Saturday, 28 February 2015

Announcing the March Challenge

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, February 28, 2015 with
The November challenge was a set of strength-endurance exercises
December challenge was focusing more on strength.
January challenge was focusing more on endurance: extra easy running.
February challenge was an alcohol free month.
They have all been successful; all challenges overcome.
Now for my March challenge.
Which will be to stretch twice a day. My stretching routine will be a range of exercises targeted to my needs.
I will be easing back on strength because (a) I have been injured for two weeks and (b) important races are scheduled over Easter.
Been meaning to stretch for at least 20 years now.
At the same time, hoping I can get back into my running routine and be reasonably fit by April.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Where we went part 21B: Stirling, Scotland, 3 June

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, February 27, 2015 with
Having arrived in Larbert, settled in, and had lunch, we took the train one station to Stirling and walked around this beautiful city and up the the hill to Stirling Castle.

Stirling railway station

Pub crawl!

We have seen all about Bannockburn via Neil Oliver "The Quest for Bannockburn"

Looks good in black and white

Souvenir shop. Now we know where granddaughter Kayleigh's name came from!

The Boys Brigade. That brings back memories!

And back in Larbert at the end of the day. Still bright and sunny in Scotland in June!!

Thursday, 26 February 2015

New "Major Events" tab

Posted by speedygeoff on Thursday, February 26, 2015 with
These are the links currently on the new "major events" tab and of course I plan to keep the list current.

Mar 9 Mount Rob Roy
Mar 14 Six Foot Track
Mar 21-22 CBR100
Mar 22 Weston Half
Mar 28 World XC
Mar 28-29 Relay For Life
Apr 3-6 AMA Champs
Apr 6-12 Anzac Ultra
Apr 11-12 Running Fest
May 3 Wings for Life
May 17 Sydney Half
Oct 3-10 Masters Games
Oct 18 Melb Marathon

I am happy to add your "major events" if you have any more you'd like to see there. Suggestions? e.g. comment here.


Wednesday, 25 February 2015

speedygeese training: lots of photos!

Posted by speedygeoff on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 with
On Monday at Parliament House there were 20 speedygeese training, about the same numbers for the last few weeks. There were Alex, Andrew, Andy, Cathy, Colin, Dan, Ewen, Garry, Jen, Julia, Kylie, Margaret, Mick C, Nicole, Peter B, Thommo, Pieta, Ruth & Warrick in attendance. On 4 minutes they ran 8 x 400m or 450m from the NW tennis court, the loop including one sharp hill. I just walked around supervising, I am not supposed to be running quite yet.

Speedy geese at the Parliament House hill on a hot day.

Or rather, these photos from Monday this week. Click to enlarge!

Kylie, Julia, Alex, Margaret


Mick C 




Colin, Peter, Garry, Andy, Jen

Kylie, Thommo, Jen, Dan, Julia, Alex

Juila, Andrew, Alex, Margaret, Cathy M


Colin, Andy, Garry

Dan, Margaret, Julia, Alex, Warrick

Kylie, Jen

Thommo, Margaret

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

latest speedygeese race results

Posted by speedygeoff on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 with
Tuesday 17 February AMRA Black Mountain Run-Up 2.6k
13 Jen Bright 17.05
15 Peter Burke 17.19
25 Margaret Phillips 21.06
31 Caroline Campbell 24.58
31 finishers

Tuesday 17 February YCRC Summer Series #4 Lake Ginninderra 5k
16. David Clarke M55 21:11
20. Peter Thomson M50 22:09
25. Andrew Matthews M55 23:02
26. Kathy Sims W60 23:09
34. Elizabeth Mountbatten W55 24:43
35. Sarah Pau W40 25:26
37. Gabrielle Brown W50 25:50
40. Vanessa Palmer W40 26:49
43. Mick Charlton M60 28:17
47 finishers

Tuesday 17 February YCRC Summer Series #4 Lake Ginninderra 2k
20. Maria O'Reilly W60 22:42
20 finishers
At least she was out there having a go!

Thursday 19 February ACTVAC Track
Pennington 3000m
3 Kathy Sims W60 12:50
5 Colin Farlow M50 10:36
6 Helen Larmour W55 13:03
7 Dale Moore M50 11:20
10 Roger Pilkington M55 13:22
11 Ewen Thompson M55 13:24
12 Margaret McSpadden W65 17:02
13 Ruth Baussmann W60 16:17
14 finishers
As usual with the Pennington results, actual times will be a second or two faster than shown.

