Sunday's half marathon may be a little warm, at this rate. Some of my coolrunning peers are still considering whether to start on Sunday, so it may just turn into an old crocs' two hour jog for all of us. But let's hope I feel OK by the time the gun goes off.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
running hot
Sunday's half marathon may be a little warm, at this rate. Some of my coolrunning peers are still considering whether to start on Sunday, so it may just turn into an old crocs' two hour jog for all of us. But let's hope I feel OK by the time the gun goes off.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
one fine day
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
The Lame Goose Hobble
Brisvegas weather - 26 today, occasional shower. It rained for one minute on the run.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
While speedygeoff flies north...
Saturday cross country results - Carillon 6k (it was really longer than 6k - somewhere between 6.3 and 6.6k).
Female: 8. Thea Zimpel 30:16. Male: 31. Ewen Thompson 29:48, 35. Geoff Barker 31:13.
Run yourself ugly - A photo of one of the speedygeese racing a middle distance event at one of the very enjoyable combined Interclub/Vets meetings earlier in the year. Who is it? Hint... the ugly one is not #166.

Friday, 25 May 2007
Moving is Freedom
Winter looms
I never do much running in June and July in Canberra, it is too cold, it is simply too difficult to get out the door when there are plus-or-minus single digit degrees on the thermometer. So the choices we have are to hibernate, or to fly north. I choose to fly north for the next two weeks.
Where Is The Love (1987)
The cry of the city, the mourning in the streets. Have we run out of pity? Do the hurting ones we meet? Do we care anymore? Do we feel anymore? Where is the love? When the neon has faded from the sky. When the glitter's gone, and you're on your own, where is the love? In the still cold of the night (still cold). In the hearts of the few. There's a secret (a secret). There's a doorway. A passage to the other side. Do we care anymore? Do we need to any more? Where is the love? When the neon has faded from the sky. When the glitter's gone, and you're on your own, where is the love? Where is the love? Where is the love? Can you show me the love?
Last night's CD launch was awesome, a group of close friends listening to Graeme Hush and the band playing songs from the new double album "Home: Songs from the journey: 1982-2006". 35 tracks. Powerful stuff. And surprise, Mon was on keys/backing vocals at the launch. Just like old times.
Last night at the track
Only nine of us braving the cold, with me holding the watch, Adam, Annette, Colin, Ken, Maria, Matthew, Neil and Tony ran 20 x 20 seconds on each minute.
ABS Fun Run
From where I was running in the field, I could see Ken & Katie run about 30 minutes, I ran 31 minutes, and Amanda 32. The distance is about 7.3k but seems longer. It (30.57) was all I could do; I think I need a holiday.
So it's CDs into the car and off to Brisbane for a fortnight. Yay!
"In from the storm. Sheltered and warm" - Graeme Hush, "Away"

We have learned that Katie has won the 'Seasonally Adjusted Runner' prize in yesterday's ABS Fun Run. Maths may not be pointless after all!
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Maths is Pointless
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
How many halves makes one?
Today at BBQ Stakes
Helen 26.21
Me 26.22
Charlie 27.07
No, I did not run with Helen. Anyway she would have out-sprinted me by more than a second if I had. I gave Helen the obligatory 90 seconds start. I thought I was moving along quite well in the windy conditions. Helen's run was her third fastest in 66 starts. Charlie's run was a near pb; and watch out, I spied her buying skins afterwards.
Half Marathons
On the same weekend as the ACTVAC Half Marathon are two other excellent races, the Sutherland Half on Saturday 25 August, and the Adelaide Half on Sunday 26th. I am very tempted to run Sutherland; it is decades since I ran that one, and it is where I ran my lifetime pb of 70.06 (when I was second to John Andrews in a big field). And now there is an added bonus; I can visit grandchildren on the way home.
The plan is to run five halves this year, so it's two down; three to go: Doomben, Sutherland or ACTVAC, and Australasian Masters. Even if all three are "slow" I will have had a good year after my times at Weston Creek and Canberra. So, nothing to lose!

Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Vote <1> Goose
I was interested as usual to see how many of the speedy geese training group (ie us), and how many very good friends of the geese, became members of the new committee to run Veterans Athletics in the ACT for the next twelve months.
There was a very good turnout of Vets at the AGM. Although, only about four members of our training group were there.
Nevertheless, on the committee we are well represented again!
Geese: (ie those with their names on my current roll)
President Chris Lang
Secretary Rod Lynch
Committee Roger Pilkington, Geoff Sims
Very good friends of the Geese (ie have run with us in the past)
Committee Peter Cullen, Marion Blake
Potential Geese (ie haven't run with us but could! Any time, you're welcome!)
Vice President Rosemary Parker
Committee Craig Wisdom, Jack Thackray
Non-geese (ie would steer clear of us) - no-one!
There is however a vacancy for Treasurer which will have to filled within the next month. So if you (a) have the motivation and heart for the job, and (b) have the capacity and ability to fulfil the functions of the job, please apply now to a committee member! Finances have been left in an excellent state by Will Foster, but it will still need a big commitment and some hard work by whoever takes it on.
I deflected several (well meaning) requests to rejoin the committee, as my sub-committee role is more important to the club, and my time is taken up coaching anyway.
How we trained
Last night saw Adam, Alan, Amanda, Ewen, Geoff B, me, Helen, Katie, Ken, Maria, Mick C, Ruth and Sonia run ten intervals of 40 seconds each two minutes on a darkish track through the Parliament House gardens.
Song of the week Chocolate, by Snow Patrol
This could be the very minute
I'm aware I'm alive
All these places feel like home.......
Monday, 21 May 2007
Monday Morning Monitor
last week's target: 120k
achieved: 82k
year total to date: 2,065k in 20 weeks
this week’s target: 90k: will be on holidays at end of week.
weight: 64kg ►◄
Monday was a day off after the half marathon; Friday I didn't run, not feeling too well. Hopefully in two weeks and with more rest I will be OK to run Doomben. Still, there is nothing wrong with an 80k+ week, and even if that's "all" I do for the rest of 2007, I will still be way ahead of the year's target.
Saturday cross country results - Mawson 3.7k (short course)
Women 11. Annette Sugden W40 17:34
No other goose ran. The course wasn't all that inspiring, I hear.
Brett Cartwright wins SMH Half
I came across Brett last month training on Drake Brockman Drive just 100m from where I live. And spoke to him briefly about marathons, as you do. Apparently he lives not far away from me. And trains by himself? But that was the first time I had seen him.
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Mother Goose Freezes Butt

BUTT second, I heard a very funny story at Karen's 50th birthday party last week. A salutary lesson, it reminded me of the time my nephew's tongue was stuck in the freezer compartment of our fridge and we had to use warm water to free him. BUT this time it was a story about Karen, her butt, and a car's bumper bar.
The END of the story is not for publication.
Karen joined my training group in 1981 or 1982, in fact she was the first ADULT to do so. Before that there was "only" a group of four or five lads of ten or eleven tender years who were jogging with me, training for the 1500m. Nathan Moore; Tony Brown; Justin Harrison; the other names escape me but I am sure they are just as famous now as the ones I recall.
Soon after, Karen invited Carol to join, and the rest is history. Or possibly archaeology.
Without Karen, it is most unlikely the Speedygeese would ever have come about. That makes Karen the original goose, and given Karen's propensity for writing adolescent literature, I would like to think she will be known from here on as "Mother Goose".
Happy Birthday, Mother Goose!
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Running Mates
Go You Mighty Blues!
The English FA Cup Final is here! Tonight, our time. The two best teams of recent years are fighting it out. I have been a Chelsea supporter all my life ... which none of you will know as I don't ever mention it (until now!!!.) Here are their recent goals:
But Man Utd have taken the League trophy from Chelsea this year. Let's hope Chelsea flogs them tonight. Go you Mighty Blues!
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Brooke Fraser: Deciphering Me
Thursday training report
At Dickson last night, Adam, Annette, Colin, Geoff B, Geoff S, Joel, Kathy, Matthew, Neil, Rod, Ruth, Tony and Yelena ran a pyramid - 400, 600, 800, 600, 400 on 5mins - in conditions which were mild, after clouds starting building up during the day, working towards some light overnight rain.
We shared the track with some sprinters who usually train at the AIS, but who have had to relocate while the AIS track is being replaced.
Next week: The ABS Fun Run
From Ian Clout, 6252 6737: The ABS Fun Run will be held on Thursday 24 May starting at 12.30pm, at John Knight Park, Lake Ginninderra. It's not too late to enter, and entry forms can be downloaded from the website. Team entry forms should ideally be received at the ABS by today Friday 18 May so that chest numbers can be allocated and returned to you for distribution before the race. Individual entries (but not team entries) will also be taken on race day. If you would prefer to deliver your entry form/money by hand to me at ABS House Belconnen, please ring or email me to arrange a suitable time. If you can't contact me, please contact Mick Atkinson on 6252 5131.
I will be there: of course, I was employed by the ABS for 34 years and launched (with John Harding) the first ABS Fun Runs back in the 1970s. And I am having a good run with chest numbers; marathon (6) as a result of seeding, Half Marathon (3) as a result of being a life member of the CCC, and now the ABS Fun Run (5) for what reason I have yet to determine, but which could be friendly race organisers.
A game!
Also a simple test of your reasoning ability. Fields of Logic.
BBQ Stakes
It has the best handicap system I have encountered. (Although you cannot eliminate “burglars” altogether; one of the very well known burglars in Vets runs it regularly.)
It runs in reverse on the first Wednesday of the month (see profile below), which is also Team Challenge day, and the normal (clockwise) direction on other Wednesdays.

