Thursday 10 August: At Parliament House, present were Isaac, Jen, Jennie, Giles, Brownie, Susan, Brendan and I. We ran a 1200m fast, followed by 15 minutes or so of intervals on the grass oval (200m fast/slow)
On Sunday 13 August I managed to run 8k unaccompanied at Stromlo Forest Park.
Also on Sunday 13 August the distance group reported: [Bron] At 8:03 Mhairi spun her wheels into the CISAC carpark. At 8:04 14 of us headed out. The beginning of the run took us up a walking path, with a round about which confused poor Giles, having him think he had taken a wrong turn 300m in to our run. We all reconnected and trudged up to the top of Gossan Hill to the pyramid of rocks.
After that we took an unofficial shortcut along Radford Trails to Heydon Drive. A quick game of frogger across the VERY busy Canberra road took us to the Calvary walking track and beyond.
Running past the AIS track (cause this was a long slow run, not track work) we headed to the perimeter of Bruce ridge and made it to O'Conner Ridge. A long loop on a mix of fire trails and single track, with some hills, took us back to Bruce Ridge. Susan took her leave at this point and made her way back to CISAC, likely to have finished up with 12-13km.
The remaining 13 headed around Bruce Ridge, past the caravan park and onto Belconnen Way for some more Frogger fun.
A couple of loops, hills and cross country bush bashing around Little Black Mountain and we were all on the home stretch.
Aranda, with its hills and power lines made sure those who can run downhill quickly caught up to our speedier geese! 😂
A run over the footbridge over Belconnen Way put us on a path back to CISAC and gave us all 22-23km all up. 500m vert.
Finally on Monday 14 August at Parliament House, Bronwyn and I ran an early 10k, then I supervised a session of 2 x 400m along the western grass followed by about 10 x 200m intervals on the small oval. Participating were Paul, Kym, Pieta, Sandeep and Rae.
Bronwyn and I running early at Monday's speedygeese.
Mhairi on the run
On Sunday 13 August I managed to run 8k unaccompanied at Stromlo Forest Park.
Also on Sunday 13 August the distance group reported: [Bron] At 8:03 Mhairi spun her wheels into the CISAC carpark. At 8:04 14 of us headed out. The beginning of the run took us up a walking path, with a round about which confused poor Giles, having him think he had taken a wrong turn 300m in to our run. We all reconnected and trudged up to the top of Gossan Hill to the pyramid of rocks.
After that we took an unofficial shortcut along Radford Trails to Heydon Drive. A quick game of frogger across the VERY busy Canberra road took us to the Calvary walking track and beyond.
Running past the AIS track (cause this was a long slow run, not track work) we headed to the perimeter of Bruce ridge and made it to O'Conner Ridge. A long loop on a mix of fire trails and single track, with some hills, took us back to Bruce Ridge. Susan took her leave at this point and made her way back to CISAC, likely to have finished up with 12-13km.
The remaining 13 headed around Bruce Ridge, past the caravan park and onto Belconnen Way for some more Frogger fun.
A couple of loops, hills and cross country bush bashing around Little Black Mountain and we were all on the home stretch.
Aranda, with its hills and power lines made sure those who can run downhill quickly caught up to our speedier geese! 😂
A run over the footbridge over Belconnen Way put us on a path back to CISAC and gave us all 22-23km all up. 500m vert.
Finally on Monday 14 August at Parliament House, Bronwyn and I ran an early 10k, then I supervised a session of 2 x 400m along the western grass followed by about 10 x 200m intervals on the small oval. Participating were Paul, Kym, Pieta, Sandeep and Rae.
Bronwyn and I running early at Monday's speedygeese.
Mhairi on the run