her photography skills..
I watched and timed.
Afterwards we had fish and chips at Snapper ….. Jen, Isaac, Dave, Sandeep, Jennie, George, Rae, Vanessa, Warrick, Jessica, Thomas, Ruth, Caroline, me, and Brownie. Christopher came and went as he often does, nobody knows where. (Drain the lake!!)

Thursday 22 March at Stromlo Forest Park I trotted around the course early; then watched with Laura and Daniel the session of 3x1k, attended by Jacob, Colin, Janene, Brendan, Jen and Isaac. Thach and Ryan also joined us for the warmup, as is their custom.
Only one more Thursday at Stromlo, then we head back to Parliament House.