Thursday, 31 January 2013

Stromlo Running Festival 15-17 February

Late fees apply from the 1st of February, so enter now!
Lighting Strike
The start date for the fifth annual STROMLO Running Festival is rapidly approaching. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to take part in this unique event .STROMLO is bound to once again be an action-packed weekend of running at Stromlo Forest Park in Canberra.
The 30km Lightning Strike event provides a challenging run for even the most experienced runners. The profile of the course makes it one of the toughest trail runs in the Canberra area and this year sees a few course modifications to make it even better than previous years. In 2013, transport of runners from the event hub to the start is included as part of the entry cost.
The new 10km Lightning Strike course developed in 2012 proved to be a great success and will again be used in 2013. This event now starts and finishes at the event hub in Stromlo Forest Park and consists of a flowing and picturesque loop around one of Canberra's best nature parks.
The 7.5km Cross Country is set to be a great event and is now combined with the Corporate Challenge. The event will be a normal mass start with all runners beginning at the same time and Age-Sex adjusted performances calculated after the event based on competitors finishing time for all individual entrants. There is still $2,000 in prize money available for individual entrants in the event based on overall finishing positions and Age-Sex adjusted performances, as well as the major $2000 cash prize for the winning corporate or sporting team. The handicaps and rules for the event are based on your age and gender and can be found on the website (
Building on the success of the inaugural 12-hour event, a range of ultra events will start on Saturday evening and now include 6-hour, 50km, 12-hour and 100km options. In 2012, the 1km road loop course proved to be a fast one, with many experienced ultra runners netting personal best distances, so why not test yourself in one of these unique events.
If you are looking for a great weekend away; an event to finish off your summer; or your final training preparation for the 6-foot Track Marathon – the STROMLO Running Festival has an event for you.
Standard entry prices close on the 31st of January, so enter now to avoid paying any late fees. We hope to see you there. You can enter via our secure online site at

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

first of the summer (wine)

Coming event - Sprint-Marathon Relay, Sunday 10 February, Dunrossil Drive. A great event. Meet at 7:15am for an 8:00am start. Runners are seeded into teams of six. See Jim White asap to register, call him on (02) 6231 4168. Cost is $4:00 per person, on the day.

Speedygeese results
Customs 5k Friday 25 January
Jen Bright 22:26
Bronwyn Calver 24:59.
Amanda Cook 25:16

YCRC SFP 5k Tuesday 29 January
Summer Series #1
28. Craig Davis M40 21:22
44. Susan Sturgeon W35 24:47 **5k PB**
45. Geoff Moore M60 24:50
49. Ewen Thompson M55 25:59
54. Mick Charlton M60 28:22
56. Ruth Baussmann W60 29:36
64 finishers

The 5k last night at Stromlo had reasonable conditions - a bit humid following the afternoon shower, and a steady breeze but favouring the uphill section for a change. Susan ran a PB. I was pleased to have come through the run at 5minute ks unscathed and can probably pick up the pace in training, where 6minute ks has been the norm.

Rae, Kym at Aranda Hill on Sunday



Tuesday, 29 January 2013

soggy holiday

speedygeese racing at Rob Roy, Monday 28 January
22.8 km Male
11 Peter Burke 40 2.06.41
22.8 km Female
4 Kym Chisholm 31 2.22.22
17 km Female
1 Sarah-Jayne Miller 29 1.38.10
3 Amanda Ruffin 53 2.04.05
10 km run Male
7 Ewen Thompson 55 57.08

Monday training. Another very good turn-out, specially considering it was the long weekend, there were other events on offer, and there was light drizzle falling for most of the session. Running early were Colin & Miranda, then for the main session of 5 x 600m, each 600m  including a 100m climb, were Cookie, Andrew S, Andy, Bronwyn, Clint, Colin, Craig, Ewen, Garry, me, Jen, Peter, Rae & Ruth. Ewen's longest day for a while, Peter too doubled up and is getting faster.

Suzie at her citizenship ceremony

Google Reader 
If you subscribe to posts using Google Reader as I do, or other subscription services, you will see that all the white headings (such as the one above) in this blog vanish! Leaving little gaps. A design feature of the blog. White stands out nicely against my blog background but fails to appear when the background is also white. I wonder if there is a way of changing the GReader background?

But it is a neat way to tempt people to open the blog instead of just viewing posts via GReader.

Monday, 28 January 2013

time has numbered my days

Song of the Week: "Babel", by Mumford & Sons
A live version

Triple J's Hottest 100 for 2012
#5 “I Will Wait” by Mumford & Sons, my song of the week 4 weeks ago
#58 "Babel", and also
#74 “Simple Song” by The Shins, my song of the week a long time ago.
We were allowed to vote for ten songs, I voted, and the two Mumford songs above were among my ten.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Oi! Oi! Oi!

