Sunday, 30 April 2017

Cats v boxes

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, April 30, 2017 with
I ran out of time to do a proper post...
Here's a Simon's Cat from

Saturday, 29 April 2017

pics from local parkruns

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, April 29, 2017 with

New member of the speedygeese Lisa ran her first parkrun, at Burley Griffin today.

Vanessa organised a successful parkrun launch at Queanbeyan today.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

pics from Sunday' s long run

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, April 27, 2017 with

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Group training record, and today's big birthday

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 with
How the Speedygeese trained this week:

On Thursday 20 April at Parliament House: Jennie just did the warm-up; running 5 x 600 (300) + 300 were Brendan, Colin, Dave, Garry, Giles, Isaac, Brownie, Ruth, Sarah and Sandeep, while I supervised.

Sunday 23 April at Stromlo Forest Park Andrew and I started out on the grass then joined the distance group. Here's Dave's summary.
"Big crowd at Speedygeese long run (a PB, I think) on another beautiful Canberra morning, with 13 starters including our esteemed coach Speedy Geoff Moore. Welcome to newbies Sarah and Chase, and to Nigel (almost a newby). It was an accident-free and fairly uneventful run along Molonglo River, apart from a minor detour due to a wrong turn (sorry) on an untested part of the course. First time on this course for most people. Geoff and Andrew did a 7k out and back after their prior warmup on the grass track, I [Dave] did 16k (with a short cut at the end through the grass track), while Jen, Ewen, Sandeep, Mhairi, Nigel, Chase and Bron covered the full 17k. Giles did 18k while Jacob and Sarah got 21k in, with some extra kms rounding up us slower runners. Reported injuries included Jen’s ankle (as usual) and a minor hamstring problem for me. Half of us headed up to Stromlo café after for coffee and admired the beauty of the Brindabellas while telling war stories and comparing past injuries. Great company, great weather, great views and great coffee – thanks everyone."

Monday 24 April at Parliament House included Andy, Christopher (walking), Colin, Ewen, Garry, Helen (new) Jen, Jennie, Mick, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, & Sandeep, I ran early then supervised 15 minutes of 3 person continuous flagpole relays, followed by 10 minutes of short but steep sprints on the big hill.

Today's news is that Ewen turns 60. Here is Ewen with Dave.

Ewen: thinks "It won't be long now and I will be out of his age group. Bliss!"

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

All the recent speedygeese race results

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 with
Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 18 April
1. Sandeep Chandra 28:18
4. Ewen Thompson 32:49
11. Peter Thomson 28:36
14. Carolyne Kramar 48:00
15 finishers

Customs 5k 21 April
Colin Farlow 19:27
Peter Thomson 21:38
Bill Arthur 29:03
Carolyne Kramar 34:44
16 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #259 22 April
22 Brendan Belcher 21:10 M30
64 Bron Sparkes 24:40 W40
79 Jill Pearson 25:48 W55
80 Geoff Moore 25:51 M65
108 Stephanie Sabadas 28:11 W25
132 Gary Moss 30:09 M70
254 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #184 22 April
27 Giles Lamb 21:12 M40
113 William Arthur 28:35 M65
124 Margaret McSpadden 29:08 W70
249 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #46
22 April
215 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #218 22 April
20 Peter Thomson 21:27 M55
171 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #51 22 April
32 Victoria Hennig 26:16 W55
93 finishers

Bowral 5k parkrun #134 22 April
4 David Clarke 20:08 M55
8 Jen Bright 20:59 W40
9 Isaac Muscat 20:59 M11
18 Bronwyn Calver 23:36 W45
27 Ewen Thompson 25:46 M55
41 Ruth Baussmann 28:34 W65
63 Carolyne Kramar 35:00 W50
77 finishers

Bill Arthur

Taken back when Bill finished the Antarctic marathon. He has run a marathon on every continent - no other speedygoose has done that! And he recently completed his 22nd Canberra marathon.

Monday, 24 April 2017

on top of the world - music video

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, April 24, 2017 with
Song of the week: Citipointe Live “On Top of the World”

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Queanbeyan parkrun to launch this Saturday 29th.

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, April 23, 2017 with
Let's all go and support Vanessa and her team at the Queanbeyan parkrun #1.

The course:

The link:

Saturday, 22 April 2017

speedygeese invade Bowral parkrun

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, April 22, 2017 with
A number of speedygeese travelled down to Bowral for today's parkrun; some camped out, I wonder how that went?

Photos by Bob Harlow.

Isaac and Jen



Splendid wombat cake for Ewen's upcoming 60th birthday

Blowing out the candles: Ewen and Bronwyn.

