Sunday, 13 January 2013

making hay while the sun doesn't shine

Friday’s swim session may have brought about lower back pain and hamstring soreness so I shall desist for a while. No swim next week. The left leg tightened up at training today.

Stromlo Forest Park training: Attendees Abi, Andrew, Ewen, Garry, me, Kylie, Peter & Sarah. Emma P was also on hand. Will cycled by. About nine other runners in total in the vicinity, no cyclists nearby, so not much of a crowd. Of us, just Peter & Ewen completed all four 1km intervals. Early days yet.

Ewen, Kylie, Peter, Abi, Sarah, self

Here we go
Sarah, Kylie, Abi, Garry, self, Peter, Ewen

The sun wasn't shining, owing to the smoke haze.