Thursday, 30 September 2010

you can't tell me what to do

... as I have the whistle again tonight at Parliament house for a variation on the interval sessions we have been doing. See you there at 5:30pm

Happy Birthday to grandson Tyler, 5 years old today! He got a drum set for his birthday, lucky boy! As well as a batman costume. Oh to be five again!

Why I didn't go swimming. I decided last week I would take up swimming again as I couldn't run - and still cannot. At the last minute I remembered that, while I love to swim, last time I tried I got a nasty skin infection that took a year to fully heal. So ... no swimming for me! Running is the only option. I have never cycled and I can't walk fast enough to make it worth doing, and when I can I will jog, on principle.

Today I watched the blog counter pass 100,000, and also watched who the readers were around that time. Great fun. If you exited my blog at approximately 9:55 am today you may well be the winner of the book prize. See below. I will say a little more when the winner is announced.

Please claim

#99999 is a Canberran
#100000 is a Canberran
#100001 is a Canberran

I am FAIRLY sure I know who 100001 is. But I may be wrong. The other two I don't know (yet). But if these three could contact me I have a way of checking it really is them! Should 100000 contact me I will be able to announce the winner very soon. If not, a slight delay while I give him/her time.

Note - if you open my blog for the first time (in any particular day), and look at the counter, the count doesn't include you yet. Your number will be 1 or 2 higher than that, only set when you exit. And if you open it for a second time you have already been counted the first time, and won't be double counted.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Book prize - stand by

It appears that view #100,000 will occur in about 24 hours time. Or sooner. Stand by, stay tuned!

Track season not far away

Towards the end of the Arboretum handicap start - only the very best runners remain. 

Customs Result 24/9: Caroline 31.10.

The Athletics ACT competition program commences soon. Their first two weeks of competition are:

  • Saturday 16 October 6:30pm: competition program #1
  • Friday 29 October 6:30pm: competition program #2

I will add their events to our Vets calendar when I get time.

Members of ACTVAC can compete: “AACT and the Veterans Association have a joint memorandum of understanding such that Veteran Athletics athletes may join in the summer competition held by AACT. Athletes are not required to join a club. Athletes must use their Veteran numbers for competition at the AIS. Athletes must pay the full daily entry fee to compete. Athletes will not score points. Veteran athletes may choose to join an AACT club at the normal registration charge and score points for their club”.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

in the wars

I am in the wars. .. I still can't run .. and I have infected sinuses since Sunday, now swollen .. and I discovered yesterday I have been a victim of identity theft .. but despite all this I don't feel too bad! In fact life's pretty good. It could be because of the fantastic people around me!

Training last night. A quiet Monday holiday, so not everyone trained at the normal time. Those participating were Andrew, Christopher, Colleen, Ewen, me, Jill, Joel, Katherine, Kathy, Kym, Leanne, Margaret, Ruth, Yanet (new) & Yelena. Yanet & Yelena are sisters, which means that four from one family were there. The session, which twelve of the fifteen ran, was anaerobic for 24 minutes, alternating one minute fast, one minute slow.

I am very much looking forward to daylight saving next Monday, when we will be able to see at the end of the session as well as the beginning.

Katherine has down-graded her marathon to a half, but she looks pretty fit, she should do very well.

Book prize. As soon as this blog visit counter reaches 100,000 I will be awarding a book prize. It's getting close, Thursday or Friday probably. So keep an eye on the counter and lobby me if you think it could be you! Closest identified person to 100,000 wins.

Song of the week: "When the boys light up", by the Newsboys. Michael Tate as lead singer makes all the difference!

And finally, the first of my Arboretum photos: Bill Egan, who was my boss for ten years back in those days when I had a job, and Roger Pilkington, sporting his Wolverhampton Marathon shirt.

Happy Birthday Thea 28 today; Happy Birthday Graeme Patrick 58 today.

Monday, 27 September 2010

chip off the old block

What's on this week:
Monday 27 September
: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training, which will include some anaerobic work.
Wednesday 29 September: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap.
Thursday 30 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training. **note change of venue for four weeks only**.
Friday 1 October: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, "Floriade" course.
Saturday 2 October: 8:00am I join Metro Runners at Acton Ferry Terminal for a short jog.
Sunday 3 October: 9:00am ACTCCC women's 6k jogalong, Weston Park

email exchange: Jarod is my 9 year old Grandson from Flinders who plays footy for the Shellharbour Swans and is also an outstanding runner.

Jarod to me:

Hi Grandad

I just wanted to tell you about all the awards i achieved this week from AFL and school.

On Sunday it was our AFL presentation and me and Tom both achieved the BEST AND FAIREST AWARD !!!!!!! I need to keep the shield for 6 months and Tom keeps it for 6 months. We both got our name engraved on the shield. Now for the school awards.