Friday, 21 April 2017

more running pics

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, April 21, 2017 with

Sunday's distance group Dave, Pieta, Narelle, Graeme, Nigel

My Ginninderra parkrun 22:59

Jennie at the marathon.

Jack's big pb outsprinting dad Andrew at Ginninderra parkrun

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Watch out for European wasps

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, April 20, 2017 with
This is a message from the ACT Invasive Species Officer:
"We are currently experiencing a very dangerous European Wasp season in the ACT. The wasps are prolific along creeks, rivers and other water bodies. The wasps are entering the breeding season and will not hesitate to sting and attack if a nest is disturbed... Consequences from multiple wasp stings can be very serious."

See the attached information sheet [copied below], which includes first aid advice and details on how to identify them. Suspected European wasp nests should be reported to the European Wasp Hotline 02 6258 5551. [Solitary wasps are generally not European wasps]. Nests can be recorded using the eWasp app, as per the information on the brochure.

Nests are being identified regularly at Jerrabomberra Wetlands and along Jerrabomberra Creek, so please be very cautious there and watch where you are walking, particularly when close to water or in long grass. European wasp nests are also frequently found in wall cavities, eaves and gardens.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Speedygeese training summary

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 with
On Thursday 13 April at Parliament House: Thommo ran early; the main session on a perfect evening consisted of west side intervals along the grass under lights. Ten participants: Colin ran 6 x 600s jogging back; Giles, Isaac and Thommo ran 5 x 600s; Jen, Jennie, Nicole, Sandeep and I ran 4 x 600s; while Ben ran 200m intervals.

On Easter Sunday at Stromlo Forest Park I ran 15k on the grass: Sandeep half that.

Then on Monday morning: from Dave. "With most away for Easter or recovering from last week’s marathon, it was a fairly small turnout for this week’s Speedy Geese “long” run, on yet another perfect morning. Pieta, Narelle, Graeme and Nigel all opted for the short course (11k), although Narelle missed a turn and disappeared over a hill. She managed to find her own way to the end, having done 15k and looking like she hadn’t even warmed up. In fact everyone looked pretty fresh at the end – must have been the short course and cool weather. Nigel made a great debut on his first Speedy Geese run, keeping up with racehorse Narelle most of the way. I did a slow 7k out and back to give the hamstring a chance to recover. Coffee was low-key, at the Stromlo coffee cart. We might do this course again next week, if there are no dissenters, as the actual long course (20k) along the river is a really nice run."

Easter Monday evening 17 April at Parliament House: I ran early (10k); I then supervised the speedygeese running 10 hills of drills on 80 seconds, followed by 10 hills from the top on 90 seconds, being 100m down and 100m up again. Participating were Andy, Celina, Chloe, Colin, Isaac, Jacob, Jennie, Jim (new), Kevin, Pieta, Ruth, Sandeep, and Sarah (new).

Celina sprinting home in the parkrun.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

All the recent speedygeese race results

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 with
Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 11 April
1. Roger Pilkington M55 30:49
3. Peter Thomson M55 30:28
9. Ewen Thompson M55 32:38
17. Carolyne Kramar W50 43:31
20 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #258 15 April
5 Jacob Miller 19:51 M11 **New PB**
23 Chloe Miller 22:40 W10
24 Geoff Moore 22:59 M65
27 Kevin Miller 23:29 M35
61 Jill Pearson 26:47 W55
68 Celina Miller 27:10 W35
96 Jack Simpson 29:27 M10 **Massive PB**
97 Andrew Simpson 29:28 M45
196 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #183 15 April
41 Nadine Morrison 22:12 W45
124 Ruth Baussmann 27:56 W65 **New PB**
135 Margaret McSpadden 29:05 W70
276 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #45 15 April
108 Thomas Howieson 29:09 M11
152 Jessica Howieson 34:26 W10
156 Warrick Howieson 34:43 M45
162 Yuan Yuan Liu 35:19 W40
212 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #217 15 April
35 Bronwyn Calver 22:47 W45
37 Peter Thomson 23:07 M55
103 Sandeep Chandra 27:17 M40
281 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #50 15 April
24 David Webster 21:33 M65
36 Peter Simpfendorfer 23:41 M60
56 Liz Simpfendorfer 25:43 W55
57 Victoria Hennig 26:03 W55
127 finishers

Diamond Creek 5k parkrun #178 15 April
38 Bron Sparkes 23:17 W40
269 finishers

Panania parkrun #52 15 April
7 Peter Brown 21:21 M55
(Also 15 Gary (Griffin) Bowen 23:09 M60 – who is a professional parkrun tourist)
55 finishers

David Webster runs an M65 time I can only dream of, at Batemans Bay. 21:33.