Course profile. Reverse is my favourite direction, although some runners feel it is harder that way.
The BBQ Stakes website is at

The course map.
Some of the geese are regulars, including myself. For the record, this year’s results include:
date-run number-time
10/01/07 48 28:57
17/01/07 49 29:26
24/01/07 50 28:14
07/02/07 51 28:23
14/02/07 52 26:31
21/02/07 53 26:46
28/02/07 54 26:30
07/03/07 55 26:18 **pb
14/03/07 56 30:33
21/03/07 57 27:45
28/03/07 58 26:51
04/04/07 59 32:07
11/04/07 60 26:12 **pb
18/04/07 61 28:11
26/04/07 62 26:38
02/05/07 63 26:39
09/05/07 64 27:24
16/05/07 65 ~26:57
03/01/07 33 25:46
17/01/07 34 28:25
24/01/07 35 25:58
31/01/07 36 29:11
07/02/07 37 24:47 **pb
28/02/07 38 25:02
14/03/07 39 28:58
21/03/07 40 26:05
28/03/07 41 25:16
04/04/07 42 25:31
11/04/07 43 29:25
18/04/07 44 26:55
26/04/07 45 26:15
02/05/07 46 25:15
09/05/07 47 26:29
16/05/07 48 ~25:20
03/01/07 701 25:52
10/01/07 702 26:24
17/01/07 703 27:15
24/01/07 704 27:15
31/01/07 705 27:04
07/02/07 706 26:46
14/02/07 707 26:21
21/02/07 708 26:15
28/02/07 709 26:23
07/03/07 710 26:09
14/03/07 711 41:23
21/03/07 712 29:37
28/03/07 713 28:41
04/04/07 714 28:05
11/04/07 715 28:52
18/04/07 716 28:46
26/04/07 717 27:38
(Roger's pb is 22:21, in 1990 & 1991)
16/05/07 12 ~27:56
(Charlie's pb is 27:01, last year)
07/02/07 1 28:57 **pb
14/02/07 2 29:40
28/02/07 3 29:36
16/05/07 4 ~30:18
24/01/07 347 26:42
(Bob's pb is 21:30 in 1987)
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Preliminary Results Canberra Half Marathon
43. Richard Faulks ACT 47 M45 1:24:58 4:01
70. Geoff Moore ACT 59 M55 1:28:52 4:12
127. Gary Bowen ACT 50 M50 1:34:19 4:28
138. David Webster ACT 55 M55 1:35:24 4:31
142. Helen Larmour F ACT 47 W45 1:35:35 4:31
149. Emma Adams F ACT 38 W35 1:36:06 4:33 gosling
185. Zel Bodulovic ACT 51 M50 1:39:34 4:43
202. Jeni Greenland F NSW 33 1:40:37 4:46 gosling
216. Carol Ey F ACT 47 W45 1:41:37 4:49 vgf
218. David Baussmann ACT 56 M55 1:41:55 4:49
224. Michelle Wells F ACT 35 W35 1:42:19 4:51 vgf
225. Thea Zimpel F ACT 24 1:42:22 4:51 gosling
237. Alan Duus ACT 61 M60 1:43:42 4:55
238. Annette Sugden F ACT 44 W40 1:43:44 4:55
276. John Alcock ACT 61 M60 1:47:00 5:04
306. Geoff Barker ACT 62 M60 1:49:12 5:10
357. Mick Charlton ACT 55 M55 1:53:10 5:21
360. Peter Hogan ACT 60 M60 1:53:18 5:22
416. Ruth Baussmann F ACT 56 W55 1:57:20 5:33
441. Cate Winning F ACT 44 W40 2:00:26 5:42 vgf
450. Michael Freer ACT 77 M75 2:00:48 5:43
453. Barbara Tucker F ACT 58 W55 2:00:56 5:44
459. Adam Robinson ACT 34 2:01:27 5:45 gosling
470. Margaret McSpadden F ACT 60 W60 2:02:52 5:49
569 finishers
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Put right from the cold one
Speedy Geese Awards at last night's dinner:
1. The most improved goose over the summer track season - Amanda Walker
2. A special prize, the Perfect Running Buddy award for supporting encouraging and generally being friendly with others far beyond the call of duty - Peter Hogan.
Two Way Translation
Have you ever tried the on-line translators? Some, like provide a word by word translation to give you a very rough idea of the meaning. I translated the following (from my blog a few days ago) from English to Italian to English again:
"There is good news on my "weight" - I tried on a pair of trousers I haven't worn since the early 1990s because they became too small, and they fit me again. Snug, but wearable."
and got
"There it is some good news on the mine "the weight '- I experienced a couple of pants I did not put on since the first 1990 because became too small, and go me well still. Put right from the cold one, but indossabile."
Good thing I used clear language for a change!
Sunday's Half Marathon Results - still not available

