Monday, 13 September 2010

calm before the...

Yesterday saw an excellent Canberra Times Fun run by all accounts, with results expected to be published on Thursday. There has been lovely spring weather so far today too, it's great to be outdoors. Make the most of it! I see the forecast maximum for tomorrow is only ten, rain is forecast all day Wednesday, and for Thursday we are advised it will be "very windy".

What's on this week:
Monday 13 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training.
Wednesday 15 September: 12:15pm BBQ Stakes 6k handicap.
Thursday 16 September: Parliament House 4:30pm 8k jog; 5:30pm speedygeese interval training. **note change of venue for four weeks only**.
Friday 17 September: 12:15pm Customs 5k handicap, "Floriade" course.
Saturday 18 September: 8am Metro runners meet at Acton Ferry Terminal for a short run.
Sunday 19 September: 8:00am I plan to go out to Stromlo Forest Park and check out the surface. But only if my injury is better and I can jog.
Sunday 19 September: 12:00 noon High Noon Meet at the AIS Athletic Track, Bruce.

Once there was an "Arboretum Fun Run" on the calendar for Sunday but it seems to have disappeared. However Steve has organised an Arboretum familiarisation run there at 10:15am also on Sunday. Gates open at 10:00am.

Also on Sunday there is the Torrens Spring Fling, a fundraiser from Torrens Shops, 8:30am for a 9:30 start.

CTFR video

Thanks Ewen!

And remember: speedygeese training is at Parliament House on both Monday and Thursday, for four weeks.