ACTVAC 6k handicap 27/01/13 - Aranda Bushlands 6k
36 Rae Palmer W65 35:17 74.3%
37 Kym Chisholm W30 28:23 65.0
44 Nadine Morrison W40 28:35 70.6
60 Andrew Matthews M50 28:25 69.3
64 Mick Charlton M60 35:55 59.0
67 Ruth Baussmann W60 38:13 65.7
72 Craig Davis M40 29:22 62.9
80 Roger Pilkington M50 35:39 55.6
84 finishers

Aranda Bushlands 3k
4 Brett Morrison M40 13:44 65.2% **bronze**
17 Cathy Montalto W60 16:21 72.0
34 finishers

Training this morning at Stromlo Forest Park were Peter, Andrew S, Ewen & I. So pleased to be out there running on the soft grass after last night's rain. Was to attempt 5 x 1k but only managed 2 of them, 4:23 & 4:20, seriously slow. Never mind, the speed will return one day.

BBQ Stakes 6k results 23 January
Helen Larmour 28:12
Jennifer Bright 27:00
Andrew Matthews 28:17
Roger Pilkington 30:40
Caroline Campbell 36:59
Lincoln Hawkins 35:40

A member of the speedygeese living in Alice Springs, Suzie Gye, is now an Australian citizen!

Oi by three.
Don't be disappointed, where I plan to meet people for a run is indicated by an asterisk on the "What's On This Week" section of this blog. I cannot be in three places at once! And even then, one or two more important things can crop up unexpectedly.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Australia Day

Speedygeese results Thursday 24 January
M50 Rod Lynch 11:36.74 74.0%
W50 Helen Larmour 12:41.67 80.3

Spiral 5
4 Tony Booth M70 9:50
9 Rod Lynch M50 7:38
18 Helen Larmour W50 8:41
21 Ruth Baussmann W60 11:49
22 finishers

Pennington 800m handicap
5 Rod Lynch M50 2:34 77.4%
8 Tony Booth M70 3:03 80.5
16 finishers

Ginninderra Parkrun # 40 - Australia Day 2013
A record number of runners by a very big margin
Speedygeese who ran:
33 Clinton ZIRK 22:20 first run!
42 Brett MORRISON 23:21
50 Ewen THOMPSON 24:02
63 Thea ZIMPEL 26:35
116 finishers

Training today – I managed a run of 20.5k, it wasn’t as hot as it has been, and cloud cover made for an easier run. Didn’t run with anyone, but saw along the way Maria White, Roy Jones, Liz Bennett, and numerous familiar looking cyclists. Both feet still get sore on any run along cycle paths, otherwise no problem.

Coming events:
The Weston Creek Half Marathon will be held on the 17th of March this year. For online entries go to

Friday, 25 January 2013

there once was a man with a beard...

If you ever view my training diary, under "links", you will see a regular entry for "gym" or "circuit" or "F4L". Usually at 9:30am Tuesday Wednesday and/or Friday. That's strength and strengthening work for an hour at "Flexible for Life", in Charnwood. I put in the instructor's name because the classes are very different. If it reads "9:30 ... Anu" that's not the the "Australian National University", that's the instructor's name.

This morning, three boys and the boss.

Tom, Anu, self and Kerry. This at the end of training, after (almost done) the clean-up. Photo by Margaret. I wore my brightest gear for the occasion.

Training in air conditioned room, with fans for extra breeze, is way preferable to training outside in this heat. Boy am I feeling it this year! Here is my recommendation:

Based on experience, the years when summer was the hottest were the years when I ran April's Canberra Marathon the slowest. My best Canberra Marathons were always after a relatively mild summer. A case in point; the summer of 2011-12 was cooler than average. 12 months ago I had no trouble training every day and succeeded to finish the marathon in a reasonable time for a 63 year old (3:30.00) and continue on to the 50k. Similar stories could be told for many of my earlier marathons. So I think that this is not going to be a very good summer for marathon training, and people would be better off looking say to Melbourne later in the year.

Take heed. Men with beards are deemed to be wise.

Happy Birthday to my cat Riki, 14 years old today. This isn't my cat. Nor is it my gym. Nor do we do Pilates, or rarely. Anu does however teach Pilates, but elsewhere.

Thursday, 24 January 2013


Thea is famous! Our Triple Jump exponent made the Canberra times on 2 December 2012. Click to enlarge!

