Sunday, 5 September 2010

barefoot in Stromlo Forest Park

I was going to run there barefoot today, but I have deferred it. All parks are waterlogged and windswept today. My plan is to wait because it is bound to be better weather next week: and that is as long as I will be deferring it for; while you are all out running the Canberra Times Fun Run, barefoot in the park is where I'll be, come hell or high water.

Barefoot on sand
I have often run on sand barefoot and even with sore achilles would suffer no further injury. However last time I ran on sand I learned a valuable lesson the hard way - I turned at seven miles - the run was along "seven mile beach" - and I developed the most severe blisters, making the return journey a case of "limp-hobble-cry". Barefoot on the beach was no longer working for me.

From "John":  "Running on sand is not bad for your feet, but if you bring one bad running habit into your beach running, then you will get injured again. I think running in the sand is great, but just as with any type of running use incremental progression. Your first run should be a very easy one – short distance, and slow speed. Build up gradually from there – even if it feels too easy for weeks. If you take the tortoise approach to fitness, you’ll find that you make much more total progress over time. [And as you have been injured] don’t do anything that causes pain."

Scrivener Dam at 5:00pm yesterday

It is many years since this much water has been seen pouring from the dam.