Saturday, 26 January 2013

Australia Day

Speedygeese results Thursday 24 January
M50 Rod Lynch 11:36.74 74.0%
W50 Helen Larmour 12:41.67 80.3

Spiral 5
4 Tony Booth M70 9:50
9 Rod Lynch M50 7:38
18 Helen Larmour W50 8:41
21 Ruth Baussmann W60 11:49
22 finishers

Pennington 800m handicap
5 Rod Lynch M50 2:34 77.4%
8 Tony Booth M70 3:03 80.5
16 finishers

Ginninderra Parkrun # 40 - Australia Day 2013
A record number of runners by a very big margin
Speedygeese who ran:
33 Clinton ZIRK 22:20 first run!
42 Brett MORRISON 23:21
50 Ewen THOMPSON 24:02
63 Thea ZIMPEL 26:35
116 finishers

Training today – I managed a run of 20.5k, it wasn’t as hot as it has been, and cloud cover made for an easier run. Didn’t run with anyone, but saw along the way Maria White, Roy Jones, Liz Bennett, and numerous familiar looking cyclists. Both feet still get sore on any run along cycle paths, otherwise no problem.

Coming events:
The Weston Creek Half Marathon will be held on the 17th of March this year. For online entries go to