Tuesday, 15 January 2013

the return of the attrition hill sprint

Yesterday we conducted the second Parliament House training for the year - this one I organised. It was to be a pseudo-attrition hill sprint day. It turned into more of a real attrition hill day, with about half the group completing their prescribed number of intervals. Not to worry, it's early days yet.
Cathy, Ewen & I ran 8k reasonably quickly, then for the main session Cookie, Andrew S, Andy, Bronwyn, Colin, Craig, Derek, Ewen, Garry, me, Jen, Lincoln, Peter, Rae, Ruth, Sarah, Susan & Verena started on the hills, up to 16 intervals of 100m on 90 seconds. It was warm but pleasant, actually quite mild for this time of year.
Stars of the session were Peter, Colin & Sarah - very little between them in the end.
If a similar large number or more turn up next Monday we will have relays, weather permitting, with some people focusing on up-hills, some on down-hills, and most both. I was awake last night dreaming up how it would work!

Result from Balyang Sanctuary parkrun (Geelong) #20 - 05/01/2013
10 Andrew SIMPSON 19:23
out of 106 finishers

SpeedyAbi at Stromlo on Sunday

Speedyself at Stromlo on Sunday
Thinks: "where has all the speed gone?"