This week’s speedygeese training sessions
Sunday 25 March long run report [Dave]: Today’s run, courtesy of Jen, was a 25k loop with 570m elevation at The Cotter. The short course was 13k with 400m elevation. This was our second long run at Cotter, and arguably the most picturesque run to date. The only problem is it also offers multiple opportunities for getting lost with no phone service to check your map or let people know where you are. 😂
Welcome to those who joined us today, Candy, Shareen and Bianca.
The long runners were Kerron, Sue, Ruth, Bianca, Shiree, Shareen, Mike, Shuji, Jen Bl, Jen Br, Thach, Giles, Narelle, Graeme, Candy and Jinny. Those who did the short run were Kelley, Mick, Dave B, Pete B, Mhairi, Tori, Bron, Lisa and me. There were reported sightings of Helen, but they turned out to be hallucinations. 😯
Apart from Mike sending a text (“where are you guys?”) and Mick taking a trusted alternate detour (apparently Mick is an expert on The Cotter – but unfortunately a few things have changed in the last 50 years), nobody got lost. Three of us unwittingly followed Mick, but it was worth it to hear him copping it from Kelley for the rest of the run. There was a rumour that I took a wrong turn, but with Mick being the only witness it is unsubstantiated (although I must admit I did drive straight past the carpark and was consequently late to start).
If you noticed that Giles is wearing a tutu, it's because he is practising for the Canberra Marathon where he will wear it to help raise funds for Diabetes.
Ewen, who is out of action at the moment, joined us for coffee afterwards at The Meating Room, as did The Great Appleby (Steve Appleby) or “Apples” as Ruth calls him.
Thanks for the run everyone. I won’t be there next weekend but have fun. 🤓
Monday 26 March at Parliament House: The “Rose Garden 200” path was partially blocked, so instead of our planned training we ran continuous short distance relays, 3 person for ~18 mins, and 2 person for ~10 mins. Present were Bron, Dom, Jen, Isaac, Dave (new), Kelley, Ruth, Lisa, Craig, Tori, Giles, Pieta, Gary, Joel, David (Clarke), Jennie for the warmup, me supervising, and Christopher appearing at the end (still without champagne).
Thursday 29 March, our final session for the time being at Stromlo Forest Park: Jen and Isaac were there, Colin too, Janine, and Brownie. The usual 2.5k warm-up and 2.5k cool-down, with the small matter of 6x500m hill loops in between. I jogged 5k before that, supervised, and took an early mark, missing the cool-down owing to fatigue and/or old age. I will try and get whatever running I can in the next few days, otherwise walking.
I am looking forward to a return to Parliament House on Thursdays in April - September, in addition to the year-round Monday sessions there.
Sunday 25 March long run report [Dave]: Today’s run, courtesy of Jen, was a 25k loop with 570m elevation at The Cotter. The short course was 13k with 400m elevation. This was our second long run at Cotter, and arguably the most picturesque run to date. The only problem is it also offers multiple opportunities for getting lost with no phone service to check your map or let people know where you are. 😂
Welcome to those who joined us today, Candy, Shareen and Bianca.
The long runners were Kerron, Sue, Ruth, Bianca, Shiree, Shareen, Mike, Shuji, Jen Bl, Jen Br, Thach, Giles, Narelle, Graeme, Candy and Jinny. Those who did the short run were Kelley, Mick, Dave B, Pete B, Mhairi, Tori, Bron, Lisa and me. There were reported sightings of Helen, but they turned out to be hallucinations. 😯
Apart from Mike sending a text (“where are you guys?”) and Mick taking a trusted alternate detour (apparently Mick is an expert on The Cotter – but unfortunately a few things have changed in the last 50 years), nobody got lost. Three of us unwittingly followed Mick, but it was worth it to hear him copping it from Kelley for the rest of the run. There was a rumour that I took a wrong turn, but with Mick being the only witness it is unsubstantiated (although I must admit I did drive straight past the carpark and was consequently late to start).
If you noticed that Giles is wearing a tutu, it's because he is practising for the Canberra Marathon where he will wear it to help raise funds for Diabetes.
Ewen, who is out of action at the moment, joined us for coffee afterwards at The Meating Room, as did The Great Appleby (Steve Appleby) or “Apples” as Ruth calls him.
Thanks for the run everyone. I won’t be there next weekend but have fun. 🤓
Monday 26 March at Parliament House: The “Rose Garden 200” path was partially blocked, so instead of our planned training we ran continuous short distance relays, 3 person for ~18 mins, and 2 person for ~10 mins. Present were Bron, Dom, Jen, Isaac, Dave (new), Kelley, Ruth, Lisa, Craig, Tori, Giles, Pieta, Gary, Joel, David (Clarke), Jennie for the warmup, me supervising, and Christopher appearing at the end (still without champagne).
Thursday 29 March, our final session for the time being at Stromlo Forest Park: Jen and Isaac were there, Colin too, Janine, and Brownie. The usual 2.5k warm-up and 2.5k cool-down, with the small matter of 6x500m hill loops in between. I jogged 5k before that, supervised, and took an early mark, missing the cool-down owing to fatigue and/or old age. I will try and get whatever running I can in the next few days, otherwise walking.
I am looking forward to a return to Parliament House on Thursdays in April - September, in addition to the year-round Monday sessions there.