Friday 15 May 2020

This week's speedygeese interval training.

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, May 15, 2020 with
At Parliament House, Monday 10th at 12:00pm: Lisa and I checked out the venue for future possible speedygeese training sessions.

It was a success. Decision made. we will train there Mondays and Thursdays each week, time of day to be determined case by case. We will limit numbers at Parliament House to ten people, and manage that via Facebook "events" on the speedygeese page,

Then on Thursday 14th, again at noon, ten of us did train together, as follows.

So there's Lisa, Ruth, David, Pieta, Ewen, Andrew, Jenny M, Sandeep, Rosie (new), and me. We also saw Jane passing by.

Sundays we will start at 12:00 noon to train on the grass cross country track at Stromlo. No limit to numbers there, because if more than 10 arrive, we can split up, spread out, go in different directions if necessary.