Yesterday( Wednesday)i achieved...

1st for 800m at the school!!!!!!(a ribbon)
3rd for 800m at the MID SOUTH DISTRICT PSSA CARNIVAL!!!!!!(a ribbon)
and last of all the JUNIOR BOYS ATHLETICS CHAMPION OF THE YEAR!!!!!(a medal)

Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that my afl team won the GRAND FINAL!!!!!!!
The score was an amazing 89 to 34!

I hope you reply soon YOUR GRANDSON JAROD! Se ya soon.

Me to Jarod
Hello Jarod,
Well what a nice email. I can believe all your wonderful achievements. That is amazing. Goodness me, what else are you going to achieve this year? I hope the cabinet's Jarod shelf is big enough to hold all the bling.

(note I did not say "I can't believe...")

I thought Uncle Nathan might like to see what you did so I forwarded your email to him. I hope he shows Jackson.

Josiah will be keen to emulate your achievements. (If you don't know what "emulate" means, ask Kayleigh, but please don't try to emulate her!!!!!!!). So I forwarded the email to Auntie Mon too.

Seven exclamation marks is the best!

Love, Grandad.

Jarod to me
Hello again grandad

Thanks for sending the email to Uncle Nathan and Auntie Mon. I hope they are happy about my achievements(like you are). I don't think i will receive any more awards this year but if i do i will message you like i did yesterday(Thursday).

Bye from Jarod.

Heidi is 40

Heidi celebrating her 40th birthday, a month after Gran and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. Hmm. She's so young!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Today's Vets handicap results

Many of the speedygeese were not running because they were officiating. Still, many did run.

Vets Handicap Arboretum 7.0k
6 Alan Williams M60 37:13
9 Cathy Newman W45 32:52
24 Warrick Howieson M40 33:47
28 Rod Lynch M50 29:38
35 Margaret McSpadden W60 44:02
49 Alan Duus M60 39:53
50 Neil Boden M60 37:26
51 Christopher Lang M55 40:38
56 Mick Horan M50 35:08
62 Craig Davis M40 35:26
73 Ruth Baussmann W60 44:19
81 Andrew Matthews M50 35:03
83 Tony Booth M70 42:06
85 finishers

Vets Handicap Arboretum 3.5k
10 Graeme Patrick M55 16:27
14 Ken White M55 15:26
20 Troy Steinman M35 15:09
27 Noeline Burden W55 21:01
29 Leanne Steinman W35 21:38
43 Garry Maher M60 19:23
44 finishers

I took photos. I will select some and publish them soon. It was not the spectacular venue I thought it would be but still, it was a sunny day, and there are great views from up on the hill.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

speedygeese 19 October Dinner

19 October · 19:00 - 22:00

LocationPhnom Penh Restaurant
8-9 Loxton Street
Belconnen, Australia

More infoThe Phnom Penh is an outstanding restaurant not far from
Belconnen Town Centre, on Luxton Street near the service
station and roundabout, upstairs. The food is Cambodian
and Southeast Asian. The cost is $35 pp for a sumptuous
banquet with all your speedygeese friends, plus the possibility
of a surprise guest or two, you never know. It will have been
18 months since we were there last, and everyone agreed it
was a magnificent venue, excellent food, and friendly staff.

The restaurant is licensed, with $4.50 corkage for BYO.

The dinner will be at 7pm on Tuesday 19 October, and you
should RSVP by Friday 15 October. On the night, cameras
and jokes are mandatory. All speedygeese, family and friends
are welcome. I have booked for 30 and that can easily be
increased. More information will be sent to those attending.

Friday, 24 September 2010

last night

speedygeese training: the next two Mondays are holidays in the ACT, and we will still have training at Parliament House at the usual time. Should be fewer politicians around but more tourists.

Last night ten of us ran our anaerobic interval session there; run on the lower grass square, Andrew, Brett, Colleen, Craig, me, Kym, Nadine, Neil, Ruth & Troy ran six sets of 2 minutes fast/2 minutes slow. It was a lovely night for running! Then we shared champagne with Neil who had recovered well from Wednesday night's 60th birthday celebrations.

The last of the High Noon track meets was held last Sunday. No speedygeese ran, but friends-of-the-geese Lance & Jodie ran very fast 3ks.

Last night's Clarke & Dawe: "a bit of fun".

Thursday, 23 September 2010

winding down, winding up.

Results Customs Joggers 5k Friday 17th September
Yili Zhu
Bronwyn Calver 24:24
Caroline Campbell 28:45

The Cross Country Club will be proceeding with their AGM as planned on the 13 October 2010, at 6pm in the Main Dining Room at Canberra Southern Cross Club at Woden. At this AGM, it is highly likely that a motion will be put to wind the Club up. Please feel free to attend and share your thoughts on this matter.