Monday, 17 April 2017

song of the week - spanish sahara

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, April 17, 2017 with
"Spanish Sahara" by Foals, at

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Hop It

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, April 16, 2017 with
A Simon's Cat Easter (egg) special

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Runners at Gungahlin parkrun today

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, April 15, 2017 with
It was a great day for a parkrun.
Photos by Janene

Margaret and Ruth

David B



Friday, 14 April 2017

happy. just happy.

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, April 14, 2017 with

Thursday, 13 April 2017

New speedygeese t-shirts and singlets

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, April 13, 2017 with

A brand new design!

Order by mid April and you won't miss out!

See the speedygeese Facebook page for the latest details, or contact Jen Bright.

happy to finish

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, April 13, 2017 with
Ruth at the end of the running festival marathon.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Speedygeese training summary

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 with
Thursday 6 April Parliament House: I ran early; then Brendan, Colin, Dave, Isaac, Jen, Peter with me supervising ran 4 x 950 on 8 minutes.

The weekend was of course the Australian Running Festival: some competed, some cheered the runners on, all got wet.

On Monday 10 April it was back to Parliament House, and it was still quite cool: Jen (3k) and I (10k) ran early; Dave jogged and Giles cycled and I trotted around while Andy, Emma, Isaac, Jen, Peter and Pieta ran 20 x 100m hill sprints on 90.

I won't train this Easter Sunday but Thursday night and Monday night will still go ahead as normal.
And of course parkrun is still on everywhere.

Ewen at Tuggeranong parkrun last Saturday

Jill at Ginninderra parkrun last Saturday

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

All the recent speedygeese race results

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 with
You may notice that I have added many more names to my “official” speedygeese list – people who have trained with us and are still around about. Or about around. Hanging out with us. Around, anyway.

YCRC Women’s 6k Jogalong 02 April
Kathy Sims W65 29:07
Caroline Campbell W70 36:04
Carolyne Kramar W50 41:19
Thea Zimpel W30 48:27
66 finishers

AMRA Mt Ainslie Run-Up 2.3k 04 April
6 Peter Burke 17.45
11 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 04 April
3. Roger Pilkington M55 31:57
9. Carolyne Kramar W50 40:24
17. Ewen Thompson M55 34:40
19. Peter Thomson M55 29:26
20 finishers

Customs 5k 07 April
2 Ewen Thompson 29:45
3 Colin Farlow 18:31
11 Caroline Campbell 31:36
12 Carolyne Kramar 35:27
17 Peter Thomson 27:24
19 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #257
08 April
12 Jacob Miller 20:27 M11
39 Bron Sparkes 24:24 W40
48 Geoff Moore 25:02 M65
52 Chloe Miller 25:29 W10
59 Kevin Miller 25:50 M35
63 Victoria Hennig 26:26 W55
71 Celina Miller 26:42 W35
75 Jill Pearson 27:11 W55
80 Stephanie Sabadas 27:43 W25
168 Gary Moss 48:56 M70
182 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #182 08 April
168 Margaret McSpadden 38:28 W70
217 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #44 08 April
95 Caroline Campbell 28:09 W70
160 Carolyne Kramar 34:57 W50
221 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #216 08 April
64 Thomas Howieson 24:59 M11 ** Massive PB**
66 Jen Bright 25:00 W40
78 Ewen Thompson 25:41 M55
150 Jessica Howieson 31:05 W10
173 Warrick Howieson 32:49 M45
299 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #49
08 April
46 finishers

Australian Running Festival 10km 08 April
172 Peter Simpfendorfer 47:24
528 Peter Thomson 55:19
689 Craig Davis 58:17
1190 Nicole Robinson 71:45
1,383 finishers

Australian Running Festival 5km 08 April
4 Jacob Grooby 16:23
376 Lisa McDonald 30:53
1,039 finishers

Australian Running Festival Ultra Marathon 09 April
33 David Clarke 4:20.37
167 finishers

Australian Running Festival Marathon 09 April
222 Giles Lamb 3:35.06
359 Peter Thomson 3:50.56
395 Sandeep Chandra 3:54.28
796 Ruth Baussmann 4:43.25
858 Jennie Blake 4:54.04
962 Bill Arthur 5:32.07
1,006 finishers