Monday, 14 May 2007
Monday Morning Monitor
last week's target: 100k
achieved: 114k
year total to date: 1,983k in 19 weeks
this week’s target: 120k
weight: 64kg ▲
Women’s 6k Jogalong result 6 May
1. Helen Larmour W45 27:10 (started early)
102. Barbara Tucker W55 32:45
103. Charmaine Knobel W55 29:18
121. Margaret McSpadden W60 33:12
127. Caroline Campbell W60 32:24
189 finishers
Sunday, 13 May 2007
half good half marathon
But First Saturday's 5k results: (approximate) Katie 20.38, Sonia 21.09, Amanda 21.23, Trevor 22.23, Ewen 22.33, Neil 22.49, Thea 23.52.
And Reversing the reverse chauvinism of yesterday

Saturday, 12 May 2007
wicoe press release
Today 2.00pm 1k
Today 2:30pm 5k
Tomorrow 9am 21.1k
As the half marathon approaches, my sore throat has turned into a cold...
(Women In Charge Of Everything)
is proud to announce the opening of its
Note: due to the complexity and level of difficulty, each course will accept a maximum of eight participants
The course covers two days, and topics covered in this course include:
Step by step guide with slide presentation
Roundtable discussion
Practicing with hamper (Pictures and graphics)
Debate among a panel of experts.
Losing the remote control - Help line and support groups
Starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming - Open forum
Group discussion and role play
PowerPoint presentation
Real life testimonial from the one man who did
Driving simulation
Online class and role playing
Relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques
Bring your calendar or PDA to class
Individual counsellors available
Friday, 11 May 2007
What I like about you
(a) it is a dialogue, not a monologue
(b) the writer writes for the audience
I don't read the blogs which I don't read because
(a) they contain politics
Simple, really.
All the blogs I read are good, but here are two I particularly like (and I record this knowing there is a low probability the authors would ever read what I am keying* in) because they are a husband-and-wife effort where there is plenty of cross-comment and humourous interchange between the two:
the man: iliketoast: his posts appear on the sidebar under "more runners"
the woman: ihatetoast: her posts appear in the sidebar under "running writing"
the difference: I will leave that to you to decide if my categories are apt.
*note use of word "keying" instead of "typing", though I still don't understand why "typing" is now passé, because after all, that is what I am doing. Except for the mousey bits. And would that be "mousing", not "keying"? OK, sorry, "I record this knowing there is a low probability the authors would ever read what I am composing". Better, oh pedant?
Thursday training saw Adam, Charlie, Geoff B, Joel, Kathy, Ken, Margaret, Matthew, Neil, Rod, Ruth, Tony and Yelena run 5 x 700m on 5 minutes. Me too.
Another good point-and-click game - Zoo - quite fun, in French but you soon get the hang of it. I soon discovered you could revert to any previous screen via "View History". Although such a move is not essential. But it's different.
Enough rambling; see you tomorrow, same time, same URL.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
icy intellect
So far I have ten names. Kathy, Geoff, Katie, Ken, me, Neil, Ruth, Helen, Ewen, Peter H. More?
Why I ran bad yesterday
Sore throat today. Most agonising. May put paid to fast half, again.
Physics Joke.
Subatomic particle shop SALE
Electrons: 50 cents
Protons: $1
Neutrons: no charge.
Brain frozen, so stop here.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
The kilometers are looking bigger
Helen Larmour W45 27:10
Charmaine Knobel W55 29:18
Margaret McSpadden W60 33:12
Caroline Campbell W60 32:24
189 finishers
BBQ Stakes
I ran a slower 26:30 today after a 25:15 last week. It didn't feel any slower! It is just the body refusing to run fast knowing there is a half marathon coming up. Helen ran a minute slower than me, also preparing for the half marathon.