[To club members of the ACTCCC] 
You are invited to attend the Club's Annual General Meeting for the 2009-10 financial year.  The agenda for the meeting is below. If you cannot attend you are entitled to appoint a proxy to vote for you (proxy form attached). If you wish to put forward a notice of motion, please submit it in writing to Alison Dell, Secretary, by 24 September 2010. 

This year the AGM will be a wrap-up of the 2009-10 year, and given the Club’s recent loss in the Federal Court on matters relating to the conduct of the 2010 Canberra Marathon there would appear to be no alternative but for the Club will be wound up as it cannot trade if insolvent, which is likely given CSM is enforcing the costs order of 23 July 2010.  While Committee nominations are still called for (for a number of generic positions) and listed below, they are likely to be only a formality. 

If you would like to help out in the ACT running community, either as a Committee member or general helper, please talk to a committee member about what is required and complete and submit a nomination form (also attached).  Roles which do not require Committee appointment include results processing, race managers, production of news letters and Canberra Runner and providing refreshments at events.  If you can assist with any of these, please contact someone on the current committee (committee members and contact details are listed on the inside front cover of Canberra Runner or on the website).

Last year we presented awards at the AGM, including winter season awards. This proved to be a success and so we will do so again this year.

Alison Dell, Secretary:  15 September, 2010

1.     Welcome and attendance.
2.     Apologies
3.     Minutes of 2008-09 AGM, held 9 September 2009.
4.     Canberra Marathon dispute – update.
5.     Reports: 
5.1.   President
5.2.   Treasurer
5.3.   Registrar
6.     Election of office bearers for 2010-11:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Registrar, general Committee persons.
7.     Appointments:  auditor, public officer
8.     Nominations for Life Membership
9.     Notices of motion:
9.1.   Winding up of ACT Cross Country Club.
10.  Other business.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Neil Boden, M60

One of the hardest working and best liked members of the training group, Neil Boden, turns 60 today. Have a very happy birthday Neil, and I am sure when you get up to speed on the track you will show those other 60 year olds how to run fast!

Other running companions having birthdays today include Bronwyn, Brad, and Caleb. Enjoy the day!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

revisiting "Cambodian & Southeast Asian cuisine"...

At training last night: Andrew, Brett, Bronwyn, Cathy, Christopher, Colleen, Garry, me, Helen, Jennifer, Jim (new), Jodie, Joel, Kathy, Margaret, Mick C, Miranda, Nadine, Neil, Ruth, Warrick & Yelena (22). We ran intervals around the lower flag poles, creating a clear track in the longish grass by the time we had finished. The intervals were by time rather than by distance: 4 x (3 minutes fast, 3 minutes slow). For the next few weeks we will do similar training, over shorter distances.

The October 2010 issue of Vetrunner is now available online - go to and click on "Vetrunner". And while you are at the website you can check out ACTVAC News.

Group Dinner: due to popular demand there will be an October group dinner. The suggestion is, back to the Phnom Penh which everybody loved, 7:00pm Tuesday 19 October. Not booked yet, any comments before we do? Pencil in the date, more information soon.

Yes I agree it is a lovely morning.

Monday, 20 September 2010

will you be viewer #100,000?

If you look at the site meter you will see we are approaching 100,000 visits. I awarded a book prize for 50,000th visit, and I will do the same for the 100,000th visit. Or the closest to 100,000 I can identify. You are welcome to monitor the site meter and put in a claim! Any such claim will be taken into consideration but my verdict will be final!  Some visitors are easy for me to identify, some not so easy. An IP address with your claim will help! “This is no joke!” as they say. It should all happen by the middle of next week, and I will put out an alert closer to the time.

What's on this week:Monday 20 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training, which will include some anaerobic work.
Wednesday 22 September: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap.
Thursday 23 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training. **note change of venue for four weeks only**.
Friday 24 September: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, "Floriade" course.
Sunday 26 September: 9:00am ACTVAC monthly handicap, Arboretum.

Happy Birthday to the lovely Heidi, 40 today. Someone on FB welcomed Heidi to her fourth decade but actually it's her fifth. I didn't really want to know that but my brain ran ahead of me. Because, it means at 62, I am in the third year of my seventh decade. And that sounds and feels really old!

What do people do when they cannot run?
All I have thought of so far is, walk? I walked 2k this morning. Go to the Physio? Planned. Swim? I might do so this week, for the first time for many years. It's my long term plan B. Cycle? Can't. Gym? Not allowed. Read? Yes, I am catching up on some reading. I am most of the way through the Complete Father Brown, I have also finished reading the Tiffany Aching stories by Terry Pratchett (Wee Free Men, etc). I have a large stockpile of unread books, should last the year easily. And while I am reading, I am not raiding the pantry and getting fat(ter). This is my third month out of action....

