...and I write and I am a goose

Thursday's speedgeese results (Pennington 1500m).
2 Kevin Chamberlain M60 5:12 84.8%
3 Mick Horan M45 4:56 79.9
4 Ken White M50 5:07 81.3
5 Gary Bowen M50 5:25 74.2
9 Tony Booth M65 6:38 71.0
I ended up having yesterday off. From running.
Because it was leap-day, that’s why.
I almost didn’t take the day off, as it meant missing my Friday routine. However, just because “they” have leap-day on a normal week day doesn’t mean it should be an official working day, really?
Next time (2012), please gazette an eighth day in the last week of February. This year it should have been Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Leapday Friday Saturday Sunday. An eight day week. And NOTHING scheduled for leap day. No festivals, no fireworks, no shops open, no television, no sport. NOTHING!
Unfortunately in 2008 it was a normal day. I didn’t run. But I did blog. And I had a dentist appointment too.
Cross Country Club speedygeese results – Summer Series #5 North Curtin 4k
25. Mick Horan M45 15:20
27. Richard Faulks M45 15:27
61. Cathy Newman W45 18:00
64. Neil Boden M55 18:33
67. Kelley Flood W45 18:36
70. David Baussmann M55 19:08
87. Mick Charlton M55 21:14
88. Caroline Campbell W65 21:30
115 finishers
This morning at Stromlo saw Rachelle, Bronwyn, me, and apprentice gosling Miranda, run 12 x 200 fast with 200 jog recoveries and three breaks. I don't know if it was the extra recovery or her extra-awesome fitness, but Bronwyn finished first in all twelve sprints. Not many others out there this morning; caught up with Bruce, Scott*, Roger* and Emma* at different times. A cool breeze was blowing but not too bad; just about right for distance running at pace.
Tomorrow: Jogalong. Monday: Parliament House. March is the last month of "summer" training before the "winter" program starts.
*footnote - these are a different Scott, Roger and Emma from the ones I usually write about! But the same Bruce.

Thursday's speedgeese results (Pennington 1500m).
2 Kevin Chamberlain M60 5:12 84.8%
3 Mick Horan M45 4:56 79.9
4 Ken White M50 5:07 81.3
5 Gary Bowen M50 5:25 74.2
9 Tony Booth M65 6:38 71.0
I ended up having yesterday off. From running.
Because it was leap-day, that’s why.
I almost didn’t take the day off, as it meant missing my Friday routine. However, just because “they” have leap-day on a normal week day doesn’t mean it should be an official working day, really?
Next time (2012), please gazette an eighth day in the last week of February. This year it should have been Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Leapday Friday Saturday Sunday. An eight day week. And NOTHING scheduled for leap day. No festivals, no fireworks, no shops open, no television, no sport. NOTHING!
Unfortunately in 2008 it was a normal day. I didn’t run. But I did blog. And I had a dentist appointment too.
Cross Country Club speedygeese results – Summer Series #5 North Curtin 4k
25. Mick Horan M45 15:20
27. Richard Faulks M45 15:27
61. Cathy Newman W45 18:00
64. Neil Boden M55 18:33
67. Kelley Flood W45 18:36
70. David Baussmann M55 19:08
87. Mick Charlton M55 21:14
88. Caroline Campbell W65 21:30
115 finishers
This morning at Stromlo saw Rachelle, Bronwyn, me, and apprentice gosling Miranda, run 12 x 200 fast with 200 jog recoveries and three breaks. I don't know if it was the extra recovery or her extra-awesome fitness, but Bronwyn finished first in all twelve sprints. Not many others out there this morning; caught up with Bruce, Scott*, Roger* and Emma* at different times. A cool breeze was blowing but not too bad; just about right for distance running at pace.
Tomorrow: Jogalong. Monday: Parliament House. March is the last month of "summer" training before the "winter" program starts.
*footnote - these are a different Scott, Roger and Emma from the ones I usually write about! But the same Bruce.