Half marathon focus
In 2005 my times were:
Weston Creek 1:39.12
Canberra 1:59.51 (2 hour pacer, no recognition)
ACTVAC 1:30.48
In 2006 (mostly better):
Weston Creek 1:33.40
Canberra 1:34.20
Queensland 1:29.55
ACTVAC 1:32.51
And in 2007 so far:
Weston Creek 1:29.35
So in Canberra this Sunday my primary target is to beat last year’s 1:34.20 for the same race. The secondary target is to break 1:30, and the ultimate target is to get in under 1:28. Therefore I will attempt to start off at 4:10 per km, and if I maintain that pace to the very end, achieve a 1:27.50. However today in the 6k my first k was 4:35, so it will be very hard for me, I fear.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Team Members Needed
You will notice the entry form says "Individual entrants should enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope so their chest number can be posted to them." This will apply to us as well, as there is no opportunity to distribute numbers were they to all be sent to one place.
There are many donated prizes - plan a long lunch that day. Proceeds from the ABS Fun Run will go to the ACT Cancer Council.
song of the week: Deciphering Me - Brooke Fraser, from "Albertine". For many years I have favoured almost exclusively men's voices. Now at last a female performer whom I like as much. Not only a great voice, an unselfconscious style, and superb arrangements, but very good lyrics as well. Her album Albertine is currently in the album charts.
Friend, it's getting late, we should be going
We've been sat here beneath these flickering neons for hours
Well I am cracking their code
You are deciphering me
For I am a mystery
I am a locked room in a tall tower
Oh can you feel the gravity falling
Calling us home
Oh did you see the stars colliding
Shining just to show we belong
We belong
Your telescope eyes see everything clearly
My vision is blurred but I know what I heard echoing all around
Well I am tuning you in
You are deciphering me
Not such a mystery
Not such a faint and far away sound
Oh can you feel the gravity falling
Calling us home
Oh did you see the stars colliding
Shining just to show we belong
We belong
It's love, it's love that holds us
We will be alright
It's truth, it's truth that shows us
If we'll walk in its light
It's love, it's love that holds us
We will be alright
It's truth, it's truth that shows us
If we'll walk in His light
Oh can you feel the gravity falling
Calling us home
Oh did you see the stars colliding
Shining just to show we belong
Monday, 7 May 2007
Monday Morning Monitor
last week's target: 120k
achieved: 120k
year total to date: 1,869k in 18 weeks
this week’s target: 100k or so
weight: 63kg ►◄
A report has come through that at the Jogalong yesterday morning Katie ran the minijog with speedyMeg, speedyJackson sped away too, and Helen ran with speedyJack. Much more fun than racing the 6k.
The local half marathon is only six days away. I will only ease off the last couple of days. I plan to set out "too fast" and see what happens. Some speedygeese are running the half marathon eve 5k on Saturday so I will go and cheer them on.
Otherwise, a normal week looms, with BBQ Stakes on Wednesday, speed work Monday and Thursday, and a long run at Vets on Tuesday followed by birthday champagne.
There is good news on my "weight' - I tried on a pair of trousers I haven't worn since the early 1990s because they became too small, and they fit me again. Snug, but wearable.
OK, who's going to the "Banana Leaf" next Monday?
Sunday, 6 May 2007
How to run faster
Campbell Park women 6k
9. Kathy Sims W55 29:05
11. Caroline Campbell W60 31:49
14 finishers
Campbell Park men 6k
13. Geoff Moore M55 25:38
23. Trevor Cobbold M55 27:52
29. Ewen Thompson M50 28:55
33. Geoff Sims M55 30:15
42 finishers
how to run faster
If you're older, and getting slower, and want to run faster over long distances, train longer! Anti-intuitive, but true.
Maths test part five

