Training on Monday 21 July: running early were Bron, Cathy, Christopher, Jen and me. Then running 10 x 330m including a 100m hill, on 2 minutes, were Andy, Bron, Caroline, Colin, Daniel, Ewen, Jen, Kym, Leonie, Lorena, Marilyn, Richard, Ruth, Vanessa & Warrick. We followed this up with some short attrition hill sprints with a very close finish between the final four. Finally, we had a pleasant dinner at the Yacht Club, where Jenny and I were joined by Rae, Caroline, Andy, Leonie, Vanessa, Kym, Marilyn, Ruth, Warrick, Ewen & Bron. An enjoyable long day!

Caroline and Andy at the Yacht Club after training

Caroline and Andy at the Yacht Club after training