For those staying up late - watching the tennis?

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

a song and dance of ice and fire

Speedygeese training- 22 attendees.
With these numbers we can continue doing relays. It stayed well over 30 degrees for last night's training, so warm that no-one was hanging around in the open to chat afterwards, Down on the lower flagpoles, a smaller area than usual because of construction going on for Australia Day celebrations this Saturday, we ran three person relays, in some cases two runners sharing one spot to give themselves more of a break. There was some shade and some breeze down there, which helped. Participating were Cookie, Andrew N, Andrew S, Andy, Bronwyn, Cathy (early run), Clint (new), Colin, Eliza, Ewen, Garry, me, Jamie (new), Jen, Lucia, Mick, Rae, Ruth, Sarah, Sophie (new), Tim, & Verena.

This Sunday the Vets Handicap is on, but we will still have SFP training. The plan is to run a series of down-hill kilometres. I have changed the start time - again - this time to 7:30am.  One reason for the "clash" is that I am not ready to race that hard (yet?), another reason is that many of us do run the Vets handicap but not all of us, and another reason is I like to get into town for church by 9:30am or 10am. And Stromlo Forest Park is the best training venue, although it is a bit out of the way for many.

Results 18 January Customs 5k
Bronwyn 26:24
Cookie 28:02

Saturday 19 January Parkrun

 David, Derek



Monday, 21 January 2013

Between the Raindrops

If only it would rain.
Monday evenings we meet in the underground car park at Parliament House (northern side) - excellent security for cars and bikes! At 5:30pm we set off for a 1.8k warm-up, starting and finishing at the top of the outside steps at ~5:45-5:50pm, so if you are late, not to worry, you will find us. Then tonight unless the weather is foul we will be running continuous relays, everyone enjoys them. The only thing to know is, bring water to carry down to our relay area, as it may be warm tonight. Look forward to seeing you, and we like welcoming new people.

Tonight's relay structure might test a few people's powers of concentration!

Song of the week: "Between the Raindrops", by Lifehouse, from "Almeria".

Sunday, 20 January 2013

be involved

Dear ACTVAC Member,
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2013.
Not only is 2013 the year of Canberra’s Centenary, but it is the year of the AMA National Championships to be held in Canberra.
I’m inviting you to be a part of this great athletics event in Canberra over the Easter long weekend. This is your chance to have your part in Canberra’s Centenary Celebration year.  These are “your” Championships, and even if you’re not a regular track and field participant, this is your chance to have a go, as well as make some new acquaintances from around Australia and some neighbouring countries, as well as having a lot of fun doing it. If you don’t think you’re not up to competing, or even if you are competing, you can still be involved by volunteering to help at the various sites around Canberra where events are being held.  Being a volunteer is what will make the difference between the championships being an overwhelming success or not. You don’t need to know what all the rules are for the events that you would be volunteering at, as there will be qualified officials at each event to lead the team of volunteers to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Being involved at ACTVAC’s main event for 2013 as either a competitor or volunteer, or both, will be a great way to support the club, as well as thanking all of the long hours and hard work done by the Local Organising Committee for the organisation for the 2013 AMA Athletics Championships, and a way to say that we all did our little bit to help Canberra celebrate the Centenary.  It is also a good way to show the rest of Australia that Canberra can be a fun place to be, and that it’s not just politics and government departments here.
This year’s championships look like being the last to be held over the Easter Long Weekend. Getting involved in the championships is a great way to celebrate the final AMA Championships in the current format.
I look forward to seeing you at the Championships, and feel that if we all do our little part as a club; we can make these championships the best they possibly can be.
Brett Kingston
ACT Veterans Athletics Club Inc

Saturday, 19 January 2013

slow motion Saturday

Meeting at the Acton Ferry Terminal this morning, Ewen, Andy & I ran 15k, we also saw Ruth, Warrick, Bronia, Kylie, Zainab, Riki & Michael out enjoying the cooler weather. There was plenty of activity around the lake, including a ferry, canoes, paddleboats, and icecreams, all at the Ferry Terminal.

