Sunday 07 January long run report [Dave]:
With a maximum of 40 degrees expected, it was an early start for the Speedygeese long run today. With perfect conditions around 15 degrees, the long run (19k) headed off from the war memorial at 6.30am. The shorter version (15k) started at 7.05 (as predicted by Ewen).
Sarah-Jane, Shuji, Jen, Giles, Mike, Jinny, and Sandeep did the long long run, with Giles and Sandeep running from home to the start. Ruth, Brownie, William, Dave B, Bron, Roger, Martin, Ewen and I did the short long Run. Carolyne and John S did a 10k.
Both courses followed a relatively flat trail clockwise around Mount Ainslie and part of Mt Majura, then incorporated some hills and returned to the war memorial. With two different start times and a wide range of speeds, it was a miracle that no one got seriously lost. 😂 🤣 Jacob was spotted racing past at different points.
Dave B came a cropper, just to add some interest. Fortunately we had our in-house medical practitioner on hand to render assistance. 😱
As I was recovering from yesterday’s tough racing and training, I took it easy (last in the pack, in fact) and turned back early, missing most of the fun. Jen kindly gave me the following details to add to the report. Not that I’m agreeing with everything she says, but in the interests of freedom of the press, it is posted here in full (with some editing).
“My famous words to Sandeep was “we have already done 300 elevation. Think the rest of the course is fairly flat” I honestly believed my own words! That was shortly before I screamed and scared the living daylights out of an innocent red belly black. I was impressed by both Martin’s medical aid and Dave Baussmann’s amazing recovery afterwards. Less impressed with Dave Clarke getting poor Brownie to turn back with him and do the short run, then proceeding to walk up the first slope in the first 200 metres. Resulting in Brownie running solo for the whole run. Don’t forget these details Dave - most important 🤣 🤣.. take heed anyone else. Dave’s Geriatric “run” is the equivalent of taking your 96 year old beryl with a walker frame with you. To be avoided at all costs”
And that’s it for the first long run of 2018. To make it easy to find out where the runs are held, we are now creating an “event” in Facebook each week. Don’t forget speedwork on Monday 5.30pm at Parliament House and Thursday 5.30pm at Mt Stromlo grass track.
Monday 8 January 23 present at Parliament House this evening: Bron, Vanessa, Rae, Celina, Chloe, Jacob, Kevin, Ruth, Jen, Isaac, Jennie, Colin, Ben, Brownie, Giles, Hayden, Kym, Sandeep, Lisa, Tori, Pieta, Jinnie, me supervising relays at the Rose Garden (short version). The speedygoslings in particular enjoyed the session.
Thursday 11 January at Stromlo Forest Park: Another excellent turn-out given how warm the day was, but a light westerly and a cloud cover brought considerably more pleasant conditions for training. The session was 5 of the 500m hill circuits on 6 minutes (approx). Participating were Ryan, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah-Jayne, Ruth, Jennie, Tori, Jen, Janene, Andrew, Dave, me a bit, Bron, Ewen, Thach, Brownie, Brendan, with a visit from Gregg on his bicycle.
Afterwards we celebrated Sandeep's 45th birthday in the usual way.

With a maximum of 40 degrees expected, it was an early start for the Speedygeese long run today. With perfect conditions around 15 degrees, the long run (19k) headed off from the war memorial at 6.30am. The shorter version (15k) started at 7.05 (as predicted by Ewen).
Sarah-Jane, Shuji, Jen, Giles, Mike, Jinny, and Sandeep did the long long run, with Giles and Sandeep running from home to the start. Ruth, Brownie, William, Dave B, Bron, Roger, Martin, Ewen and I did the short long Run. Carolyne and John S did a 10k.
Both courses followed a relatively flat trail clockwise around Mount Ainslie and part of Mt Majura, then incorporated some hills and returned to the war memorial. With two different start times and a wide range of speeds, it was a miracle that no one got seriously lost. 😂 🤣 Jacob was spotted racing past at different points.
Dave B came a cropper, just to add some interest. Fortunately we had our in-house medical practitioner on hand to render assistance. 😱
As I was recovering from yesterday’s tough racing and training, I took it easy (last in the pack, in fact) and turned back early, missing most of the fun. Jen kindly gave me the following details to add to the report. Not that I’m agreeing with everything she says, but in the interests of freedom of the press, it is posted here in full (with some editing).
“My famous words to Sandeep was “we have already done 300 elevation. Think the rest of the course is fairly flat” I honestly believed my own words! That was shortly before I screamed and scared the living daylights out of an innocent red belly black. I was impressed by both Martin’s medical aid and Dave Baussmann’s amazing recovery afterwards. Less impressed with Dave Clarke getting poor Brownie to turn back with him and do the short run, then proceeding to walk up the first slope in the first 200 metres. Resulting in Brownie running solo for the whole run. Don’t forget these details Dave - most important 🤣 🤣.. take heed anyone else. Dave’s Geriatric “run” is the equivalent of taking your 96 year old beryl with a walker frame with you. To be avoided at all costs”
And that’s it for the first long run of 2018. To make it easy to find out where the runs are held, we are now creating an “event” in Facebook each week. Don’t forget speedwork on Monday 5.30pm at Parliament House and Thursday 5.30pm at Mt Stromlo grass track.
Monday 8 January 23 present at Parliament House this evening: Bron, Vanessa, Rae, Celina, Chloe, Jacob, Kevin, Ruth, Jen, Isaac, Jennie, Colin, Ben, Brownie, Giles, Hayden, Kym, Sandeep, Lisa, Tori, Pieta, Jinnie, me supervising relays at the Rose Garden (short version). The speedygoslings in particular enjoyed the session.
Thursday 11 January at Stromlo Forest Park: Another excellent turn-out given how warm the day was, but a light westerly and a cloud cover brought considerably more pleasant conditions for training. The session was 5 of the 500m hill circuits on 6 minutes (approx). Participating were Ryan, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah-Jayne, Ruth, Jennie, Tori, Jen, Janene, Andrew, Dave, me a bit, Bron, Ewen, Thach, Brownie, Brendan, with a visit from Gregg on his bicycle.
Afterwards we celebrated Sandeep's 45th birthday in the usual way.