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Sydney marathon

Marathon: 1,017th Craig Davis 3:49.02. 113th in the M40s!

Half Marathon: 2,327th Bronwyn Calver 1:54.30. 45th in the W40s.

In the marathon, Norma Wallett ran 5:26.24. Pretty good for a W75!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

marathon - a contact sport!

The Sydney Running Festival is on tomorrow - Bronwyn will be running the Half Marathon, and Craig will be running his maiden Marathon. It looks like it will be a great day for it.

Steve reports that Pam Muston and Kerrie Bremner had great runs at Glasshouse:
"Well done Pam at Glasshouse, 1st female, in an excellent time of 21 hrs 52 mins for over 100 miles ( 161 or more kms) of trail running, on a big variety of tracks, hills, night time & heat. That will get you into Badwater for sure.
And well done to Kerrie B in the 100 kms, 12 hrs 45 mins over the same course & holding back to captain the womens team at the World 100 km event in Gibraltar on 10th Nov. Well done girls."

More on that famous Boston marathon:
"Tom, my 235-pound boyfriend came to the rescue and smacked Jock with a cross body block and Jock went flying through the air"... from "Life is for Participating", a chapter about Kathrine taken from the book "The Spirit of the Marathon", by Gail Waesche Kislevitz, and published by Breakaway Books, 2002. The full text of this chapter can be found at

Friday, 17 September 2010

maintaining the purity of the sport of distance running

Kathrine Switzer - although not the first woman to complete the Boston Marathon - that was Roberta "Bobbi" Gibb who ran unofficially in 1966 and clocked 3:27:17 - was the first woman to run the race with an official number issued by the Boston Athletic Association. Entered only as "K.V. Switzer" in 1967, her ruse was discovered by a race official, Jock Semple, whose attempt to bodily remove her from the course was captured in this now-famous photo.

"Forty years ago April 19, Jock Semple tried to throw me out of the Boston Marathon because I was a woman", said Switzer, when she was launching her biography three years ago. "In the few years since then, women's running has grown to the point where there are now more women participating in races than men, and the women marathoners have become the biggest stars of the sport. This is nothing short of a social revolution and it has been a privilege being a part of making it happen; my memoir reflects much of this inspiring history."

These men thought they were "maintaining the purity of the sport of distance running" by banning women. To think this happened in my lifetime; how embarrassing! And there are still a few ancient marathoners, all much older than me I hope, who appear to remain resentful of the fact that women are such good long distance runners, and who prefer the old times when it was a men-only sport.

Kathrine Switzer's biography is called "Marathon Woman: Running the Race to Revolutionize Women's Sports". I should order it from Amazon one day...  There was also (I think) a Bobbi Gibb biography called "Good Girls Don't Run", and another called "To Boston With Love", but they are presumably out of print.

Training at Parliament House last night. There were eleven at our first Thursday PH training:  Andrew, Brett, Cathy, Colleen, Craig, me, Jennifer, Joel, Kym, Nadine & Yelena. We repeated Monday's effort. All but Colleen had run on Monday as well. Once again the women ran strongly with Nadine, Kym & Jennifer covering the most ground for the 30 minute session. A strong wind was blowing above the house on the hill but we were well sheltered.

Next week, both Monday and Thursday at Parliament House, we commence some anaerobic training as a lead-up to track, which starts in only four weeks' time.

Results: speedygeese at the BBQ Stakes on Wednesday 15/9
Gary 26:27
Helen 27:47
Kerrie 30:15
Vicky 30:56
Caroline 39:49

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Speedygeese in the Fun Run

Canberra Times 10k Fun Run results

149 40:59 Katie Forestier in winning team W40-49

161 41:18 Liz Bennett

204 42:28 Michelle Wells

217 42:44 Emma Adams

242 43:08 Gary Bowen

247 43:14 Nadine Morrison
277 43:43 Debbie Cowell winner W50-59
288 43:51 Ken White
324 44:22 Jennifer Bright
329 44:26 Brett Morrison
376 44:54 Yili Zhu in winning team M40-49
377 44:58 Charlie McCormack in winning team W40-49
391 45:10 Warrick Howieson
401 45:19 Amanda Walker in winning team W40-49
414 45:27 Craig Davis
419 45:32 Maria O'Reilly
449 45:59 Andy Matthews
454 46:04 Kylie Malone
519 46:44 Kathy Sims
619 47:36 Bronwyn Calver
653 47:55 Victoria Hennig
660 47:58 William Chin
663 48:00 Graeme Patrick
749 48:37 Colleen Koh
941 50:38 Katherine Sheppard
1018 51:27 Rae Palmer
1198 53:10 Cathy Montalto
1199 53:10 Caroline Campbell
1221 53:29 Christopher Lang
1266 53:51 Miranda Rawlinson
1267 53:53 Adam Robinson
1323 54:21 Mick Charlton
1379 54:53 Kerrie Tanner
1381 54:53 Sam Wright
1529 56:23 Ruth Baussmann in winning team W60+
1603 56:59 Margaret McSpadden in winning team W60+
3133 official finishers

Here's part of what's in the next Vetrunner:

• A good training group is characterised by friendship and by healthy relationships.