Spiral 7
4 Helen Larmour W55 12:49
6 Margaret McSpadden W65 17:38
9 Roger Pilkington M55 13:37
13 Ruth Baussmann W60 17:00
15 Dale Moore M50 16:09
15 finishers

Friday 20 February Customs 5k
Peter Burke 21:08
Peter Thomson 22:58
Bron Sparkes 25:48
Caroline Campbell 32:10
Bronwyn Calver 46:47
26 finishers

Saturday 21 February 5k Ginninderra Parkrun #148
100 Thea Zimpel 28:53 W30
117 Bron Sparkes 31:21 W35
130 Dom Sparkes 31:57 M10
203 finishers

Saturday 21 February 5k Tuggeranong Parkrun #105
20 Peter Burke 20:31 M40
24 David Clarke 20:43 M55
34 David Webster 21:22 M60
42 Julia Anderson 22:08 W40 New PB!
65 Ewen Thompson 24:05 M55
160 Pieta Smith 29:18 W40
235 Nicole Robinson 36:58 W40 New PB!
311 finishers

Saturday 21 February 5k Gungahlin Parkrun #71
22 Peter Thomson 20:45 M50
41 Nadine Morrison 22:38 W45
44 Margaret Phillips 22:45 W60
122 Margaret McSpadden 29:30 W65
127 Brett Morrison 30:01 M45
203 finishers! Same as Ginninderra!

Sunday 22 February ACTVAC Handicap Central Curtin 6.3k
3 Jennifer Bright W35 26:50 73.4%
4 Nadine Morrison W45 31:05 66.5
9 Peter Thomson M50 27:04 74.2 **silver**
12 Margaret Phillips W60 30:06 82.9
13 Mick Horan M55 29:42 68.1
27 Amanda Ruffin W55 32:39 71.6
28 Mick Charlton M60 35:56 60.3
33 Helen Larmour W55 29:37 78.9
36 Rod Lynch M55 25:22 79.7
39 Margaret McSpadden W65 40:47 67.3
65 David Clarke M55 29:21 69.7
72 Maria O'Reilly W60 31:03 79.2
78 Roger Pilkington M55 33:28 61.1
80 Christopher Lang M60 42:47 50.6
86 finishers. Not bad!

Sunday 22 February ACTVAC Handicap Central Curtin 3k
8 Cathy Montalto W60 14:45 77.0%
39 finishers

Monday, 23 February 2015

music makes the world go round

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, February 23, 2015 with
Song of the Week: "Black Sun", by Death Cab for Cutie.

Another great DCfC video clip, they do them very well.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

25 tell tale signs you’re a fast walker

Posted by speedygeoff on Sunday, February 22, 2015 with

18. When you go from a walk to a run, the difference in speed is negligible

21. You’ve been told you’re “not enjoying the world around you” because of your speedy ways
Too right. You’re too busy staring at the ground to anticipate cracks or obstacles – or looking ahead to navigate your way through the crowd in advance – to appreciate the scenery. This is called being efficient. Some people might like to try it sometime.

23. You always keep pace with the guide on walking tours

And curse the dawdlers under your breath. Don’t they understand you have things to see here?  

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Spotlight on: Kayleigh Falconer, gymnastics

Posted by speedygeoff on Saturday, February 21, 2015 with

Kayleigh, our eldest grandchild, made it to the Illawara Mercury this week. We are very proud to have a fit and famous descendent. Yes she is famous! The article is here at this link. I should add that the other 12 grandchildren are also brilliant, each in their own way.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Where we went part 21A - Edinburgh to Larbert, 3 June

Posted by speedygeoff on Friday, February 20, 2015 with
In the morning of 3 June we had a final breakfast on our cruise ship, at Leith, then disembarked to the tune of bagpipes and was driven to Edinburgh railway station. We caught the train to Larbert, the stop just before Stirling. Beautiful Scottish countryside all along the route.

Edinburgh: we didn't see a lot of it!

Glimpses of Edinburgh Castle from the train line as we departed.

Arriving at Larbert, our accommodation was a short walk from the station.

The house in which we stayed

Our lovely host for three nights. Thanks Ruth, Charlie and Tim for making us feel at home. On the other side of the world.

Then the afternoon of 3 June we explored Stirling. But that's the next episode.