Speedygeese in the today's Ginninderra 5k Parkrun
24 Derek GILLETT 22:48 New PB!
33 Jacob CLIFTON 23:47 First Timer!
74 finishers
This morning's Ferry Terminal run
There were plenty of runners and cyclists at the lake this morning, on a day promising extreme heat and wind and fire but starting off very pleasant. A random run ended up being 12k, I met up with Rae and ran with her, waved to Liz as she ran by, and when Rae finished, met up with Bronia and ran with her. A good start to medium length Saturday morning running,
Vets Track Thursday 10/01/13
M65 Garry Maher 14.60 83.1%
M50 Rod Lynch 5:34.67 77.9%
W50 Helen Larmour 6:22.80 81.2
M50 Rod Lynch 11:22.59 75.5%
W50 Helen Larmour 12:35.36 80.9
Grandchildren at Kangaroo Valley.
Briefly last year when my son and family dropped in while moving house from Brisbane to Melbourne, all 13 grandchildren got together. This time it was for a whole week, at a large house in Kangaroo Valley.
The Grandkids
The Adults