Online entry is now open for the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival on trails in Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura reserves in Canberra on 21 and 22 October.
SATURDAY 21 October 2017
7.00am 63.3km ultra marathon run; 42.2km bush marathon power walk
8.00am 42.2km bush marathon run; half marathon power walk
9.00am 21.1km bush half marathon run
SUNDAY 22 October 2017
8.30am 16km bush run and 16km bush walk
10.30am 10km run and walk
10.40am Under 13 years 2km children’s run
11.00am 5km run & walk
Many helpers are needed on both days so if you run or walk on one day and can help on the other day, that will be wonderful. To register online or to volunteer, go to the Australian Mountain Running Association website front page. Click on the picture of the entry form to register to run or walk. Download the PDF event information before proceeding with entering. Click on the VOLUNTEER button to provide your details to volunteer (volunteers will receive an acknowledgement reward of wine, chocolate or T shirt). The website is
Monika Holmwood winning her debut run at the recent AMRA Black Mountain Run-up.
SATURDAY 21 October 2017
7.00am 63.3km ultra marathon run; 42.2km bush marathon power walk
8.00am 42.2km bush marathon run; half marathon power walk
9.00am 21.1km bush half marathon run
SUNDAY 22 October 2017
8.30am 16km bush run and 16km bush walk
10.30am 10km run and walk
10.40am Under 13 years 2km children’s run
11.00am 5km run & walk
Many helpers are needed on both days so if you run or walk on one day and can help on the other day, that will be wonderful. To register online or to volunteer, go to the Australian Mountain Running Association website front page. Click on the picture of the entry form to register to run or walk. Download the PDF event information before proceeding with entering. Click on the VOLUNTEER button to provide your details to volunteer (volunteers will receive an acknowledgement reward of wine, chocolate or T shirt). The website is
Monika Holmwood winning her debut run at the recent AMRA Black Mountain Run-up.