Tuesday, 14 September 2010

nothing, sadly

“Nothing, sadly” is a classic quote from Red Dwarf Series 8, episode 2. Only those who have seen the series will understand. It is also the answer to a question you might ask me, "what running are you doing at present?"

Catching up on training session reports from when I was away:
Monday 16 August. Christopher, Jennifer and Craig ran early. Joined by Neil, Helen, Kerrie, Yelena, Joel, Richard, Brett, Nadine. They did the Parliament House flag pole drill for 30 min. It was very wet in the north west corner and most of them ended up tip toeing the last few meters particularly as it got dark. Jodie and Bronwyn did the same session but started and left early for football training.

Thursday 19 August. Craig ran early, then joined by Brett and Nadine, but the ovals at Dickson were closed so they did a warm up lap then a 5k lap of Downer.

Monday 23 August. Jennifer and Craig ran early. Joined by Neil, Helen, Andrew, Jodie, Joel, Kerrie, Yelena and Bronwyn. The flag pole area was still too wet so they did the warm up lap followed by 30 min of 3 person relay around the rose garden. One lap hard followed by a recovery lap. Then the warm down lap.
Thanks Craig!

And now for last night at Parliament House. In attendance were Andrew, Brett M, Bronwyn, Caroline, Cathy, Craig, Garry, me (injured, just watched), Helen, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kelley, Kerrie, Kym, Maria, Mick H, Miranda (early run only), Nadine, Neil, Richard, Ruth, Sam, Warrick & Yelena. (26). Not a bad turn-out for the day after the Canberra Times fun Run. The session was the Rose Garden / north-east 200m run, sprinting alongside the road and recovering back down to the Rose Garden and up the steps. Up front, while Joel & Brett took off every 2:30, the others made it a continuous run and Helen, Jennifer & Nadine covered the most ground. Go the girls!

This Thursday we repeat the session (weather permitting) at the same location - let's see if we can go further and/or faster! and then we start a few weeks of anaerobic training as the track season approaches. This is particularly for the 800m runners and I expect to have two training options, but others who don't race such short distances will definitely benefit from it.

emails: I have just reviewed the speedygeese contact list and have (a) found that somehow quite a few regulars had dropped off the list, I don't know how that has happened, (b) added new names and made the list up to  80 (c) created a secondary list of people who have moved away or have dropped out.  I will use the new contact list this morning to remind people of the change of venue for the next four Thursdays. If you don't receive the email and want to be added to the contact list please let me know.

I have no email address for 
Brett L (I guess he doesn't have one yet and his dad Rod's email address will suffice!)
Caroline (Did a little birdy whisper that she's acquired one recently?)
Gabriel (New, I must remember to ask him when he turns up again)
Karen (I haven't seen her all winter, and have no contact details, she was keen to train for the 800m)
Kym (I can ask when I see her next)
Marlon (Hasn't joined us for a while now)
Sam (I am sure Kerrie knows her email!)
Any help with these or other emails appreciated. Send me an email if you know a missing email address. (My email address is in my blogger profile; or for that matter, with entries in the Comment Box!)