Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Group training record, and today's big birthday

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 with
How the Speedygeese trained this week:

On Thursday 20 April at Parliament House: Jennie just did the warm-up; running 5 x 600 (300) + 300 were Brendan, Colin, Dave, Garry, Giles, Isaac, Brownie, Ruth, Sarah and Sandeep, while I supervised.

Sunday 23 April at Stromlo Forest Park Andrew and I started out on the grass then joined the distance group. Here's Dave's summary.
"Big crowd at Speedygeese long run (a PB, I think) on another beautiful Canberra morning, with 13 starters including our esteemed coach Speedy Geoff Moore. Welcome to newbies Sarah and Chase, and to Nigel (almost a newby). It was an accident-free and fairly uneventful run along Molonglo River, apart from a minor detour due to a wrong turn (sorry) on an untested part of the course. First time on this course for most people. Geoff and Andrew did a 7k out and back after their prior warmup on the grass track, I [Dave] did 16k (with a short cut at the end through the grass track), while Jen, Ewen, Sandeep, Mhairi, Nigel, Chase and Bron covered the full 17k. Giles did 18k while Jacob and Sarah got 21k in, with some extra kms rounding up us slower runners. Reported injuries included Jen’s ankle (as usual) and a minor hamstring problem for me. Half of us headed up to Stromlo café after for coffee and admired the beauty of the Brindabellas while telling war stories and comparing past injuries. Great company, great weather, great views and great coffee – thanks everyone."

Monday 24 April at Parliament House included Andy, Christopher (walking), Colin, Ewen, Garry, Helen (new) Jen, Jennie, Mick, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, & Sandeep, I ran early then supervised 15 minutes of 3 person continuous flagpole relays, followed by 10 minutes of short but steep sprints on the big hill.

Today's news is that Ewen turns 60. Here is Ewen with Dave.

Ewen: thinks "It won't be long now and I will be out of his age group. Bliss!"