Results Parkrun #39 today
27 Nadine MORRISON 22:11
32 David BAUSSMANN 22:52 new PB
33 Derek GILLETT 22:55
59 Thea ZIMPEL 26:05 new PB
89 finishers

Parkrun Tuggeranong commences 23 February. See this link (facebook)

Results ACTVAC Thursday night
M65 Garry Maher 14.57 83.3%

M50 Rod Lynch 5:02.42 81.8%
W50 Helen Larmour 5:51.85 81.7
W30 Kym Chisholm 5:54.35 65.8
M50 Roger Pilkington 6:30.41 63.9
M70 Tony Booth 6:36.30 76.5
W60 Ruth Baussmann 7:59.99 68.0

W50 Helen Larmour 12:34.26 81.1%
W30 Kym Chisholm 12:48.19 65.4
M50 Roger Pilkington 13:50.79 62.6

spiral 4
9 Rod Lynch M50 5:56
11 Helen Larmour W50 6:41
18 Roger Pilkington M50 7:18
20 Tony Booth M70 8:27
22 Ruth Baussmann W60 9:08
24 finishers

AMG update
Not official yet, but a tentative timetable for Athletics in the Austrlian Masters Games in Geelong has finally been published:
5-8 October track (including a 5000m)
10 October 8k cross country
12 October Half Marathon
Those are the three events I plan to enter, there is also a 10k road run mentioned for 12 October. The course for the 10k and Half is along the river so it might be fairly flat.

Activity at Stromlo

The last of last week's Stromlo photos.
More activity tomorrow, with the trials on early in the morning.

Friday, 18 January 2013

World Cross Country Selection Trials.

This Sunday morning at Stromlo will be the Australian selection trials for the World Cross Country. It is usually our speedygeese training session at 8:00am and I will still turn up, but will watch the trials while jogging around. We may fit some training in when we can. Still, it's not every day you see the best athletes in action, for free.

I plan to arrive sometime around 7:15am

The program is as follows
7:30 am Senior Men – 1 x 2km + 4 x 2.5km (12km)
8:00 am Junior Girls – 1 x 1km + 2 x 2.5km (6km)
8:15 am Junior Boys – 1 x 1km + 1 x 2km + 2 x 2.5km (8km)
8:30 am Senior Girls – 1 x 1km + 1 x 2km + 2 x 2.5km (8km)

Information at this link (pdf file).

Prior to that on Saturday some of us are running 20k or so from Acton Ferry terminal at 8:00am. And following that on Monday at Parliament House will be a potentially most enjoyable interval session, probably in the form of a relay this time.

Training last Sunday at Stromlo




Thursday, 17 January 2013

under smoky skies

YCRC - Major Changes to the Winter Series
Due to declining numbers at our Winter Series Events, the club has decided to try a new format for the first half of the Winter Series, from Apr 27 to July 6.  During this period, all races will be held on Saturday mornings at Stromlo Forest Park, as per the timetable below.  The race format is particularly designed to prepare school kids for the school cross-country championships, though there are 3 & 5k events for adults too.  For the remainder of the Winter Season, races will return to the usual venues and times (noon - 1pm). If the Stromlo venue is unavailable for any of these dates, the race will be moved to Yarralumla oval.  

The exception to this is the weekend of May 18-19, when the club will hold its annual Half Marathon weekend at the usual venue of Lennox Gardens.

If you have any comments on this proposed format, please let the club know by sending an email to:

Distance/Age Groups
2k Primary School Children
3k High School up 14 years
5k High School/College above 14 years
Parents and adults 3k
YCRC Club 5k


Track events tonight
6:15pm 3000m
6:35pm short hurdles
7:15pm 100m
7:30pm 1500m
7:45pm 400m
8:00pm 4x200m
8:20pm spiral 4

I think my next track race over 3000m will take place when the temperature is less than 25 degrees.

Training at Stromlo under smoky skies

Let's hope there is no smoke tonight at the track.
The YCRC events look good, even though this heat will give way to chilly winter temperatures on Saturday mornings by July.
But I would sooner run in the cold than in the heat. 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

write it down

Here's the best training idea:
  • set two goals this year. Pick two races, one shorter, one longer
  • write it down!
  • plan to taper for these two races
  • plan to train through all other races.
Coming YCRC Events
Tue Jan 29 - Stromlo Forest Park, 6:15pm 2/5k - first. event of the Summer Series
Sun Feb 3 - Jogalong at Boat House
Tue Feb 5 - Boat House East, 6:15pm 2/5k
Tue Feb 12 - Telopea Park 6:15pm 2/4k
Tue Feb 19 - Barrenjoey Dr, 6:15pm 2/5k
Tue Feb 26 - Lake Ginninderra, 6:15pm 2/5k
Sun Mar 3 - ACTEW-AGL Women & Girls' Fun-Run
for more information, go to
Customs result for Friday 11/01/13
Amanda Cook 26:19
Bronwyn Calver 27:14
Caroline Campbell 37:14

