Sunday, 27 January 2013

Oi! Oi! Oi!

ACTVAC 6k handicap 27/01/13 - Aranda Bushlands 6k
36 Rae Palmer W65 35:17 74.3%
37 Kym Chisholm W30 28:23 65.0
44 Nadine Morrison W40 28:35 70.6
60 Andrew Matthews M50 28:25 69.3
64 Mick Charlton M60 35:55 59.0
67 Ruth Baussmann W60 38:13 65.7
72 Craig Davis M40 29:22 62.9
80 Roger Pilkington M50 35:39 55.6
84 finishers

Aranda Bushlands 3k
4 Brett Morrison M40 13:44 65.2% **bronze**
17 Cathy Montalto W60 16:21 72.0
34 finishers

Training this morning at Stromlo Forest Park were Peter, Andrew S, Ewen & I. So pleased to be out there running on the soft grass after last night's rain. Was to attempt 5 x 1k but only managed 2 of them, 4:23 & 4:20, seriously slow. Never mind, the speed will return one day.

BBQ Stakes 6k results 23 January
Helen Larmour 28:12
Jennifer Bright 27:00
Andrew Matthews 28:17
Roger Pilkington 30:40
Caroline Campbell 36:59
Lincoln Hawkins 35:40

A member of the speedygeese living in Alice Springs, Suzie Gye, is now an Australian citizen!

Oi by three.
Don't be disappointed, where I plan to meet people for a run is indicated by an asterisk on the "What's On This Week" section of this blog. I cannot be in three places at once! And even then, one or two more important things can crop up unexpectedly.