Australian Running Festival Half Marathon 09 April
158 David Webster 1:34.23
351 Louise Hill 1:42.16
473 Amanda Cook 1:45.09
585 Bronwyn Calver 1:50.05
638 Jackson Bruce 1:49.12
694 Liz Simpfendorfer 1:52.49
752 Fiona Blackwell 1:53.58
806 Stephanie Pfohl 1:55.36
1401 Kevin Chamberlain 2:11.26
1550 Marie Fischetti 2:15.39
1581 Nicole Bruce 2:15.43
1733 Margaret McSpadden 2:24.09
1788 YY Liu 2:26.52
1931 Carolyne Kramar 2:43.45
2,010 finishers

Bill (marathon)

Lisa (5k)

Liz (half marathon)

Jackson and Nicole (half marathon)

Sandeep (marathon)

Thommo with Sandeep at the finish

Monday, 10 April 2017

Burn for you.. classic INXS song

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, April 10, 2017 with
Song of the week: "Burn For You", by INXS

Sunday, 9 April 2017

And then the rains came. My Canberra Marathon pics.

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, April 09, 2017 with

Photogenic Giles

The loudest drink station


Ultra Dave

Sub-Four Sandeep

Neville (ex speedy-goose, now down the coast) and Thommo

Pressing-on Dave

Kicking-on Sandeep

Still-going Dave


Saturday, 8 April 2017

Good luck in the Canberra Marathon tomorrow

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, April 08, 2017 with
I will be at the 34/38k marks in the marathon (42/46k in the ultra) as usual tomorrow. Enjoy the run, don't believe the forecast of rain late morning, it won't happen.

If anyone wants to meet me at the "Dog Park", that's where I and many others will be. Best place to park the car is next to the ovals at the bottom of Novar Street.

Pics may appear here late tomorrow.

Will it be a cold start?

Friday, 7 April 2017


Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, April 07, 2017 with
Australian Running Festival – Best wishes to all participants and volunteers for the weekend.  A large group of ‘Griffins’ just short of 50 runners are again taking part in the marathon.  Peter Thomson has done a lot of work in recruiting Griffins from around the country to come and run another marathon as he seeks to get over 50 Griffin compete the event..  A ‘Griffin’ being a runner who has completed more than 10 Canberra Marathons.  Without our volunteers this weekend would not be possible so a special thank you to them.  Our club does receive a payment from Fairfax events for this help.

Winter Series – 29th April 12:45pm – North Lyneham 2k/3.1k/6.2k – Salkaukas Crescent, North Lyneham.   The 2k starts at 12:45 with the 3.1 and 6.2k at 1pm.  These events are on dirt tracks around a native tree forest.  The 3.1k is a junior point score event and the 6.2k is a senior point score event.  The winners of our point score series are not necessarily those runners that win the most events.  By all means pick and choose between our events and those of the local Parkruns or do both.  Remember our second event on Saturday 6th May – Kingston Physio West Basin 10 Miler start at finish at John Cardiff Close, Black Mountain Peninsula at 7.30am.  Our Winter Series start is after the Australian Running Festival and the School Holidays.

YMCA Canberra Half Marathon – Saturday/Sunday 27/28th May.
The half marathon will be held on Sunday 28th May commencing at 8am from Lennox Gardens.  Entries are now open and the link is
On the Saturday we will have a 1.6k Mini Jog for young children and a 5k Fun Run.  More details on these events later in the year.  Entries for the 5k and Mini Jog are taken on the day (Saturday afternoon 27th May).  Please note all finishers in the Mini Jog will receive a medal.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Thinking of doing a steeplechase?

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, April 06, 2017 with
Think again.

Current state of play at Fawkner Track.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Speedygeese training summary

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, April 05, 2017 with
On Thursday 30 March at Parliament House: Dave was jogging in the carpark; Sandeep and Giles were running in the rain; Jen and Brendan were training doing 12 laps of the Rose Garden 200s course in the pouring rain; I was damply supervising.

Sunday 2 April at Stromlo Forest Park: Sandeep, Andrew and I ran on the grass, plus Gavin and Matt were there too.

Also on Sunday 2 April Dave reports: "Perfect morning for Speedy Geese long run, with 10 starters. Nice to be able to have a sleep in and a 7.30 start with a relaxing coffee at Maccas on the lake. It was a relatively short long run, with the taper for the ultra well underway. The rest of the crew turned up at 8.00am. Good turnout, including newcomers Jason and Graeme. This week was a fairly flat run from Lake Tuggeranong to Point Hut Pond then along the river to Pine Island and back to Lake Tuggers (well, for most, except Jason and I who separately managed to get lost and do a few extra km). Sandeep was conspicuous by his absence, being at Mt Stromlo with Speedy Geoff and Andy who were doing the usual Sunday morning intervals.
Unlike last week (thanks to Giles for headbutting the bike path), this week’s run was fairly uneventful. Nobody seemed interested in taking one for the team to help get more Likes on facebook. Mhairi’s leaking top was probably the most exciting event . I had a suggestion to fix that, but she wasn’t sure that nursing pads would have helped with a leaking water bottle.
This week’s distance winner was Narelle, with 20km, followed closely by Mhairi, Jason and I with 18k. Those who didn’t get lost or overly excited (Ewen, Bronwyn, Bron, Jen, Susan, and Graeme) did 15k. Somehow we all ended up back in the right place for coffee (which took longer than the run, by the way). Thanks everyone. Looking for a huge day out next weekend with the ultra, and with Sandeep and Ruth doing the marathon, and Jen, Ewen and others coming along for support and post run celebrations."

