Tuesday, 29 January 2013

soggy holiday

speedygeese racing at Rob Roy, Monday 28 January
22.8 km Male
11 Peter Burke 40 2.06.41
22.8 km Female
4 Kym Chisholm 31 2.22.22
17 km Female
1 Sarah-Jayne Miller 29 1.38.10
3 Amanda Ruffin 53 2.04.05
10 km run Male
7 Ewen Thompson 55 57.08

Monday training. Another very good turn-out, specially considering it was the long weekend, there were other events on offer, and there was light drizzle falling for most of the session. Running early were Colin & Miranda, then for the main session of 5 x 600m, each 600m  including a 100m climb, were Cookie, Andrew S, Andy, Bronwyn, Clint, Colin, Craig, Ewen, Garry, me, Jen, Peter, Rae & Ruth. Ewen's longest day for a while, Peter too doubled up and is getting faster.

Suzie at her citizenship ceremony

Google Reader 
If you subscribe to posts using Google Reader as I do, or other subscription services, you will see that all the white headings (such as the one above) in this blog vanish! Leaving little gaps. A design feature of the blog. White stands out nicely against my blog background but fails to appear when the background is also white. I wonder if there is a way of changing the GReader background?

But it is a neat way to tempt people to open the blog instead of just viewing posts via GReader.