• A good training group gets together regularly for social events, not just for exercise.

• Mutual support is a way of life in such a group. There is often someone in the group who is disappointed, injured, tired or just plain overworked. A good training group supports such a person.

• A good training group sees new people joining it constantly. It is an open group, not a closed group.

• A good training group sees experienced athletes passing on knowledge and wisdom to newcomers.

• A good training group contains generous people, mature enough to contribute to others’ improvement as much as or more than their own.

• A good training group wants to celebrate the achievements of any group member.

• Each person is a student, and any person can be a teacher by contributing their experiences.

• In a good training group there is a clear understanding of the purpose of each training session.

• There are realistic expectations for performance outcomes.

• The group is attractive: people who are not in the group like what they see and want to join.

• Good communication is a key feature of a good group.

• The commitment of members to their group grows from their desire to participate in the group, rather than from any external pressures. 

• And of course, each person’s fitness and health is enhanced by being part of such a group.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Speedygeese count

Yes they do!

Counting the speedygeese
On my reckoning there are 89 "core" speedygeese. These are the ones on my main email list plus the few I don't have email addresses for. I also have a secondary email list of 35 former speedygeese, those to stay in touch with even though they have left. This is not including a handful of Facebook folk who have joined the speedygeese group there. And if you add in the very many former members which I could not possibly count, this means we are a very large group of people who may be called "speedygeese". Then there's you, the regular reader of this blog. You're in good company!

Customs 8k result from Friday 10 September. (Floriade course)
Bronwyn 25:30, Caroline 30:10

Counting the years
Happy Birthday Leanne 39 yesterday, and
Happy Birthday Kylie 38 tomorrow
You make me feel so old, you are both younger than my son Nathan. Kylie is younger than my daughter Loani, too.

There are a whole swag of speedygeese birthdays next week. The biggest? Heidi 40 on Monday, Neil 60 on Wednesday.

The Count

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

nothing, sadly

“Nothing, sadly” is a classic quote from Red Dwarf Series 8, episode 2. Only those who have seen the series will understand. It is also the answer to a question you might ask me, "what running are you doing at present?"

Catching up on training session reports from when I was away:
Monday 16 August. Christopher, Jennifer and Craig ran early. Joined by Neil, Helen, Kerrie, Yelena, Joel, Richard, Brett, Nadine. They did the Parliament House flag pole drill for 30 min. It was very wet in the north west corner and most of them ended up tip toeing the last few meters particularly as it got dark. Jodie and Bronwyn did the same session but started and left early for football training.

Thursday 19 August. Craig ran early, then joined by Brett and Nadine, but the ovals at Dickson were closed so they did a warm up lap then a 5k lap of Downer.

Monday 23 August. Jennifer and Craig ran early. Joined by Neil, Helen, Andrew, Jodie, Joel, Kerrie, Yelena and Bronwyn. The flag pole area was still too wet so they did the warm up lap followed by 30 min of 3 person relay around the rose garden. One lap hard followed by a recovery lap. Then the warm down lap.
Thanks Craig!

And now for last night at Parliament House. In attendance were Andrew, Brett M, Bronwyn, Caroline, Cathy, Craig, Garry, me (injured, just watched), Helen, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kelley, Kerrie, Kym, Maria, Mick H, Miranda (early run only), Nadine, Neil, Richard, Ruth, Sam, Warrick & Yelena. (26). Not a bad turn-out for the day after the Canberra Times fun Run. The session was the Rose Garden / north-east 200m run, sprinting alongside the road and recovering back down to the Rose Garden and up the steps. Up front, while Joel & Brett took off every 2:30, the others made it a continuous run and Helen, Jennifer & Nadine covered the most ground. Go the girls!

This Thursday we repeat the session (weather permitting) at the same location - let's see if we can go further and/or faster! and then we start a few weeks of anaerobic training as the track season approaches. This is particularly for the 800m runners and I expect to have two training options, but others who don't race such short distances will definitely benefit from it.

emails: I have just reviewed the speedygeese contact list and have (a) found that somehow quite a few regulars had dropped off the list, I don't know how that has happened, (b) added new names and made the list up to  80 (c) created a secondary list of people who have moved away or have dropped out.  I will use the new contact list this morning to remind people of the change of venue for the next four Thursdays. If you don't receive the email and want to be added to the contact list please let me know.

