Maureen turns 55 tomorrow (Monday) and enters a new age group. She plans to be at training Monday night, I hear. Take note everyone else, a birthday is no excuse to bludge from training!
No sign of track results from Thursday yet on the web except the Daniels result that I put up on Friday. No sign of the spiral seven results from the previous week either (the one that I won). Talk about slack. Well, let us set a good example of diligence and let us disregard the little things others might do or not do that could annoy us. (that bit's for me.)
It was a great morning at the Half Iron Man today. This event, a major race on the triathlon calendar, attracts hundreds of top competitors from all over Australia. I have no reservations in saying that it is the best event on the ACT sporting calendar each year. Amongst the keen spectators were Charlie, Jenny and Greg, Cathy, Ruth and Dave, Thea, Peter. An absolute must to watch and to enter if fit enough; very well organised, very exciting, and very long! And fellow runners, next year we could round up some swimmer and cyclist mates and enter teams. A December Half Marathon as part of a team somehow appeals. What makes the idea attractive is, we don't have any other halves at this time of year; there are mountain runs on but who in their right mind runs those; and the half iron man field is very large so there is plenty of company. And well organised as I said. I haven't asked what the entry fee is like, but who cares if it's a great event?