Monday, 1 July 2019

My winter running streak day 1

Posted by speedygeoff on Monday, July 01, 2019 with
I jogged 2k in the morning, and another 5k in the evening with the speedygeese.

Some of today's gaggle.

Present were Pauline (new), Rowena (new), Victor (new), Michael M (new to me), Warrick, Deborah D, Jenny M, me, Gwen, Richard, James, Bernardo, Vanessa H, Erica, Ruth, Melissa, Yelena, Dave, Brownie, Mick, and Rae, with others turning up at the end - Kahlia, Rachel, Joel with Vianne and Maya.

The training session was 4 x 800m run with the last 200m flat out. The weather was fine, cool and still.