I have no email address for 
Brett L (I guess he doesn't have one yet and his dad Rod's email address will suffice!)
Caroline (Did a little birdy whisper that she's acquired one recently?)
Gabriel (New, I must remember to ask him when he turns up again)
Karen (I haven't seen her all winter, and have no contact details, she was keen to train for the 800m)
Kym (I can ask when I see her next)
Marlon (Hasn't joined us for a while now)
Sam (I am sure Kerrie knows her email!)
Any help with these or other emails appreciated. Send me an email if you know a missing email address. (My email address is in my blogger profile; or for that matter, with entries in the Comment Box!)

Monday, 13 September 2010

calm before the...

Yesterday saw an excellent Canberra Times Fun run by all accounts, with results expected to be published on Thursday. There has been lovely spring weather so far today too, it's great to be outdoors. Make the most of it! I see the forecast maximum for tomorrow is only ten, rain is forecast all day Wednesday, and for Thursday we are advised it will be "very windy".

What's on this week:
Monday 13 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Wednesday 15 September: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap.
Thursday 16 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training. **note change of venue for four weeks only**.
Friday 17 September: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, "Floriade" course.
Saturday 18 September: 8am Metro runners meet at Acton Ferry Terminal for a short run.
Sunday 19 September: 8:00am I plan to go out to Stromlo Forest Park and check out the surface. But only if my injury is better and I can jog.
Sunday 19 September: 12:00 noon High Noon Meet at the AIS Athletic Track, Bruce.

Once there was an "Arboretum Fun Run" on the calendar for Sunday but it seems to have disappeared. However Steve has organised an Arboretum familiarisation run there at 10:15am also on Sunday. Gates open at 10:00am.

Also on Sunday there is the Torrens Spring Fling, a fundraiser from Torrens Shops, 8:30am for a 9:30 start.

CTFR video

Thanks Ewen!

And remember: speedygeese training is at Parliament House on both Monday and Thursday, for four weeks.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Saturday, 11 September 2010

another reminder

Training alert
Because Dickson ovals are now closed until the end of the year, we will be at Parliament House for the next four weeks on both Mondays and Thursdays.
The Parliament House routine is:
4:30pm 8k run
5:30pm warm-up for interval training

Nadine and I at Mount Taylor

Brett the apprentice

Friday, 10 September 2010


No gym for me today - I went, looked at the circuit that was set up there, and decided my hamstring wouldn't survive the exercises.

Last night at Dickson, and it is going to be the last night until April 2011, Craig ran early; I turned up later and shuffled around the track but for me it wasn't going to happen. Warrick turned up & didn't run either; no size ten shoes! Rain started very gently at six-ish but by then we had started training; three relay teams of of three running 12 x 220m each. Running were Bronwyn, Colleen, Craig, Jodie, Nadine, Neil, Ruth, Susan & Yelena. Joel after a bit longer warm-up ran some 100m run-throughs. By the time we finished, (a) we were soaked, (b) we outnumbered the Bilbys three to one, and (c) we learned that Dickson track was to be closed immediately so we would have to find another venue.

Only five weeks to track at the AIS; in the interim we will meet at Parliament House on Thursdays as well as Mondays. My plan is to do the same as Mondays and meet at 4:30pm for an early 8k run.

There might have been rain last night but it was fine and sunny for the Vets handicap last month at Mt Taylor.

let my feet hit the ground, running, woh-oh-oh-oh

Neil, Maria

so far so good. now let's conquer this hill.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


Results BBQ Stakes 6k Wednesday 1 September
Helen Larmour 28:30
Kerrie Tanner 29:46
Geoff Moore 32:02
Caroline Campbell 36:30

Customs 5k Friday 3 September
Yili Zhu 22:09
Geoff Moore 23:29
Bronwyn Calver 23:35
Caroline Campbell 30:09

High Noon Meet Sunday 5 September
Garry Maher competed in the sprints after returning from holidays... I didn't see any other speedygeese in the results.

I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again
ISIRTA was/is my favourite radio program. Broadcast in the 1960's. Pictured are a very young Bill Oddie, John Cleese, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Jo Kendall, Graeme Garden, and David Hatch. Three of these went on to become the Goodies, being replayed on ABC2 currently, goodie goodie! Those were the days, after all.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

end of the line

Training at Parliament House last night saw 22 people - just one short of last week's roll-up - come along for a session of 12 x 40 seconds on two minutes, the version on the west side which alternates direction from the top of the steps above the little oval. Present were Andrew, Brett, Bronwyn, Christopher, Craig, Damian, Emma, Ewen, Garry, me, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kelley, Kym, Mick C, Nadine, Neil, Noeline, Richard, Ruth & Yelena. Everyone enjoyed their running except me, for whom it was a day I'd rather forget. A series of unfortunate incidents culminated with me re-injuring my hamstring, which puts me out of action indefinitely I fear. The last straw was a ton of bricks, I don't see myself being able to resume running any time soon. A milder injury sustained in the cross country championships put me out for ten days and even then the return to running proved to be too early.

