During the last two weeks, speedygeese training sessions at Parliament House were:
Thursday 22/12 West side of PH, 200m hard, 200 recovery. Repeat for 400, 600, 400, 200, 400, 600. 25 minutes all done, with Ben Colin Jen and Sandeep attending.
Monday 26/12 7 x 430m loop from Tennis Court #8. Jen, fatigued from earlier 40km bike ride, lagged. Isaac ditched his mother after the 1st interval (2 minutes) and got faster & faster, finishing with 1:43. Colin, fairly consistent, between 1:46 and 1:42, but on the last one, held out the fast finishing Isaac with a 1:40.
Training report by Colin!
Thursday 29/12 I returned from my Bombo holiday and put the group over the steepest loop from tennis court 8: enjoying the session were Colin, Giles, Liz, Peter S (new) and Sandeep as I ran part of it.
Monday 2/1: I ran 8k early. In the new year the plan is to do anaerobic training for just a few Mondays. The first session went for 20 minutes and incuded 12 sprints of 200m with 100m recovery, around the 900m west side loop from tennis court 8 again. Participating were Andy, Colin, Fiona, Giles, Isaac, Jen, Joel, Rae, Ruth, Sandeep, Warrick, Tom, Jane (new), Jason (new) while I jogged around cheering everyone on. That's a very good turn-out for a public holiday!

More important than how hard is how often.
Thursday 22/12 West side of PH, 200m hard, 200 recovery. Repeat for 400, 600, 400, 200, 400, 600. 25 minutes all done, with Ben Colin Jen and Sandeep attending.
Monday 26/12 7 x 430m loop from Tennis Court #8. Jen, fatigued from earlier 40km bike ride, lagged. Isaac ditched his mother after the 1st interval (2 minutes) and got faster & faster, finishing with 1:43. Colin, fairly consistent, between 1:46 and 1:42, but on the last one, held out the fast finishing Isaac with a 1:40.
Training report by Colin!
Thursday 29/12 I returned from my Bombo holiday and put the group over the steepest loop from tennis court 8: enjoying the session were Colin, Giles, Liz, Peter S (new) and Sandeep as I ran part of it.
Monday 2/1: I ran 8k early. In the new year the plan is to do anaerobic training for just a few Mondays. The first session went for 20 minutes and incuded 12 sprints of 200m with 100m recovery, around the 900m west side loop from tennis court 8 again. Participating were Andy, Colin, Fiona, Giles, Isaac, Jen, Joel, Rae, Ruth, Sandeep, Warrick, Tom, Jane (new), Jason (new) while I jogged around cheering everyone on. That's a very good turn-out for a public holiday!

More important than how hard is how often.