Congratulations to all who ran the marathon. A perfect day, just a bit of breeze now and then, which I didn't mind, it was cooling.
Congratulations to Ruth for appearing in film of the marathon on Sunday night ABC News, not just once, the sports report, but twice, the news highlights as well. And for winning her age group!
Speedygeese marathon times
Place Name Gender Age Time NetTime
448 Cathy NEWMAN F 48 3:39:46 3:39:13 (3rd W45)
555 Geoff MOORE M 59 3:48:55 3:48:21 (I'm not 59!)
657 Roger PILKINGTON M 50 3:57:28 3:57:12
858 Ruth BAUSSMANN F 58 4:16:00 4:15:28 (1st W55)
971 Gary BOWEN M 52 4:30:26 4:29:48
Some of our friends
Place Name Gender Age Time NetTime
1 David CRINITI M 30 2:26:09 2:26:07
7 Nick WALSHE M 30 2:37:41 2:37:39 (first ACT)
108 Richard FAULKS M 49 3:07:25 3:07:15
138 Simon WALL M 42 3:10:43 3:10:09
194 Ray JAMES M 59 3:17:47 3:17:41
204 Mark HEWITT M 43 3:18:49 3:18:42
380 Sue Archer F ACT 60 3:33:31
384 Michelle WELLS F 37 3:33:49 3:33:33
405 Pam MUSTON F 49 3:35:29 3:35:19
419 Claire BELLENGER F 35 3:37:26 3:37:19
447 Theresa FABIAN F 50 3:39:44 3:39:36
457 Carol BAIRD F 60 3:40:47 3:39:58
522 Rob EY M 49 3:46:32 3:46:16
563 Chris GAMBLE M 57 3:49:32 3:48:50
1161 Norma WALLETT F 79 6:05:24 6:04:21
1167 finishers
Full results at
The Falconer grandchildren stayed the night: Kayleigh, Jarod, Alex and Olivia. With their mum. Breaking news: guess what? A fifth Falconer grandchild is due in November. You read it here first!

About as similar as four completely dissimilar things in a pod. And sorry, Neil, Jarod is a Bulldogs supporter, as you can see.
Congratulations to all who ran the marathon. A perfect day, just a bit of breeze now and then, which I didn't mind, it was cooling.
Congratulations to Ruth for appearing in film of the marathon on Sunday night ABC News, not just once, the sports report, but twice, the news highlights as well. And for winning her age group!
Speedygeese marathon times
Place Name Gender Age Time NetTime
448 Cathy NEWMAN F 48 3:39:46 3:39:13 (3rd W45)
555 Geoff MOORE M 59 3:48:55 3:48:21 (I'm not 59!)
657 Roger PILKINGTON M 50 3:57:28 3:57:12
858 Ruth BAUSSMANN F 58 4:16:00 4:15:28 (1st W55)
971 Gary BOWEN M 52 4:30:26 4:29:48
Some of our friends
Place Name Gender Age Time NetTime
1 David CRINITI M 30 2:26:09 2:26:07
7 Nick WALSHE M 30 2:37:41 2:37:39 (first ACT)
108 Richard FAULKS M 49 3:07:25 3:07:15
138 Simon WALL M 42 3:10:43 3:10:09
194 Ray JAMES M 59 3:17:47 3:17:41
204 Mark HEWITT M 43 3:18:49 3:18:42
380 Sue Archer F ACT 60 3:33:31
384 Michelle WELLS F 37 3:33:49 3:33:33
405 Pam MUSTON F 49 3:35:29 3:35:19
419 Claire BELLENGER F 35 3:37:26 3:37:19
447 Theresa FABIAN F 50 3:39:44 3:39:36
457 Carol BAIRD F 60 3:40:47 3:39:58
522 Rob EY M 49 3:46:32 3:46:16
563 Chris GAMBLE M 57 3:49:32 3:48:50
1161 Norma WALLETT F 79 6:05:24 6:04:21
1167 finishers
Full results at
The Falconer grandchildren stayed the night: Kayleigh, Jarod, Alex and Olivia. With their mum. Breaking news: guess what? A fifth Falconer grandchild is due in November. You read it here first!

About as similar as four completely dissimilar things in a pod. And sorry, Neil, Jarod is a Bulldogs supporter, as you can see.