Regardless it was great to see another large group of enthusiastic runners, especially the return of Garry and Noeline from their extensive holiday. They found it a little cooler than they may have wished, given that the track season is coming soon. The track we used this time was a bit tricky to run on in the twilight until the lights brightened, but there are other options for next time.

So for most of us it will be a great spring but for yours truly it appears to be the end of the line.

Monday, 6 September 2010


What's on this week:
Monday 6 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Wednesday 8 September: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap.
Thursday 9 September: Dickson 4:00pm long run; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Friday 10 September: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, "Floriade" course.
Sunday 12 September: 8:00am I plan to go out to Stromlo Forest Park and check out the surface.
Sunday 12 September: 9:45am Canberra Times Fun Run.
Do we have speedygeese training if it is raining?
  • Monday training at Parliament House is always on. The only exception is if we are having a group dinner on a Monday, which might happen once or twice a year.
  • Thursday training is only cancelled if ACT Sports Grounds are closed. This is less often than people might think, and I usually turn up for the early run anyway.
  • Thursday Vets track is rarely cancelled, Conditions are often OK despite rain. There would have to be lightning everywhere, or floods, for events to be cancelled.
  • Training at Stromlo Forest Park, 8am Sunday mornings, will always be on, for the weeks there is no Sunday morning race. At Stromlo we can run on the road if necessary; and have a shower and get changed afterwards.
In the longer term:
  • Speedygeese training will continue on Monday nights at Parliament House indefinitely. Everyone meets at 5:30pm for the warm-up but some arrive at 4:30pm for an 8k jog first.
  • Meanwhile Thursday nights at Dickson (the 400m track on Antill Street) also starts at 5:30pm for the warm-up and a few hardy souls start early and run about 12k up through Majura/Ainslie first, starting at 4:00pm.
  • Thursday training will continue there at Dickson until ACTVAC track starts, scheduled to be 14 October, but I am going to replace the Dickson session with an 8:00am Sunday morning session at Stromlo Forest Park, starting on 17 October.
  • The Stromlo sessions should continue until March or April unless we decide to move them to Pialligo like we did last summer. Which we could well do should we tire of the surface and/or the lack of shade at Stromlo.
Anyone is welcome to join the speedygeese!
Recent Results of interest
World Mountain Running Championships, Slovenia (see
Women’s 8.5k
42 Vanessa HAVERD 58:26
(the winner ran 49:30)
Men’s 12k
49 Scott MCTAGGART 1:03:57
(the winner ran 56:25)

Wolverhampton Marathon
Roger Pilkington

Sunday, 5 September 2010

barefoot in Stromlo Forest Park

I was going to run there barefoot today, but I have deferred it. All parks are waterlogged and windswept today. My plan is to wait because it is bound to be better weather next week: and that is as long as I will be deferring it for; while you are all out running the Canberra Times Fun Run, barefoot in the park is where I'll be, come hell or high water.

Barefoot on sand
I have often run on sand barefoot and even with sore achilles would suffer no further injury. However last time I ran on sand I learned a valuable lesson the hard way - I turned at seven miles - the run was along "seven mile beach" - and I developed the most severe blisters, making the return journey a case of "limp-hobble-cry". Barefoot on the beach was no longer working for me.

From "John":  "Running on sand is not bad for your feet, but if you bring one bad running habit into your beach running, then you will get injured again. I think running in the sand is great, but just as with any type of running use incremental progression. Your first run should be a very easy one – short distance, and slow speed. Build up gradually from there – even if it feels too easy for weeks. If you take the tortoise approach to fitness, you’ll find that you make much more total progress over time. [And as you have been injured] don’t do anything that causes pain."

Scrivener Dam at 5:00pm yesterday

It is many years since this much water has been seen pouring from the dam.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

crossing the line holding hands

... which is what Veng, Jeanette and I did last Saturday. Unfortunately it appears there were no cameras.

"We'll get you a tie..."

Links to be added: When I can I should add a few more links to this blog's sidebar.
e.g. Stromlo Forest Park Does anyone know where to find the booking calendar the website refers to?
e.g. TAMS sports ground closures AND 6207 5957
e.e ACTVAC Facebook page

What I am watching: Red Dwarf "Back to Earth". Now that I have watched it I understand why it is not series 9 - there is no series 9, and Back to Earth refers back to series 10 which is yet to be shot!
I have now watched "Back To Earth" twice...