Saturday, 5 May 2007
A day over 59
A brilliant game samorost1 and its followup, even better, you can play the first half for free, samorost2
Amazing Guitar
Thursday training
The first of four four-weekly 2k time trials was held in windy conditions on a rough grass track at Dickson. After the time trial, we ran 12 x 50m sprints with a 40m jog between, in relay teams of three. For the record, the 2k times were Colin 7:09, Rod 7:28. Ken 7.46, Matthew 8.16, Maria 8.32, Roger 8.47, Geoff S 8.49, Neil 8.52, Kathy 9.25. Adam 9.38, Caroline 9.50, Ruth 10.30, and Margaret 10.45.
Banana Leaf.
I have booked the Banana Leaf Restaurant for Monday 14 May at 6.30pm and will take names next week.
Friday, 4 May 2007
May the fourth be with you
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.
- JABBERWOCKY (Lewis Carroll)
Only one year before I join the M60s
And when I am sixty! As speedy as Trevor!
And I think I'll stay speedier then for ever and ever!
- a really bad rewrite of "Now I am Six" by A A Milne
Why are you standing around in uffish thought?

Thursday, 3 May 2007
History Makers
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
At the races
women 8k
1. Kathy Southgate W50 33:34
men 8k
27. Mick Charlton M55 44:23
28. Geoff Barker M60 44:48
BBQ Stakes *reverse course* today
me about 25:15
Helen about 26:49
Roger ran 27 something I think.
(yes I was a whole minute faster than last week, & Helen about the same as she ran last week)
* so should we be naming it the QBB sekatS?
Maths test part five

Tuesday, 1 May 2007
"Highlight" was Ewen leaving before we could celebrate his birthday. Darn, what to do with all that champagne?
Alan, Amanda, Charmaine, Ewen for a while, me, Helen, Joel, Kathy, Katie, Ken, Maria, Mick, Neil, Richard, Ruth, Sonia & Yelena ran 6x2mins on, 2mins off, starting up a hill on a loop so that the faster runners would get the uphill bit each surge.
Song of the week "And it rained all night" - Thom Yorke.
Any song that can fit in the six syllable word "indefatigable" must be good!
And it rained all night and washed the filth away
Down New York airconditioned drains
The click click clack of the heavy black trains
A million engines in neutral
The tick tock tick of a ticking timebomb
Fifty feet of concrete underground
One little leak becomes a lake
Says the tiny voice in my earpiece
So I give in to the rhythm
The click click clack
I'm too wasted to fight back
Tick tack goes the pendulum on the old grandfather clock
I can see you. But I can never reach you
And it rained all night and then all day
The drops were the size of your hands and face
The worms come out to see what's up
We pull the cars up from the river
It's relentless Invisible Indefatigable Indisputable Undeniable
So how come it looks so beautiful?
How come the moon falls from the sky?
I can see you. But I can never reach you
I can see you. But I can never reach you
Maths test (part four)