 A good looking group of runners at the arboretum

Peter at Stromlo

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

the return of the attrition hill sprint

Yesterday we conducted the second Parliament House training for the year - this one I organised. It was to be a pseudo-attrition hill sprint day. It turned into more of a real attrition hill day, with about half the group completing their prescribed number of intervals. Not to worry, it's early days yet.
Cathy, Ewen & I ran 8k reasonably quickly, then for the main session Cookie, Andrew S, Andy, Bronwyn, Colin, Craig, Derek, Ewen, Garry, me, Jen, Lincoln, Peter, Rae, Ruth, Sarah, Susan & Verena started on the hills, up to 16 intervals of 100m on 90 seconds. It was warm but pleasant, actually quite mild for this time of year.
Stars of the session were Peter, Colin & Sarah - very little between them in the end.
If a similar large number or more turn up next Monday we will have relays, weather permitting, with some people focusing on up-hills, some on down-hills, and most both. I was awake last night dreaming up how it would work!

Result from Balyang Sanctuary parkrun (Geelong) #20 - 05/01/2013
10 Andrew SIMPSON 19:23
out of 106 finishers

SpeedyAbi at Stromlo on Sunday

Speedyself at Stromlo on Sunday
Thinks: "where has all the speed gone?"

Monday, 14 January 2013

I will wait

Song of the week: "I Will Wait", by Mumford & Sons. From the album "Babel".

Just a taste of how brilliant Mumford & Sons are live - look at the audience excitement!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

making hay while the sun doesn't shine

Friday’s swim session may have brought about lower back pain and hamstring soreness so I shall desist for a while. No swim next week. The left leg tightened up at training today.

Stromlo Forest Park training: Attendees Abi, Andrew, Ewen, Garry, me, Kylie, Peter & Sarah. Emma P was also on hand. Will cycled by. About nine other runners in total in the vicinity, no cyclists nearby, so not much of a crowd. Of us, just Peter & Ewen completed all four 1km intervals. Early days yet.

Ewen, Kylie, Peter, Abi, Sarah, self

Here we go
Sarah, Kylie, Abi, Garry, self, Peter, Ewen

The sun wasn't shining, owing to the smoke haze.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

hotting up

Speedygeese in the today's Ginninderra 5k Parkrun
24 Derek GILLETT 22:48 New PB!
33 Jacob CLIFTON 23:47 First Timer!
74 finishers

This morning's Ferry Terminal run
There were plenty of runners and cyclists at the lake this morning, on a day promising extreme heat and wind and fire but starting off very pleasant. A random run ended up being 12k, I met up with Rae and ran with her, waved to Liz as she ran by, and when Rae finished, met up with Bronia and ran with her. A good start to medium length Saturday morning running,

Vets Track Thursday 10/01/13
M65 Garry Maher 14.60 83.1%

M50 Rod Lynch 5:34.67 77.9%
W50 Helen Larmour 6:22.80 81.2

M50 Rod Lynch 11:22.59 75.5%
W50 Helen Larmour 12:35.36 80.9

Grandchildren at Kangaroo Valley.
Briefly last year when my son and family dropped in while moving house from Brisbane to Melbourne, all 13 grandchildren got together. This time it was for a whole week, at a large house in Kangaroo Valley.

The Grandkids

The Adults

Friday, 11 January 2013

kangaroo valley - see where I ran

3 January 10k East Kangaroo Valley

6 January 17k Bendeela camping grounds. An awfully steep downhill kilometre into the grounds, on return in the heat I hitched a ride back up that section.

8 January, the day of 45 degrees and fires. A 5k shuffle, that was enough.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

catching up

Speedygeese results
AACT/ACTVAC Track Thursday 03/01/13
M65 Garry Maher 9.03 89.0%

M65 Garry Maher 30.08 83.1%

M50 Rod Lynch 2:27.92 80.6%

M50 Rod Lynch 19:52.19 74.4%
W70 Caroline Campbell 27:03.63 83.0

Customs 5k on a very hot Friday 04/01/13
Bronwyn Calver 25:42
Amanda Cook 26:22
Caroline Campbell 35:13

Training on Monday 07/01/13
It was very hot, 37 degrees as people drove in to the carpark. Attending were Mick C, Cookie, Jen, Ewen, Derek, Andrew N, Andy, Verena, Susan, Peter (new) and Craig supervising. After the usual warm up loop, 25 minutes of 'efforts' on the SE hill, then the usual warm down loop, with Ewen, Peter & Craig continuing on down to the lake.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Song of the week: "Home", by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.

I will be home tomorrow.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

don't skip training!

Parliament House training resumes tomorrow (Monday 7 January) at 5:30pm. 

Saturday, 5 January 2013

family time

The six Falconer grandchildren







With Wes and Loani
Christmas 2012