Carbug from "Back to Earth"

Breaking news: breaking weather!
It is still raining, ten hours straight now with no end in sight. Good book-reading weather. I shall acquire "I Shall Wear Midnight" asap and curl up by the fire.

Friday, 3 September 2010

only about running

29 August Rieti Women's 400m Hurdles: Lauren Boden 4th in 55.48,Item,3335555173.html#.

Last night's Dickson training: we did a ten minute inverse pyramid with reverse recoveries: specifically 80secs fast/60 slow, 60 fast/40 slow, 40 fast 20 slow; 20 fast 40 slow, 40 fast 60 slow; 60 fast 80 slow, 80 fast. Then after a few minutes breather, 2 x 440, jogging 440 before each one. Present were Brett L, Brett M, Colleen, Craig, me, Joel, Maria, Michelle, Nadine, Neil, Ruth, Susan & Yelena.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Kiama, NSW

... a great place to celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

running bare

The Barefoot Running option.
There is a long running debate about whether barefoot running is good for you. Assuming we can find hazard-free surfaces to run on, should we consider running in bare feet as part of our training?

After reading many articles supporting barefoot running, and many articles warning of the hazards, I endorse the practice – in small doses.

Barefoot running strengthens the muscles of the feet, and helps develop a natural stride pattern. Running shoes have forced runners into an unnatural stride pattern, where they tend to over-stride. That’s because running shoes over-protect the heel area, encouraging the runner to land harder on the heel, whereas barefoot runners make mid-foot landings, and therefore tend to have shorter and more efficient strides.

Mid-foot landings are preferable because leg turn-over is faster, and runners’ feet can touch and go much more rapidly, minimising contact time on the ground.

The consequence for older athletes who adopt a barefoot running program, is that this might cause more problems than it solves. Years of protecting the feet with conventional running shoes means there is a good possibility that reverting to barefoot can trigger all sorts of injuries, for example achilles tendon strains, inflammation of the plantar facia, shin splints, and metatarsal problems.

This sounds serious, but remember also that running shoes have failed to prevent a whole range of running injuries, despite years of development and research.

The ideal is never to have eliminated barefoot running from your exercise regime. But, while youngsters would be advised to incorporate barefoot into their daily routine indefinitely, is it advisable for older people to do likewise?

The clear and overwhelming message from the experts, the amateurs, and everyone in between, is: take time to very very gradually adapt to barefoot. For myself, I started the process some years back by changing my running shoes to the flat and light “Nike Free” brand. There are other similar options. These manufacturers warn we should get used to their shoes by doing a lot of walking in them before starting running.

Similarly training barefoot should start with doing non-running activities barefoot. Walk around the house without shoes, then later move outdoors and start some gentle activity like walking and jogging and throwing a Frisbee around on grass. The first running sessions should be very short; think progressive, and progress slowly.

Also, don’t use this time of adapting to barefoot as a substitute for training when you are injured. It’s best to be injury free when you are making such radical changes to your training pattern and technique.

I guess there will be some readers who will launch into this and forget about the potential hazards. So, remember, beware of broken glass, bird poo, thistles, thorns and hidden objects in long grass. Monitor the feet for injury, for unusual swelling, or other damage. Let the feet recover after each barefoot run. Don’t run barefoot in the dark!

Some endorsements taken from comments on my blog :
(a) “Tokyoracer” “The first thing about barefoot running is: it feels great. When people are reluctant to try it, I say, just run 100m down and back on the grass, it will feel great. They do that and come back and say, That felt great! The second thing is, it shows you *how you should be running.* That is, midfoot striking, shorter strides, heels flicking back, and lightly, lightly. So do some 100m strides after (or before) a workout, and then—remember that feeling! I find that running on a track is also no problem - up to a few 400s or 800s. I'm sure I could do more if I did it more regularly and toughened up my feet. I think that besides improving your form it also strengthens your feet and legs, so actually the more you do, the better.”

(b) and from Ewen: “As Bob said, it does feel great, especially on grass. I did a lot of barefoot running in the 'old days' - less now, as running in my worn out old Frees feels pretty much the same as running barefoot. Pros would be using all the foot muscles when running and the light weight - lighter than the lightest racing flats. I ran my 1500 and 3000 PBs barefoot. My best recent 5k at Stromlo was also barefoot.”

So, good luck everyone. I ran all my schoolboy runs barefoot, including a 4:32 mile race on grass at the age of 16. It felt good then, it feels good now, and I feel some feedback coming on… so please let me know what your experience is.

Next, on Sundays when I am not otherwise occupied, I will be going out to Stromlo Forest Park to see if a 62 year old can resume barefoot running after a 46 year break from it. And from Sunday 17 October I will meet my training group there every week, where I plan to introduce them to small doses of barefoot. Then at some stage I will write a follow-up article to this one.