Graeme Smyth, Narelle Desmet, Jason Roberts, Dave Clarke, Susan Sturgeon, Jen Bright, Mhairi Craig, Bron Sparkes, Bronwyn Calver. Photo by Ewen Thompson.

On Monday 3 April at Parliament House: Ewen and I ran early; the main session was 15 x 100m hill on 2 mins (with 230m recovery) with Andy, Colin, David, Emma, Isaac, Jen participating while I supervised; Dave, Ewen, Sandeep, Ruth jogging around and Christopher was seen walking..

Parliament House training continues every Monday (hills) and Thursday (long intervals) this month.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

All the recent speedygeese race results

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, April 04, 2017 with
BBQ Stakes 6k 15 February
23. Peter Thomson 27:38
25. Bronwyn Calver 30:25
38. Craig Wurtz 30:13
40. Ewen Thompson 36:54
44. Andrew Matthews 33:59
48. Caroline Campbell 43:44
56 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 22 February
9. Bronwyn Calver 30:03
19. Ewen Thompson 35:24
21. Andrew Matthews 31:48
25. Caroline Campbell 40:18
34. Craig Wurtz 30:41
51 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 01 March
10. Andrew Matthews 30:43
13. Ewen Thompson 34:49
14. Bronwyn Calver 30:05
36. Craig Wurtz 30:24
40. Caroline Campbell 41:30
44. Peter Thomson 33:25
47 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 08 March
24. Bronwyn Calver 29:43
27. Caroline Campbell 39:07
38. Craig Wurtz 29:00
42. Peter Burke 29:10
47. Ewen Thompson 36:16
51. Peter Thomson 29:28
53 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 15 March
18. Andrew Matthews 31:11
28. Peter Thomson 27:39
31. Ewen Thompson 35:21
40. Craig Wurtz 31:06
44. Bronwyn Calver 30:42
47 finishers

BBQ Stakes 6k 22 March
3. Andrew Matthews 31:03
11. Ewen Thompson 35:15
22. Bronwyn Calver 31:00
35. Craig Wurtz 31:27
46 finishers

Lake Tuggeranong Stakes 6k 28 March
6. Craig Wurtz 29:01
7. Ewen Thompson 33:02
15. Peter Thomson 27:35
23 finishers

Ginninderra 7k handicap 28 March
9 Bron Sparkes 36:28
16 finishers

ACTVAC Track 30 March
W65 Ruth Baussmann 16:57.88 72.6%

5000m championship
M55 David Clarke 19:20.08 79.7% M55 gold

Customs 5k 31 March
Colin Farlow 19:04
Giles Lamb 22:20
Craig Wurtz 22:44
Ewen Thompson 30:18
Caroline Campbell 31:57
19 finishers

Ginninderra 5k parkrun #256 01 April
34 Brendan Belcher 21:47 M30
109 Ruth Baussmann 28:32 W65
150 Jack Simpson 34:35 M10 **First Timer**
151 Archie Simpson 34:41 M11 **First Timer**
152 Andrew Simpson 34:41 M45
184 Bron Sparkes 42:49 W40
196 Gary Moss 51:50 M70
213 finishers

Gungahlin 5k parkrun #181 01 April
19 Giles Lamb 21:08 M40
60 Amanda Cook 24:20 W35
268 finishers

Burley Griffin 5k parkrun #43 01 April
44 Craig Wurtz 22:02 M50
49 Peter Thomson 22:33 M55
149 Caroline Campbell 28:39 W70
306 finishers

Tuggeranong 5k parkrun #215 01 April
36 David Webster 21:43 M65
46 Bronwyn Calver 22:34 W45
79 David Clarke 24:33 M55
105 Ewen Thompson 26:19 M55
163 Jessica Howieson 30:30 W10 **New PB**
165 Warrick Howieson 30:33 M45
286 finishers

Batemans Bay 5k parkrun #48 01 April
43 finishers

Bronwyn and David at Tuggeranong parkrun