Thursday, 16 September 2010

Speedygeese in the Fun Run

Canberra Times 10k Fun Run results

149 40:59 Katie Forestier in winning team W40-49

161 41:18 Liz Bennett

204 42:28 Michelle Wells

217 42:44 Emma Adams

242 43:08 Gary Bowen

247 43:14 Nadine Morrison
277 43:43 Debbie Cowell winner W50-59
288 43:51 Ken White
324 44:22 Jennifer Bright
329 44:26 Brett Morrison
376 44:54 Yili Zhu in winning team M40-49
377 44:58 Charlie McCormack in winning team W40-49
391 45:10 Warrick Howieson
401 45:19 Amanda Walker in winning team W40-49
414 45:27 Craig Davis
419 45:32 Maria O'Reilly
449 45:59 Andy Matthews
454 46:04 Kylie Malone
519 46:44 Kathy Sims
619 47:36 Bronwyn Calver
653 47:55 Victoria Hennig
660 47:58 William Chin
663 48:00 Graeme Patrick
749 48:37 Colleen Koh
941 50:38 Katherine Sheppard
1018 51:27 Rae Palmer
1198 53:10 Cathy Montalto
1199 53:10 Caroline Campbell
1221 53:29 Christopher Lang
1266 53:51 Miranda Rawlinson
1267 53:53 Adam Robinson
1323 54:21 Mick Charlton
1379 54:53 Kerrie Tanner
1381 54:53 Sam Wright
1529 56:23 Ruth Baussmann in winning team W60+
1603 56:59 Margaret McSpadden in winning team W60+
3133 official finishers

Here's part of what's in the next Vetrunner:

• A good training group is characterised by friendship and by healthy relationships.

• A good training group gets together regularly for social events, not just for exercise.

• Mutual support is a way of life in such a group. There is often someone in the group who is disappointed, injured, tired or just plain overworked. A good training group supports such a person.

• A good training group sees new people joining it constantly. It is an open group, not a closed group.

• A good training group sees experienced athletes passing on knowledge and wisdom to newcomers.

• A good training group contains generous people, mature enough to contribute to others’ improvement as much as or more than their own.

• A good training group wants to celebrate the achievements of any group member.

• Each person is a student, and any person can be a teacher by contributing their experiences.

• In a good training group there is a clear understanding of the purpose of each training session.

• There are realistic expectations for performance outcomes.

• The group is attractive: people who are not in the group like what they see and want to join.

• Good communication is a key feature of a good group.

• The commitment of members to their group grows from their desire to participate in the group, rather than from any external pressures. 

• And of course, each person’s fitness and health is enhanced by being part of such a group.